CJU „EHF radiospectroscopy” includes:

1. Vector Network Analyzer:

Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A.


Frequency band – 50 MHz- 40 GHz

Maximum output power – +3 dBm

Dynamic range- 100 dB

Detailed description of options of NA 5230A can be find in Operating Manual (PNAHelp_487_7_Rus.chm)

Kits of associated elements for Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A

1.1. Standard coaxial cables for frequency band 50 MHz- 40 GHz and the standard calibration kit.

1.2. Waveguide-coaxial adopters (performed in IRE NASU) for waveguides of metric standard for the following frequency bands:

1.2.1.=8 mm (f=32-40 GHz);  -7.2 mm 3.6 mm;

1.2.2.=10 mm (f=16-26 GHz);   -11 mm 5.5 mm;

1.2.3.=30 mm (f=8-15 GHz);    -23 mm 10 mm;

1.3. Coaxial-coaxial adopters Coaxial-coaxial adopters:

1.3.1. standard “Pastenak” (Agilent ), 2.4 mm – standard “Pishta”

1.3.2. standard “Pastenak” (Agilent ) 2.4 mm – standard “SMA”

1.3. Kit of waveguide elements of metric standard (8 mm è 30 mm bands)

2. Radiospectroscopy experimental units/complexes

for the researches with usage of methods of magnetic and non-magnetic EHF-spectroscopy in the frequency band 10 GHz-150 GHz; temperature diapason 0.3 K-300 K and at static magnetic fields up to 7.5 T.

Detailed information is presented in web-sites of IRE NASU:

(http://www.ire.kharkov.ua/Radiospectroscopy/index.htm, http://www.ire.kharkov.ua)