On this page, we have collected publications starting 2019 of young scientists and graduates of the Institute to demonstrate the high level of the research conducted by our young scientists and graduates. We are proud of them! All cited publications are indexed by Scopus (https://www.scopus.com/).
- Magnetodrag in the hydrodynamic regime: Effects of magnetoplasmon resonance and Hall viscosity
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.100.115401 - Resonant absorption of terahertz waves in layered superconductors: Wood’s anomalies and anomalous dispersion
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.101.024504 - Optical Sensing of Electron-Beam Position With Twin Silver Nanotube Antenna Tuned to Hybrid Surface Plasmon Resonance
https://doi.org/10.1109/JSTQE.2020.3024114 - Visible light from modulated electron beam moving between twin circular silver nanowires forming plasmonic photonic molecule
https://doi.org/10.1088/2040-8986/ab65d8 - Electron-beam excitation of supermodes of a photonic molecule built on twin high refractive index dielectric nanowires
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5095722 - Controlling Surface States of Planar Metamaterial Based on Moire Effect
https://doi.org/10.2528/PIERM19060708 - Experimental verification of Faraday rotation enhancement by all-ferrodielectric metasurface
https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSAB.36.000261 - Determination Of Constitutive Parameters Of Fe3O4Nanoparticles in Water Solution with Stabilizer
https://doi.org/10.1615/TELECOMRADENG.VI18.60 - Experimental observation of tunable Wood type resonances in an all-ferrodielectric periodical metasurface
https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.402936 - Compact radiation module for THz spectroscopy using 300 GHz continuous-wave clinotron
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5064796 - Effect of Electron Beam Velocity Spread in a Clinotron
DOI: 1109/TED.2019.2891547 - Spectral Characteristics of THz CW Clinotrons
DOI: 1109/TED.2020.3032940 - Calibration and Validation of the TEMPEST-D CubeSat Radiometer
DOI: 1109/TGRS.2020.3018999 - Correlation function inadequacy in random-sequence entropy measures
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.102.022119 - Catastrophe theory in the phenomenological description of the avalanche effect in dc-biased microwave HTSC transmission lines
https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0000867 - Continuous stochastic processes with nonlocal memory
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.100.052141 - To the Phenomenological theory of Avalanche-Like Effect in Dc-Biased Microwave Nonlinear HTS Transmission Line
- https://doi.org/10.15407/ujpe64.10.962
- Correlation properties of the random linear high-order Markov chains
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2019.121477 - Thickness dependences of structural and magnetic properties of Ni(Co)MnSn/MgO(001) thin films
DOI: 1016/j.jallcom.2020.158474 - Engineered magnetization and exchange stiffness in direct-write Co–Fe nanoelements
DOI: 1063/5.0036361 - Dynamical behaviour of ultrathin [CoFeB (tCoFeB)/Pd] films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
DOI: 1038/s41598-020-79632-0 - Correction to Simulation of Chemical Order-Disorder Transitions Induced Thermally at the Nanoscale for Magnetic Recording and Data Storage
DOI: 1021/acsanm.0c02940 - Simulation of Chemical Order–Disorder Transitions Induced Thermally at the Nanoscale for Magnetic Recording and Data Storage
DOI: 1021/acsanm.0c01281 - Spin-Wave Relaxation by Eddy Currents in Y3Fe5O12/Pt Bilayers and a Way to Suppress It
DOI: 1103/physrevapplied.14.024094 - Reflection-less width-modulated magnonic crystal
DOI: 1038/s42005-020-0281-y - Spin-wave spectroscopy of individual ferromagnetic nanodisks
DOI: 1039/D0NR07015G - Route to form skyrmions in soft magnetic films
DOI: 1063/1.5093371 - Spin-Wave Phase Inverter upon a Single Nanodefect
DOI: 1021/acsami.9b02717
Magnetic properties of permalloy antidot array fabricated by interference lithography
DOI: 10.1063/1.5080111 - Portable 2.0-2.5 GHz Oscillator- Detector Unit For Liquids Identification by Planar Photonic Crystal Technique
https://doi.org/10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v78.i9.70 - Accumulation of Fourier Component Phases during Observation of an Object with an Orbital Telescope
DOI: 10.3103/s0884591320010031 - Optical diffraction radiation from a dielectric and a metal nanowire excited by a modulated electron beam
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11082-018-1741-4 - Low-Voltage Operation of the Double-Beam Gyrotron at 400 GH
DOI: 1109/TED.2019.2957873 - H-polarized plane-wave scattering by a PEC strip grating on top of a dielectric substrate: analytical regularization based on the Riemann-Hilbert Problem solution
https://doi.org/10.1080/09205071.2020.1722258 - Anomalous dispersion of oblique terahertz waves localized in the plate of a layered superconductor
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5116536 - Studies of eosin Y – DNA interaction using a competitive binding assay
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.saa.2020.119114 - Binding Parameters of Magnetite Nanoparticles Interaction with Anticancer Drug Doxorubicin
DOI: 10.1007/s12668-019-00614-2 - Negative refraction of plane electromagnetic waves in non-uniform double-negative media
https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.44.001125 - The Construction of Conforming-to-shape Truss Lattice Structures via 3D Sphere Packing
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cad.2020.102962 - The effect of heat treatment on the temperature dependence of the ferromagnetic resonance in nanoparticles ZnFe2O4
DOI: 10.15407/fm26.02.284
- Comparative Analysis of Classic Computer Vision Methods and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Floor Segmentation
DOI: 10.1109/DSMP47368.2020.9204339 - Light-Weight Tracker for Sports Applications
DOI: 10.1109/SPS.2019.8882016 - Compact THz Continuous-Wave Clinotron Oscillators
DOI: 1109/IRMMW-THz.2019.8874578 - Application of Clinotron Scheme for THz Traveling-Wave-Tubes
DOI: 1109/IRMMW-THz.2019.8873690 - THz Imaging System Based on Frequency-Tunable 140 GHz Clinotron and Quasi-Optical Antenna
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252570 - Technique for Tuning a Phased Array Antenna of Airborne Radars of Small-Sized Aircrafts
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252586 - Possibilities of Numerical Modeling of Nonlinear Phenomena in HTSC Waveguide Lines
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252598 - Experimental Implementation of Non-uniformity Effects in Artificial Media : (Invited)
DOI: 1109/CAOL46282.2019.9019487 - Microwave Investigation of Greigite Nanoparticles Magnetic Properties
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252581 - Metamaterial Cell for Detection of Complex Permittivity Inhomogeneities
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252769 - Outdoor Mapping Framework: from Images to 3D Model
DOI: 1109/SPS.2019.8882019 - Modelling of Phase Distortion in Earth Atmosphere with a Correlated Random Field
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252580 - Modelling of Phase Distortions in Astronomical Imaging: Considering Real Conditions
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252726 - Near Fields of Twin Circular Silver Nanotubes Exited by Electron Beam Moving between Them
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252775 - Full-Wave Modeling of Beam Position Monitors on Silver Nanowires and Nanotubes: Analysis of Solution Convergence
DOI: 1109/ELNANO50318.2020.9088831 - Electromagnetic Design of Beam Position Monitor Based on Diffraction Radiation from Twin Dielectric Nanowires
DOI: 23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135642 - Bright and Dark Supermodes of Twin Dielectric Nanowire Photonic Molecule Excited by a Modulated Electron Beam
DOI: 1109/COMCAS44984.2019.8958106 - Optical Range Diffraction Radiation of Electron Beam in the Presence of Twin Circular Dielectric Nanowires
DOI: 23919/EuMC.2019.8910756 - Optical Resonances of Photonic Molecule of Twin High Refractive Index Dielectric Nanowires Excited by Modulated Electron Beam
DOI: 1109/UKRCON.2019.8879854 - Low-Voltage Adiabatic Magnetron Injection Gun for 400 GHz Gyrotron
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252629 - THz Clinotron Operating in New Regime of Hybrid Surface-Volume Mode with Wide Frequency Tuning Range
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252641 - THz Cherenkov Oscillator with Surface-Radiating Modes
DOI: 1109/IRMMW-THz.2019.8874184 - Waveguide Millimeter Wave Measurement Cell with Minimum Reflection Coefficient for Complex Permittivity Determination of Bioactive Liquids
DOI: 1109/DIPED.2019.8882593 - Frequency Spectrum and Electromagnetic Fields Distribution in Cavity Microwave Resonator with Metal Pins Inside
DOI: 1109/DIPED.2019.8882604 - Single Resonant Type Tool for Measuring the Solid Dielectrics with a Wide Dielectric Constant Interval and Extra Small Losses in L-band
DOI: 1109/APACE47377.2019.9020792 - Frequency Domain Simulation Method for Electromagnetic Oscillations in Non-concentric Layered Ball Resonator
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252595 - Comparison of the Electromagnetic Fields Distribution for Resonant Frequencies in Cavity Cylindrical Microwave Resonator with Metal Rods
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252619 - EPR Spectrum Formation Mechanism of the Iron-Doped ZnSe
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252690 - Ferromagnetic Resonance Features in Biological Objects Agaricus bisporus
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252731 - Convergence Study for the Method of Analytical Regularization Applied to the E- Plane-Wave Scattering from a PEC Strip Grating on a Dielectric Substrate
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252817 - Fano-Shape Lattice-Mode Resonances and Near Fields in the E-Polarized Wave Scattering by a PEC Strip Grating on a Dielectric Substrate
DOI: 1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252790 - Method of Analytical Regularization Based on the Static Part Inversion in the H-Wave Scattering by a PEC Strip Grating on Top of a Dielectric Substrate
DOI: 1109/COMCAS44984.2019.8958263 - Plane-Wave Scattering by a PEC Strip Grating on Top of a Dielectric Substrate: Basic Equations, Regularization, and Convergence
DOI: 1109/UKRCON.2019.8880014