Head : Apostolov Stanislav Sergeevich
Head of the department №24
Dr.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics
Tel. + 38-(057)-7634-331
E-mail : stapos@ukr.net
Scholar Google Profile, Scopus AuthorID, ResearcherID, ORCID


The subjects of research

  • High-frequency electromagnetic and acoustic phenomena in metals
  • Theory of transport electromagnetic phenomena in semiconductors
  • Theory of propagation of electromagnetic waves in solid state plasma
  • Propagation of linear and non-linear sound waves
  • Theory of propagation and diffraction of waves in randomly inhomogeneous media and scattering of radio waves on statistically uneven interfaces
  • Nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena in metals
  • Theory of electromagnetic and acoustic waves in low-dimensional disordered metals
  • Nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena in hard superconductors
  • Localization phenomena in disordered classical and quantum systems
  • Propagation of nonlinear waves and solitons
  • Linear and nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena in layered superconductors
  • Theory of random discrete systems with long-range correlations
  • Theory of electromagnetic phenomena in graphenes and other low-dimensional quantum systems
  • Resonance phenomena in metals associated with the excitation of localized eigenmodes
  • Quantum phenomena in the interaction of electromagnetic waves with solid-state nanostructures

History of the Department

Right after the creation of IRE its first director, Alexander Yakovlevich Usikov, started issuing job offers to theoretical physicists and mathematicians, graduates of the physics and mathematics departments of Karazin University. At that time in Kharkiv there were only three doctors of science majoring in theoretical physicists: A. I. Akhiezer, I. M. Lifshits and V. L. German. One of them, Veniamin Leontievich German, was asked by Alexander Yakovlevich to lead the department of theoretical physics.

At first glance, the idea of such a department might look not very understandable. The school of theoretical physics organized in our state by L. D. Landau at that time was focused mostly on fundamental problems, which were in general far from the problems of radiophysical science. Besides, the approach to the solution of a theoretical physicist and radiophysicist are quite different. Nevertheless, according to A. Ya. Usikov, the communication between the representatives of these two different “scientific cultures” must lead to the creation of new scientific directions.

And indeed, newly graduated representatives of the department of theoretical physics of the Karazin University (Kharkiv State University at that time) such as V. P. Shestopalov, E. A. Kaner, F. G. Bass, V. M. Kontorovich, etc, recruited to work at IRE, soon actively participated in the researched carried out at the Institute as well as suggested a number of new scientific directions.

It is important to point out the role of Prof. Emanuil Aizikovich Kaner in the department establishment. E. A. Kaner was one of the brightest representatives of the theoretical school of Ilya Mikhailovich Lifshits. The most important research of E. A. Kaner is related to the theory of plasma phenomena in metals. Thanks to the discovery of cyclotron resonance and other of his works in this field, there happened the reconsideration of the conventional idea about metals as a media in which the propagation of electromagnetic radiation is impossible. E. A. Kaner predicted the existence of different types of such oscillations which are able to penetrate inside the metal on a considerable depth, discovered new mechanism of their absorption (known as Landau magnetic attenuation), developed theoretical concept of single particle ballistic mechanism of the anomalous transparency of metals.

E. A. Kaner was one of the first scientists who started the research on magnetic acoustics of metals. He predicted acoustic cyclotron and helicon-phonon resonances, resonance in open orbits, giant quantum oscillations of the speed of sound, strong non-adiabatic effects in electron-phonon interaction, theoretical foundations of magnetic acoustoelectronics of metals on Rayleigh waves were developed.

He made an important contribution into the development of the instability and propagation problem of waves in semiconducting and gas-discharge plasma – E. A. Kaner predicted helical instability of coupled sound and spiral electromagnetic waves, developed theory of cyclotron parametric instability of a new type in semiconductors.

The fruitful scientific ideas of E. A. Kaner found their application in statistic theory of radiowaves propagation in turbulent troposphere and waves scattering on hydrometeors, in radiolocation, and other areas of modern radiophysics. During the last years of his life, E. A. Kaner actively studied magnetically doped waves in metals, some problems of magnetic breakdown, acoustic properties of low dimentional disordered systems, nonlinear electrodynamics of metals and semiconductors.

After the death of E. A. Kaner, since 1986 the theoretical physics department was led by one of the his talented disciples – Nikolay Mikhailovich Makarov, from 2001 till 2019 the department was led by another talented disciple of E. A. Kaner – Valeriy Aleksandrovich Yampol'skiy. Currently, the department is led by the disciple of V. A. Yampol'skiy – S. S. Apostolov.

More than two decades E. A. Kaner was teaching, being professor at Kharkiv State University. The cooperation between the theoretical physics department of IRE and Kharkiv National University are still being active. The department employees (V.A. Yampolsky, S.S. Apostolov, T.N. Rokhmanova) have teaching activities, supervise the diploma and master works. This ensures the succession of the department traditions. Before and now at the department works many talented young researchers.

Main results of all-time

High-frequency electromagnetic and acoustic phenomena in metals This direction was led by E.A. Kaner (1955 - 1986), N.M. Makarov (1986 - 1998), V.A. Yampolsky (2000 - present).

  •  Prediction and construction of the theory of cyclotron resonance in metals (Azbel M.Ya. and Kaner E.A., 1956)
  • Construction of the theory of acoustic cyclotron resonance in metals (Kaner E.A., 1962)
  • Construction of the theory of anomalous penetration of an electromagnetic field into metals (Azbel M.Ya. and Kaner E.A., 1963)
  • Prediction of various weakly damped electromagnetic waves in metals, in particular, cyclotron waves (Kaner E.A. and Skobov V.G., 1963)
  • Construction of the theory of surface scattering of electrons and the study of its role in the electromagnetic properties of metals (Kaner E.A., Krokhin A.A., Makarov N.M., Moroz A. and Yampolsky V.A., 1980-1995)
  • Construction of the theory of the Casimir effect in thin metal plates (Dubrava V.N., Lyubimov O.I. and Yampolsky V.A., 1999 - 2009)
  • Prediction of anomalous non-monotonic temperature dependence of the Casimir attraction force of thin metal films (Yampolsky V.A., Maizelis Z.A., Apostolov S.S., Saveliev S. and Nori F., 2007)
  • Constructing a theory of the Casimir effect for bad conductors and predicting sharp temperature changes in the Casimir force in materials demonstrating a metal-dielectric transition (Ivanov B.A., Galkina E.G., Yampolsky V.A., Saveliev S. and Nori F., 2009)
  1.  Azbel M. Ya., Kaner EA The theory of cyclotron resonance in metals // ZhETF. - 1965 .-- T. 29, no. 6. - P. 876-878.
  2. Kaner E.A. Theory of acoustic cyclotron resonance in metals // ZhETF. - 1962 .-- T. 43, no. 1. - P. 216-226.
  3. Kaner EA, Gantmakher V.F. Anomalous penetration of the electromagnetic field in metals and radiofrequency dimensional effects // UPhS. - 1968. - T. 94, no. 2. - P. 193-241.
  4. Kaner E.A., Skobov V.G. Electromagnetic waves in metals in a magnetic field // UPhS. - 1966 .-- T. 89, no. 3. - P. 367-408.
  5. Yampol'skii V. A., Savel'ev S., Mayselis Z. A., Apostolov S. S., and Franco Nori. Anomalous temperature dependence of the Casimir force for thin metal films // Phys. Lett. - 2008. - V. 101, 096803.
  1.  Diploma for discovery № 45. Cyclotron resonance in metals / Azbel M.Ya., Kaner EA .. - OT - 4272 // Discovery. Inventions 1966. - No. 19. - P. 5.
  2. Diploma for opening No. 80. Electromagnetic bursts in a conducting medium / Azbel M.Ya., Gantmakher V.F., Kaner E.A. - OT - 7163 // Discovery. Inventions 1970. - No. 18. - P. 5-6.
  3. State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR (E.A. Kaner, 1980)
Theory of transport electromagnetic phenomena in semiconductors This direction was led by F.G. Bass (1961 - 1980), F.G. Bass and Yu.G. Gurevich (1980 - 1985), Yu.G. Gurevich (1985 - 2001), I.N. Volovichev (2001 - up to the present).
  • Study of the transport of hot carriers in gas-discharge plasma and solids (Bass F.G. and Gurevich Yu.G., 1975)
  • Construction of the theory of electrodynamic phenomena in magnetic semiconductors (Bass F.G. and Oleinik I.N., 1982)
  • Construction of the theory of thermoelectric and thermomagnetic effects in limited semiconductors (Bass F.G., Bochkov V.S. and Gurevich Yu.G., 1984)
  • Study of electron-phonon interaction, the effect of electron drag in semiconductors (Gurevich Yu.G. and Mashkevich Yu.G., 1989)
  • Theory of thermoelectricity in bipolar semiconductors (Gurevich Yu.G., 1994)
  • Study of transport processes in heterostructures of radiation-resistant intrinsic semiconductors (Gurevich Yu.G. and Volovichev I.N., 1995)
  • Study of the recombination of charge carriers in bipolar semiconductors in highly nonequilibrium conditions (Volovichev IN, 2002)
  • Theory of transport processes in bipolar semiconductors and semiconductor heterostructures with nonequilibrium charge carriers (Volovichev IN, 2008)
  • Study of charge and energy transport in multicomponent systems in nonstationary conditions (Volovichev I.N., 2016)
  1. Bass F.G., Gurevich Yu.G. Hot electrons and strong electromagnetic waves in the plasma of semiconductors and gas discharge.- Moscow: Nauka, 1975.- 399p.
  2. Bass F.G., Bochkov V.S., Gurevich Yu.G. Electrons and phonons in limited semiconductors.-M .: Nauka, 1984.-288p.
  3. Gurevich Yu.G., Mashkevich O.L. The Electron-Phonon Drag and Transport Phenomena in Semiconductors. // Physics Reports.-1989. v.181, p.327-394.
  4. Gurevich Yu.G., Titov O.Yu., Logvinov G.N., Lyubimov O.I. Nature of the Thermopower in Bipolar Semiconductor. // Phys. Rev. B.-1995.- v.51, p.6999--7004.
  5. Volovichev I.N., Logvinov G.N., Titov O.Yu., Gurevich Yu.G. Recombination and lifetimes of charge carriers in semiconductors // J. Appl. Phys.-2004.-v.95, No.8.-p.4494-4496.
The theory of propagation of electromagnetic waves in solid state plasma This direction was led by V.M. Yakovenko (1964 - 1982)
  • The theory of overheating instabilities in isotropic and magnetoactive semiconductor plasma has been developed (Bass F.G., Khankina S.I. and Yakovenko V.M., 1965 - 1968)
  • The theory of instability of helicons and acoustic waves, which is caused by the drift of charged carriers in constant electric and magnetic fields, has been developed (N.N.Beletsky, Bulgakov A.A., Hankina S.I. and Yakovenko V.M., 1967 - 1976 .)
  • The existence was predicted and the properties of surface helicon and Alfvén waves in a magnetoactive plasma were analyzed (Beletsky N.N., Khankina S.I. and Yakovenko V.M., 1967 - 1985)
  • Investigation of the excitation of surface electromagnetic and sound waves by flows of charged particles crossing the interface (AA Bulgakov, SI Khankina and VM Yakovenko, 1966 - 1982)
  • A method of analysis has been developed and a theory of weakly nonlinear processes in layered-periodic semiconductor structures has been developed (AA Bulgakov, Khankina SI and Yakovenko VM, 1980 - 1986)
  • Studied turbulent phenomena and stabilization of instabilities in plasma-like media (Beletsky N.N., Bulgakov A.A., Khankina S.I. and Yakovenko V.M., 1969 - 1976)
  1. Bass F.G., Yakovenko V.M. Theory of radiation of a charge passing through an electrically inhomogeneous medium. // UFN .–1965.–T. 86, issue 2 - pp. 189–230.
  2. Bulgakov A.A., Khankina S.I., Yakovenko V.M. On the theory of weak turbulence of coupled waves in a magnetoactive plasma of a solid // ZhETF. - 1970.– T.59, issue 10.– S. 1327-1335.
  3. Bulgakov A.A., Kaner E.A., Khankina S.I., Yakovenko V.M. On the theory of overheating instability in semiconductors. // ZhETF. - 1973. – T.64, issue 1.– P. 331-340.
  4. Bulgakov A.A., Khankina S.I., Yakovenko V.M. Excitation of surface vibrations by electron beams crossing the interface between the media. // FTT.– 1976.– Vol. 18, no. 6.– P. 1568-1572.
  5. Beletsky N.N., Bulgakov A.A., Khankina S.I., Yakovenko V.M. Plasma instabilities and nonlinear phenomena in semiconductors. // Kiev: Naukova Dumka. – 1984. – 192 p.
 Propagation of linear and non-linear sound waves This direction was led by V.M. Kontorovich (1957 - 1977)
  • Solution of the problem of stability of shock waves (Kontorovich V.M., 1957)
  • Construction of the theory of elasticity of metals and solution of the problem of dispersion of the speed of sound in metals at low temperatures (Kontorovich V.M., 1963)
  • Theory of weak turbulence and sea wave spectra (Kontorovich V.M. and Katz A.V., 1971 - 1975)
  • The theory of stimulated scattering of volumetric light and sound waves on surface (capillary-gravitational, elastic) waves was developed (Kats A.V., Gavrikov V.K., Kontorovich V.M and Maslov V.V., 1968 - 1975)
  • The theory of surface self-focusing and lens effect has been developed (Kats A.V., Gavrikov V.K., Kontorovich V.M., 1968 - 1975)
  1. Kontorovich V.М. On the question of the stability of shock waves // ZhETF. - 1957 .-- T. 33 .-- P. 1525-1526.
  2. Kontorovich V.М. Equations of the theory of elasticity and dispersion of the speed of sound // ZhETF. - 1963 .-- T. 45 .-- P. 1638-1653.
  3. Gavrikov V.K., Kontorovich V.M., Katz A.V. Stimulated scattering of light by surface waves // ZhETF. - 1970 - T. 58, No. 4. - P. 1318-1331, 1970
  4. Kats A.V., Kontorovich V.M. Drift stationary solutions in the theory of weak turbulence // JETP Letters. - 1971. - T. 14, no. 6. - P. 392-395.
  5. Kats A.V., Kontorovich V.M., Moiseev S.S., Novikov V.E. Power-law solutions of the Boltzmann kinetic equation describing the propagation of particles with fluxes along the spectrum // JETP Letters. - 1975 .-- T. 21, no. 1. - P. 13-16.
 Theory of waves propagation and diffraction in randomly inhomogeneous media and scattering of radio waves on statistically uneven interfaces This direction was led by F.G. Bass, I.M. Fuchs (1955 - 1985)
  • A two-scale model of wave scattering on a statistically uneven surface was constructed, which made it possible to explain the main regularities of radar scattering of microwave radio waves on an agitated sea surface (Fuchs I.M., 1966 - 1975) and experimental data on multifrequency radar of the Moon (I.M. Fuchs, 1983 g)
  • A statistical approach has been developed to take into account shading when scattering waves on a statistically uneven surface (Bass F.G. and Fuchs I.M., 1964; Fuchs I.M., 1969)
  • The effect of amplification of backscattering of waves on a statistically uneven surface was predicted for grazing irradiation angles and the presence of strong shadows (Fuchs I.M., 1979)
  • The theory of the coherence of fluctuations of the amplitude and phase of frequency-separated signals propagating in a turbulent medium has been developed (Fuchs I.M., 1974 - 1975)
  • A theory of radio wave propagation in statistically inhomogeneous waveguides was developed, which was successfully applied to the interpretation of experimental data on the propagation of VLF radio waves in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide (Bezrodny V.G. and Fuchs I.M., 1971 - 1972), as well as to over-the-horizon propagation of microwave radio waves in the drive waveguides over the sea (Kukushkin A.V., Freilikher V.D. and Fuchs I.M., 1976 - 1983)
  • The theory of wave phase fluctuations in the presence of a turning point in a randomly stratified medium was developed (Fuchs I.M., 1973 - 1974)
  • The decisive role of metal surface roughness in the formation of the spectrum and damping of magnetic surface levels (Vilenkin A.V., Kaner E.A., Makarov N.M. and Fuchs I.M., 1969 - 1972), the viscosity of liquid He II in narrow capillaries and anomalous thermal resistance of the boundary of liquid He II with a metal (Adamenko I.N. and Fuchs I.M., 1970 - 1971)
  1. Bass F.G., Fuchs I.M. Scattering of waves on a statistically uneven surface. Moscow: Nauka, 1972, p. 461.
  2. Bass F.G., Fuchs I.M., Kalmykov A.I. et al. Very high frequency radiowave scattering by a disturbed sea surface, Pt 1, and Pt 2 // IEEE Trans. AP. - 1968. - V. 16, No 5. - PP. 554-568.
  3. Bass F.G., Freulicher V.D., and Fuchs I.M. Propagation in statistically irregular waveguides, Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 // IEEE Trans. - 1974. - V. 22, No. 2, PP. 278-295.
  4. Fuchs I.M. Amplification of backscattering from a statistically uneven surface in the presence of shading // Radiotekhn. Electronics. – 1979.– T. 21, No. 3.– PP. 633-636.
  5. Fuchs I.M. Structural function of the lunar relief from radar data // Izv. Universities, Radiophysics. - 1983. - T. 26, No. 10. - PP. 1194-1204.
Nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena in metals This direction was led by N.M. Makarov and V.A. Yampolsky (1982-2000), V.A. Yampolsky (2000 - up to the present).
  • Prediction and construction of the theory of nonlinear anomalous skin effect in metals (Lyubimov O.I., Makarov N.M. and Yampolsky V.A., 1983 - 1985)
  • Theory of current states in metals (Makarov N.M. and Yampolsky V.A., 1983)
  • Theory of the effects of magnetodynamic nonlinearity in the static conductivity of metals (Kaner E.A., Makarov N.M., Snapiro I.B. and Yampolsky V.A., 1984 - 1995)
  • Theory of nonlinear interaction of electromagnetic waves in metals (E.A. Kaner, N.M. Makarov, I.V. Yurkevich, V.A. Yampolsky, G.B. Tkachev and S.A. Derevianko, 1985 - 2001. )
  • Theory of nonlinear electromagnetic generation of sound in metals (Makarov N.M., Perez Rodriguez F. and Yampolsky V.A., 1988 - 1993)
  1. Lyubimov O.I., Makarov N.M., Yampolsky V.A. Nonlinear skin effect in metals // ZhETF. - 1983. - T. 85, no. 6 (12). - P. 2159-2170.
  2. Makarov N.M., Yampolsky V.A. Theory of "current states" in metals // ZhETF. - 1983. - T. 85, no. 2 (8). - P. 614-626.
  3. Kaner E.A., Makarov N.M., I.V. Yurkevich, Yampolsky V.A. Autowave structures and metastability of current states in metals // ZhETF. - 1987 .-- T. 93, no. 1 (7). - P. 274-284.
  4. Makarov N.M., Yampolsky V.A. Nonlinear electrodynamics of metals at low temperatures // FNT. - 1991. - T. 17, No. 5. - P. 547-618.
  5. Derevianko S.A., Tkachev G.B., Yampolsky V.A. Abnormal penetration of an electromagnetic signal into a thin metal plate under conditions of strong magnetodynamic nonlinearity // ZhETF. - 2001. - T. 120, no. 3 (9). - P. 718-730.
  1. Grant 1050 E 9112 CONACyT (Mexico), 1992, N.М. Makarov.
  2. Grant 3004 E 9306 CONACyT (Mexico), 1994, N.M. Makarov.
  3. Soros grant for a long-term research program, project "Metal as active media", 1993, N.М. Makarov.
Theory of electromagnetic and acoustic waves in low-dimensional disordered metals This direction was led by E.A. Kaner (1982 - 1986), Yu.V. Tarasov (1986 - up to the present).
  • Development of a method for calculating the response functions of one-dimensional disordered metals, calculating the spatial and temporal dispersion of the conductivity of such systems (Kaner E.A. and Chebotarev L.V., 1982 - 1984)
  • Theory of propagation of acoustic waves in one-dimensional disordered conductors (Kaner E.A., Chebotarev L.V. and Tarasov Yu.V., 1987)
  • Adiabatic theory of electron-phonon interaction and temperature dependence of the conductivity of one-dimensional disordered metals (Tarasov Yu.V., 1990 - 1992)
  1. Kaner E.A., Chebotarev L.V. Spatial dispersion of conductivity in one-dimensional conductors // ZhETF - 1984 - T. 86, no. 1 - P. 287-301.
  2. Kaner E.A., Chebotarev L.V. The spatial dispersion of conductivity in one-dimensional disordered metals // Phys. Rep. - 1987 - V. 150, Ns. 3 & 4 - P. 179-261.
  3. Kaner E.A., Tarasov Yu.V., Chebotarev L.V. Temperature effects in the spatial dispersion of the conductivity of one-dimensional systems // ZhETF - 1986 - V. 90, no. 4 - P. 1392-1398.
  4. Kaner E.A., Tarasov Yu.V. A theory of sound propagation in disordered one-dimensional metals // Phys. Rep. - 1988 - V. 150, Ns. 3 & 4 - P. 179-261.
  5. Tarasov Yu.V. Low-temperature conductivity of 1D disordered metals: adiabatic approximation for the electron-phonon interaction // Phys. Rev. B - 1992 - V. 45, No. 16 - P. 8873–8886.
Nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena in hard superconductors This direction was led by N.M. Makarov and V.A. Yampolsky (1990 - 1995), V.A. Yampolsky (1995 - up to the present).
  • Prediction and construction of the theory of transport current collapse and static magnetization in hard superconductors (Baltaga I.V., Makarov N.M., Yampolsky V.A., Ilienko K.V., Saveliev S.E., Perez Rodriguez F., and Levchenko A.A., 1990-2003)
  • Creation of a contactless method for determining the magnetic field dependence of the critical current density in superconductors (Makarov N.M., Yampolsky V.A., Fisher L.M. and Voloshin I.F., 1990-1992)
  • Prediction of the effect of stimulated transparency of superconducting plates (Lyubimov O.I., Lyubimova I.O., Derevianko S.A. and Yampolsky V.A., 1997-2001)
  • Theory of macroturbulent instability in hard superconductors (Yampolsky V.A., Rakhmanov A.L., Fisher L.M. and Levchenko A.A., 2001-2003).
  1. Baltaga I.V., Makarov N.M., Yampol'skii V.A., Fisher L.M., Voloshin I.F., and Il'in N.V. Collapse of superconducting current in high-Тс ceramics in alternating magnetic field // Phys. Lett. A. – 1990. – V. 148, No. 3&4. – P. 213-216.
  2. Fisher L.M., Gorbachev V.S., Il'in N.V., Makarov N.M., Voloshin I.F., Yampol'skii V.A., et. al. Effect of microstructure on the magnetic-field dependence of the local critical current density in YBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductors // Phys. Rev. B. – 1992. – V. 46, No. 17. – P. 10986.
  3. Fisher L.M., Il'enko K.V., Kalinov A.V., LeBlanc M.A.R., Perez Rodriguez F., Savel'ev S.E., Voloshin I.F., and Yampol'skii V.A. Suppression of the magnetic moment under the action of a transverse magnetic field in hard superconductors // Phys. Rev. B. – 2000. – V. 61, No. 22. – P. 15382.
  4. Derev'anko S.A., Lyubimov O.I., Yampol'skii V.A., Perez-Rodriguez F. Effect of the stimulated transparency of a superconducting plate due to the nonlinear wave interaction // Physica C. – 2001. – V. 353. – P. 38-48.
  5. Fisher L.M., Goa P.E., Baziljevich M., Johansen T.H., Rakhmanov A.L., Yampol'skii V.A. Hydrodynamic Instability of the Flux-Antiflux Interface in Type-II Superconductors // Phys. Rev. Lett. – 2001. – V. 87, No. 24. – P. 247005 (1-4).
  6. Grant 1050 E 9112 CONACyT (Mexico), 1992, N.М. Makarov.
  7. Grant 3004 E 9306 CONACyT (Mexico), 1994, N.M. Makarov.
  8. Grant INTAS, project IR-97-1394, 1997, V.А. Yampolsky.
  9. Grant INTAS, project 02-2282, 2002, V.А. Yampolsky.
Localization phenomena in disordered classical and quantum systems This direction is led by Tarasov Yu.V. (1989 - up to now).
  • Predicted the phenomenon of interference channeling of electromagnetic, acoustic and internal gravitational waves in randomly stratified media (Tarasov Yu.V., Freilikher V.D. and Lyubitsky A.A., 1989 - 2001)
  • Theory of Anderson localization of quantum waves due to their scattering on random roughnesses of the boundaries of waveguide-type systems was constructed (Makarov N.M. and Tarasov Yu.V., 1998 - 2001)
  • The phenomenon of quantum dephasing caused by elastic scattering of waves and particles was predicted, and a theory of conductivity and metal-insulator transition in two-dimensional disordered electronic systems was constructed (Tarasov Yu.V., 2000 - 2006)
  • Theory of the spectrum of quasi-optical volume cylindrical resonators with a randomly rough lateral surface was constructed (Tarasov Yu.V., 2006)
  • The effect of "floating" of resonances in frequency was predicted with an increase in the degree of roughness sharpness in resonators with randomly rough boundaries (Ganapolskiy E.M., Tarasov Yu.V. and Shostenko L.D., 2013)
  • The effect of entropy localization in waveguide systems with randomly and regularly rough lateral boundaries was predicted (Ganapolskiy E.M., Tarasov Yu.V. and Shostenko L.D., 2015).
  1. Tarasov Yu.V. Elastic scattering as a cause of quantum dephasing: the conductance of two-dimensional imperfect conductors // Waves Random Media – 2000 – V. 10, No. 4 – P. 395–415.
  2. Makarov N.M., Tarasov Yu.V. Electron localization in narrow surface-corrugated conducting channels: manifestation of competing scattering mechanisms // Phys. Rev. B – 2001 – V. 64 – P. 235306-1–235306-14.
  3. Freilikher V.D., Tarasov Yu.V. Propagation of wave packets in randomly stratified media // Phys. Rev. E – 2001 – P. 056620-1–056620-9.
  4. Tarasov Yu.V. One-particle conductance of an open quasi-two-dimensional Fermi system: Evidence of the parallel-magnetic-field-induced mode reduction effect // Rev. B – 2006 – V. 73 – P. 014202-1–014202-7.
  5. Tarasov Yu.V., Shostenko L.D. Dual nature of localization in guiding systems with randomly corrugated boundaries: Anderson-type versus entropic // Annals of Physics – 2015 – V. 356 – P. 95-127.
Propagation of nonlinear waves and solitons. Nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena in hard superconductors. This direction is led by V.E. Vekslerchik.
  • New exact solutions of the Gross-Pitaevsky equation were obtained and a method was proposed for using the Feshbach resonance for the generation, stabilization and control of localized soliton-type excitations in Bose-Einstein condensates (Vekslerchik V.E., 2008)
  • A new class of solutions of the sinusoidal Gordon equation corresponding to excitations with an arbitrary profile propagating along a Josephson vortex in a two-dimensional Josephson junction was found (Yampolsky V.A., 2008)
  • New N-soliton solutions were obtained for a nonlinear model with logarithmic interaction on a cubic lattice (Vekslerchik V.E., 2017)
  1. New N-soliton solutions were obtained for the generalized Toda lattice (Vekslerchik V.E., 2019).
  2. Gulevich D.R., Kusmartsev F.V., Savel'ev S., Yampol’skii V.A., Nori F. Shape and wobbling wave excitations in Josephson junctions: Exact solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional sine-Gordon model // Phys. Rev. B – 2009 – 80, P. 094509-1–094509-13.
  3. Belmonte-Beitia J., Konotop V.V., Perez-Garcia V. M., Vekslerchik V. Localized and periodic exact solutions to the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with spatially modulated parameters: Linear and nonlinear lattices // Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals – 2009 – V. 41, No. 2 – P. 197–203.
  4. Pritula G.M., Vekslerchik V.E. KdV–Volterra chain // J. Phys. A – 2010 – V. 43, 365203.
  5. Pritula G.M., Vekslerchik V.E. Toda-Heisenberg chain: interacting sigma-fields in two dimensions // Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics – 2011 – V. 18 – P. 443.
  6. Vekslerchik V.E. Explicit solutions for a (2+ 1)-dimensional Toda-like chain // J. Phys. A – 2013 – V. 46, No. 5, 055202.
  7. E. Vekslerchik Solitons of a simple nonlinear model on the cubic lattice // Journal of Physics A –2017 –V. 50, No. 47, 475201.
  8. E. Vekslerchik Solitons of the (2+2)-dimensional Toda lattice // Journal of Physics A –2019 –V. 52, No. 4, 045202.
State Prize of Ukraine (V.A.Yampolsky, 2013).  Linear and nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena in layered superconductors This direction is led by V.A. Yampolsky.
  • The existence of surface and waveguide Josephson plasma waves in bounded layered superconductors is predicted, the spectra of natural waves and methods of their excitation are studied; a number of resonance effects associated with the excitation of Josephson plasma eigenmodes have been predicted. In particular, a theory of a significant increase in the transparency coefficient of thick plates of layered superconductors under resonant excitation of waveguide eigenmodes has been developed (Yampolsky V.A., Kats A.V., Nikitin A.Yu., Nesterov M.L., Slipchenko T.M., Kadygrob D.V., Saveliev S. and Nori F., 2005 - 2014)
  • A number of nonlinear phenomena in layered superconductors have been predicted, such as the formation of self-localized light beams, a strong hysteresis amplitude dependence of the transparency coefficient of superconducting plates, pumping of a weak Josephson plasma wave due to the energy of a strong wave, stopping of terahertz electromagnetic waves, etc. (Yampolsky V.A., Rakhmanov A.L., Maizelis Z.A., Apostolov S.S., Saveliev S., Rokhmanova T.N. and Nori F., 2006 - 2014)
  • The theory of transformation of the polarization of terahertz waves during their reflection and passage through the plates of layered superconductors has been developed (Yampolsky V.A., Maizelis Z.A., Apostolov S.S., Rokhmanova T.N. and Nori F., 2013)
  • The theory of transition and Cherenkov radiation of terahertz waves when an electron crosses the boundary of a layered superconductor was developed (Averkov Yu.O., Yakovenko V.M., Yampolsky V.A. and Nori F., 2014)
  • A theory was developed for the transmission of terahertz waves through a plate of a layered superconductor in the presence of a DC magnetic field. It is shown that an external DC magnetic field transforms a layered superconductor into an inhomogeneous medium with a spatial and frequency-dependent dielectric constant. Even a relatively weak DC magnetic field, when the superconductor is in the Meissner state, significantly affects the transmittance of the layered superconductor. Thus, the magnetic field can effectively control the transparency of layered superconductors. (Apostolov S.S., Maizelis Z.A., Rokhmanova T.N., Yampol’skii V.A., Franco Nori, 2015-2017)
  • It is shown that layered superconductors, due to their specific nonlinear response to a weak DC magnetic field, behave like tunable hyperbolic media in a wide frequency range. In particular, using the transfer matrix method, the resonant transparency of a layered superconductor, induced by the excitation of localized waves with nonmonotonic dispersion, is studied. (Kvitka N.M., Mazanov M.V., Apostolov S.S., Maizelis Z.A., Makarov N.M., Rokhmanova T.N., Shmatko A.A. and Yampol’skii V.A., 2018 -2021)
  1. Savel'ev S., Yampol’skii V., Nori F. Surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors // Phys. Rev. Lett. – 2005. – V. 95. – P. 187002.
  2. Savel’ev S., Rakhmanov A.L., Yampol’skii V.A., Nori F. Analogues of nonlinear optics using terahertz Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors // Nature Phys. – 2006 – V. 2, P. 521.
  3. Savel’ev S., Yampol’skii V.A., Rakhmanov A.L., and Nori F. Terahertz Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors: spectrum, generation, nonlinear and quantum phenomena // Rep. Prog. Phys. – 2010 – V. 73. – P. 026501.
  4. Golick V.A., Kadygrob D.V., Yampol’skii V.A., Ivanov B.A., Nori F. Surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors above the plasma frequency: evidence for a negative index of refraction // Phys. Rev. Lett. – 2010. – V. 104. – P. 187003.
  5. Rokhmanova T.N., Apostolov S.S., Maizelis Z.A., Yampol'skii V.A., Nori F. Self-induced terahertz-wave transmissivity of waveguides with finite-length layered superconductors // Phys. Rev. B – 2013 – V. 88 – P. 014506.
  6. N. Rokhmanova, S. S. Apostolov, Z. A. Maizelis, V. A. Yampol'skii, Franco Nori Superposition principle for nonlinear Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors // Phys. Rev. B – 2014 – V. 90 – P. 184503.
  7. S. Apostolov, Z. A. Maizelis, N. M. Makarov, F. Pérez-Rodríguez, T. N. Rokhmanova, V. A. Yampol'skii Transmission of terahertz waves through layered superconductors controlled by a dc magnetic field // Phys. Rev. B – 2016 – V. 94 – P. 024513.
  8. S. Apostolov, N. M. Makarov, V. A. Yampol'skii Excitation of terahertz modes localized on a layered superconductor: Anomalous dispersion and resonant transmission // Phys. Rev. B  -2018 - V. 97 – P. 024510.
  9. V. Mazanov, S. S. Apostolov, Z. A. Maizelis, N. M. Makarov, A. A. Shmat'ko, V. A. Yampol'skii Resonant absorption of terahertz waves in layered superconductors: Wood's anomalies and anomalous dispersion // Phys. Rev. B  - 2020 - V. 101 – P. 024504.
  10. Kvitka, S. S. Apostolov, N. M. Makarov, T. Rokhmanova, A. A. Shmat'ko, V. A. Yampol'skii Resonant transparency of a layered superconductor: Hyperbolic material in the terahertz range tuned by dc magnetic field // Phys. Rev. B  - 2021 - V. 103 – P. 104512.
Theory of random discrete systems with long-range correlations This direction is led by O.V. Usatenko.
  • The theory of additive multistep Markov chains is constructed and their statistical equivalence to random discrete physical systems with long-range correlations is shown. A system of equations is obtained that one-to-one linking the main characteristic of the Markov chain (the so-called memory function) with the correlation function of the physical system (Usatenko O.V., Yampolsky V.A., Melnik S.S., Apostolov S.S. and Maizelis Z A., 2003 - 2005)
  • The theory of propagation of electromagnetic waves along a one-dimensional chain of Josephson junctions and in a system of superconducting layers with random parameters has been developed. Similar to Anderson's model, the transport properties of such systems are determined by correlations between random parameter values. It is shown that, by constructing these sequences in a certain way, it is possible to achieve the presence in the spectrum of the system of an abrupt conductor-insulator transition at a predetermined point (Usatenko O.V., Yampolsky V.A., Melnik S.S., Apostolov S.S. and Mayzelis Z.A., 2007)
  • A method has been developed for constructing diffraction gratings with a random sequence of parameters with spectra of a given type, in particular, possessing the properties of simultaneously periodic, quasiperiodic and random gratings; studied linear antenna arrays with random intensities of dipole emitters and distances between them (Usatenko O.V., Yampolsky V.A., Melnik S.S., Apostolov S.S. and Maizelis Z.A., 2008)
  • A method for solving the inverse problem of synthesis of random antennas for a given radiation pattern has been developed (Melnik S.S., Pritula G.M. and Usatenko O.V., 2012)
  • Studied the differential entropy of systems with long-range weak correlations, which in the additive approximation can be expressed through the pair correlator of the sequence. The constructed theory makes it possible to calculate the entropy on a much larger scale than standard methods allow (Usatenko O.V. and Melnik S.S., 2014).
  1. Random finite-valued dynamical systems: additive Markov chain approach / O.V. Usatenko, S.S. Apostolov, Z.A. Mayzelis, and S.S. Melnik. – Cambridge: Cambridge Scientific Publisher, 2010. – 166 p.
  2. Usatenko and V. A. Yampol'skii // Binary N-Step Markov Chain as an Exactly Solvable Model of Long-Range Correlated Systems, Phys. Rev. Let. -2003. – 90, N 11,  110601 (4 р.).
  3. IzrailevMemory function versus binary correlator in additive Markov chains / F.M. Izrailev, A.A. Krokhin, N.M. Makarov, S.S. Melnyk, O.V. Usatenko, and V.A. Yampol’skii // Physica A – 2006. – P. 372 - 279.
  4. Yampol’skii Controlled terahertz frequency response and transparency of Josephson chains and superconducting multilayers / V.A. Yampol’skii, S. Salvel’ev, O.V. Usatenko, S.S. Mel’nik, F.V. Kusmartsev, A.A. Krokhin, and F. Nori // Phys. Rev. B – 2007.- 75 - 014527 (7 p.).
  5. Usatenko Spectral analysis and synthesis of 1D dichotomous long-range correlated systems: From diffraction gratings to quantum wires / O.V. Usatenko, S.S. Melnik, L. Kroon, M. Johansson, R. Riklund, and S.S. Apostolov // Physica A – 2008. – 387 – P. 4733-4739.
Theory of electromagnetic phenomena in graphenes and other low-dimensional quantum systems This direction is led by S.S. Apostlov.
  • Predicted and theoretically investigated quantum oscillations of kinetic and thermodynamic quantities in graphene, controlled by an external electric field (Yampolsky V.A., Apostolov S.S., Maizelis Z.A., Saveliev S. and Nori F., 2011)
  • The coexistence of terahertz TM- and TE-polarized waves localized near a graphene layer embedded in a dielectric photonic crystal was predicted (Averkov Yu.O., Yakovenko V.M., Yampolsky V.A. and Nori F., 2014)
  • The theory of thermal transport in a nonlinear Luttinger fluid was developed, and the thermal conductivity and Coulomb thermal resistance of one-dimensional electronic systems were calculated (Apostolov S.S. and Maizelis Z.A., 2013)
  • A theory of Coulomb drag in two-layer electronic systems has been developed, to which the hydrodynamic description of an electron liquid is applicable (Apostolov S.S. and Levchenko A., 2014)
  • The theory of tunneling spectroscopy for electronic states at the boundary of a two-dimensional topological insulator was developed (Apostolov S.S. and Levchenko A., 2014)
  1. Yampol’skii Voltage-driven quantum oscillations of conductance in graphene / V.A. Yampol’skii, S.S. Apostolov, Z.A. Maizelis, A. Levchenko, and F. Nori // EPL – 2011 – 96, – 67009 (5 p.).
  2. Averkov Terahertz transverse-electric- and transverse-magnetic-polarized waves localized on graphene in photonic crystals / Yu.O. Averkov, V.M. Yakovenko, V.A. Yampol'skii, and F. Nori // Phys. Rev. B – 2014 – 90, – 045415 (7 p.).
  3. Apostolov Thermal transport and quench relaxation in nonlinear Luttinger liquids / S. Apostolov, D.E. Liu, Z. Maizelis, and A. Levchenko // Phys. Rev. B. – 2013. – 88, – 045435 (5 p).
  4. Apostolov Hydrodynamic Coulomb drag of strongly correlated electron liquids / S.S. Apostolov, A. Levchenko, and A.V. Andreev // Phys. Rev. B – 2014 – 89, – 121104(R) (5 p).
  5. Apostolov Nonequilibrium spectroscopy of topological edge liquids // S.S. Apostolov and A. Levchenko // Phys. Rev. B. – 2014 – 89, – 201303(R) (5 p).
  6. Magnetodrag in the hydrodynamic regime: Effects of magnetoplasmon resonance and Hall viscosity / S. S. Apostolov, D. A. Pesin, A. Levchenko // Phys. Rev. B. – 2019. – 89. – 115401 (12 p).
Resonant phenomena in metals associated with the excitation of localized eigenmodes This direction is led by A.V. Katz.
  • A resonant perturbation theory has been developed, which allows to analytically solve the problems of diffraction of electromagnetic waves in periodically modulated systems, as well as to study resonance phenomena associated with the excitation of surface waves at the boundaries of conductors (Kats A.V. and Spevak S.I., 2000)
  • The phenomenon of the appearance of spectral transparency windows of periodically modulated opaque metal films caused by the excitation of bilaterally localized surface waves was predicted and theoretically investigated (Kats A.V., Spevak S.I., Nikitin A.Yu. and Nesterov M.L., 2009. )
  • The opposite effect was predicted and theoretically investigated - the appearance of spectral windows of opacity of films of transparent conductors, caused by periodic modulation of electromagnetic properties and excitation of surface modes (Kats A.V., Spevak S.I., Nikitin A.Yu., Nesterov M.L. and Timchenko, 2010).
  1. Kats Polarization properties of a periodically-modulated metal film in regions of anomalous optical transparency / A.V. Kats, M.L. Nesterov, and A.Yu. Nikitin // Phys. Rev. B – 2005 – 72, – 193405 (R) (4 p).
  2. Kats Energy redistribution and polarization transformation in conical mount diffraction under resonance excitation of surface waves / A.V. Kats, N.A. Balakhonova, and I.S. Spevak //  Phys. Rev. B – 2007 – 76, – 045413 (23 p).
  3. Averkov Electron beam excitation of left-handed surface electromagnetic waves at artificial interfaces / Yu.O. Averkov, A.V. Kats, and V.M. Yakovenko // Phys. Rev. B – 2009 – 79, – 193402 (R) (4 p).
  4. Spevak Design of specific gratings operating under surface plasmon-polariton resonance / I.S. Spevak, M.A. Timchenko, and A.V. Kats // Opt. Lett – 2011 – 36 – P. 1419-1421.
  5. Spevak High quality resonances for terahertz radiation at periodically corrugated semiconductor interfaces / I. S. Spevak, M.A. Timchenko, V.K. Gavrikov, V.M. Shulga, J. Feng, H.B. Sun, and A.V. Kats // Appl. Phys. B – 2011 – 104 – P. 925-930.
  6. V. Kats, I. S. Spevak. Diffraction of electromagnetic waves. Kharkiv, KhVU, 1998, 178 p.
  During the existence of the department, 8 monographs and more than 1000 articles have been published in peer-reviewed journals.

Scientific results


Phase transitions in a quasi-one-dimensional system of interacting spinless electrons were determined and it was established that, for certain system parameters, the less probable ordering of the unit cell with period 3 has a lower ground state energy than ordering with period 2. Graphs of the dependences of the energy of the system on the asymmetry of the external potential of various parameters of the problem are plotted (the interaction potential, jumping over, distance between channels, number of nodes in a channel). Rokhmanova T.N., Ovcharenko G.V.

Analytical expressions for the thermal Coulomb resistance in a system of two quantum wires containing one-dimensional electronic crystals were obtained, and their dependences on the parameters of the system were analyzed. In particular, characteristic temperatures that determine the shape of the temperature dependence of the Coulomb resistance were revealed. Apostolov S.S., Mazanov M.V.

An original method has been developed for the theoretical description of the propagation of surface electromagnetic waves and for calculating the leakage (radiation) field arising from scattering by random impedance inhomogeneities. Using the developed method, the directional diagram of the leakage field was calculated and it was shown that, in the model of a nondisipative metal, the incident plasmon-polariton is completely reflected from the disturbed surface area in the opposite direction, regardless of the presence of conditions for anderson localization on it. Tarasov Yu.V., Kadygrob D.V., Kvitka N.M.

The influence of the random component on the properties of p-polarized inhomogeneous electromagnetic waves, which propagate along the layers in a randomly modulated dielectric and are localized in the perpendicular direction, is established. It is shown that for inhomogeneous waves with fixed values of frequency and wave number, a random inhomogeneity leads to a weakening of localization. For Plasmon-polaritons, Anderson's localization changes the dispersion law, as a result of which the depth of localization changes in different ways, depending on which of the parameters, frequency or wavenumber, is fixed. Ak. NAS of Ukraine V.M. Yakovenko, Corresponding Member NAS of Ukraine Yampolskiy V.A., Maizelis Z.A.


In the study of symbolic and numerical random sequences within the framework of a high-order additive Markov chain, a connection between correlation functions and conditional entropies of sequences was established. An expression for the entropy was obtained using two-point probability distribution functions, and then, for a numerical random chain, the entropy was estimated in terms of the correlation function. The conditional entropy of the additive Markov chain was also derived as the sum of mutual Kullbeck-Leibler informations. O.V. Usatenko, S.S. Melnik, G.M. Pritula

A new method for calculating the natural frequencies of non-uniformly filled spherical resonators has been developed. The spectrum was determined by introducing effective "dynamic" potentials encoding the filling inhomogeneity. Angularly symmetric cavities, cavities with violation of polar symmetry, and cavities with no angular symmetry have been investigated. The method is quite effective for computational complex algorithms for solving various spectral problems, including for studying the chaotic properties of the spectra of systems. Z.E. Eremenko, Yu.V. Tarasov, I.M. Volovichev

Stationary stochastic processes in systems with nonlocal memory are studied and new solutions of the Mori-Zwanzig equation describing non-Markov systems are obtained. The dynamics of the system is analyzed depending on the amplitudes of local and nonlocal memory, and attention is drawn to the transition boundary between asymptotically stationary and non-stationary behavior of the process. It is shown that there are two types of boundaries with fundamentally different dynamics of the system. Diffusion processes with memory occur at the boundaries of the first type, while the phenomenon of stochastic resonance occurs at the boundaries of the second type. S.S. Melnik, O.V. Usatenko, Corresponding Member NAS of Ukraine Yampolskiy V.A.


Localized waves propagating along a plate of finite thickness, which is made of a layered superconductor with layers perpendicular to the surface of the plate, are theoretically investigated. Due to the strong anisotropy of a layered superconductor, the electromagnetic field of a mode is a superposition of ordinary and unusual waves, which in the general case cannot be separated from each other. The dispersion law is obtained for an arbitrary direction of propagation of such localized modes relative to the layers. It is shown that dispersion curves can be both monotonic and non-monotonically growing, that is, contain areas with anomalous dispersion. Frequencies are determined depending on the angle of propagation at which anomalous dispersion can be observed. The dependence of the frequency on both the modulus of the longitudinal wave vector and its projections is analyzed, which can be important for practical use in electronics in the terahertz range. Apostolov S.S., Maizelis Z.A., Shimkiv D.V., Shmatko A.A., Corresponding Member NAS of Ukraine Yampolskiy V.A.

The properties of magnetotransport in two-dimensional electron double layers filled with a strongly correlated electron liquid are studied. For sufficiently pure samples and at a sufficiently high temperature, transport in these systems can be described using a hydrodynamic model. The main attention is focused on the influence of a constant magnetic field on the longitudinal interlayer resistance, which arises due to Coulomb scattering, and the identification of several transport mechanisms caused by the viscosity of an electron liquid, magnetoplasmonic resonance, and dissipative heat fluxes. In particular, it was established how the Hall viscosity falls into the Coulomb resistance and affects its temperature dependence in a magnetic field. Apostolov S.S., Levchenko A., Pesin D.

Electron transport in one-dimensional quantum systems and the formation of zig-zag ordering in quantum wires at a certain electron density are studied theoretically. The Hartree-Fock method was used to optimize the program and simulate a sufficiently large system with long-range interaction. Phase transitions in such quasi-two-dimensional quantum systems are investigated and a comparison is made with the classical regime. Rokhmanova T.N.

For the first time, a new method has been developed for calculating the eigenfrequencies of a spherical resonator with inhomogeneous dielectric filling in terms of only two unrelated Helmholtz equations for scalar Hertz functions, in which the spatial inhomogeneity of the system can be described in terms of effective potentials. The method was used to obtain and study the spectrum of symmetric and asymmetric layered spherical resonators. It is shown that even without the presence of absorption, when an inhomogeneity arises in the filling, its resonance lines noticeably broaden, which indicates the presence of wave chaos. Eremenko Z.E., Tarasov Yu.V., Volovichev I.N.

A mathematical model has been built and software has been created for numerical simulation of the formation of photo- and thermo-EMF in thin-film semiconductor structures under the influence of periodic external disturbances, taking into account the role of near-contact space charge layers. Volovichev I.N.

Non-Markov random continuous processes described by the Mori-Zwanzig equation are studied. As a starting point, we use the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Markov process and introduce into the expression for the higher-order transition probability function and to the stochastic differential equation an integral memory term, which depends on the past process. An equation is obtained connecting the memory function (the kernel of the integral term) and the two-point correlation function. The conditions for the stationarity of the process are established. A method for generating stationary continuous stochastic processes with a given pair correlation function is proposed. As an illustration, several examples of numerical modeling of processes with non-local memory are given. Melnik S.S., Usatenko O.V., Corresponding Member NAS of Ukraine Yampolskiy V.A.

A family of explicit solutions of equations describing the nonlinear classical vector model with anisotropic Heisenberg interaction on a triangular lattice is obtained. It is shown that there are a number of nonlinear structures due to the relationship between the interaction anisotropy and the specific geometry of the lattice. The method, which was developed to obtain a solution to this problem, expands the field of application of the approaches of the theory of solitons in the case of lattices that differ from rectangular, which makes it possible to investigate the possibility of the formation of specific nonlinear structures (solitons, kinks, etc.) Vekslerchik V.E.

The correlation properties of random sequences with an additive linear conditional probability distribution function have been studied and a reliable tool for generating sequences has been created. The state space of the sequence under investigation is considered to belong to a finite set of real numbers. The conditional probability distribution function is assumed to be additive and linear with respect to the values ​​of the random variable. In the paper, equations are derived that connect the correlation functions with the coefficients of the memory function, which in turn are determined by the conditional probability function of the N-th order Markov sequence. The obtained analytical solutions of these equations are compared with the results of numerical simulation. Examples of possible correlation scenarios in additive linear high-order Markov chains are given. Vekslerchik V.E., Pritula G.M., Melnik S.S., Usatenko O.V.


Nonlinear localized electromagnetic modes in a plate of a layered superconductor are studied theoretically. It is assumed that the plate is in a uniform dielectric environment, the superconducting layers are perpendicular to the plate surface, and the modes propagate across the layers. It is found that, despite the symmetry of the system, both symmetric and antisymmetric localized modes can exist in the plate, which is associated with the nonlinearity of the Josephson plasma. It is shown that under certain conditions the dispersion of localized modes can turn out to be anomalous, and the group velocity can vanish. Due to nonlinearity, dispersion relations contain the amplitude of localized modes, which opens up the possibility of observing the phenomenon of stopping light of localized modes in a layered superconductor plate. Apostolov S.S., Kadigrob D.V., Maizelis Z.A., Nikolaenko O.O., Corresponding Member NAS of Ukraine Yampolskiy V.A.

The reflection of electromagnetic radiation from the surface of a neutron star is theoretically investigated. Such radiation arises due to relativistic positrons flying from the magnetosphere to the star in the electric field of the polar gap. This study explained both the displacement of the interpulse in the Crab pulsar (specular reflection in the presence of an oblique magnetic field) and the appearance of additional high-frequency components (diffraction by the periodic structure created by incident radiation), revealed by Moffett and Hankins. Since high-frequency components arise at the same frequencies at which the interpulse shift is observed, they are considered to be a consequence of the same physical process. This process is the reflection from the surface of a neutron star of the radiation of reverse positrons. The appearance of high-frequency components is considered as a manifestation of stimulated scattering by surface waves. For comparison, the data of laboratory experiments on the diffraction of laser radiation by a metal diffraction grating are presented, demonstrating the appearance of a near-surface wave under resonance conditions, which can serve as an analogue of the high-frequency component in the Crab pulsar. In the formation of high-frequency components, phenomena such as Wood's anomalies are important, which lead to a significant increase in the stimulated scattering growth rate at resonance with a surface electromagnetic wave. Gavrikov V.K., Kontorovich V.M., Spevak I.S.


The spectral properties of linear and weakly nonlinear terahertz localized modes in a plate of a layered superconductor are studied theoretically. It is assumed that the plate is in a uniform dielectric environment, the superconducting layers are perpendicular to the surface of the plate, and the modes of transverse magnetic polarization propagate across the layers. Dispersion relations are obtained for modes symmetric and antisymmetric with respect to the magnetic field. It is shown that in a certain range of frequencies and wavenumbers the dispersion of such modes turns out to be anomalous and the group velocity can vanish. This opens up the possibility of observing such unusual physical phenomena as “negative refraction” and “stopping light” for localized modes in layered superconductors. Gavrilenko V.I., Apostolov S.S., Maizelis Z.A., Corresponding Member NAS of Ukraine Yampolskiy V.A.

The transmission of a terahertz electromagnetic wave of transverse magnetic polarization through a one-dimensional photonic crystal of finite thickness containing a defect in the form of a plate of a layered superconductor, the superconducting layers of which are orthogonal to the layers of the photonic crystal, is theoretically investigated. An analytical expression for the transmission coefficient is obtained and it is shown that the transparency in the band gap of a photonic crystal can be significantly enhanced due to the resonant excitation of modes localized at the defect. Apostolov S.S., Makarov N.M., Corresponding Member NAS of Ukraine Yampolskiy V.A.

The theory of the dynamic thermoelectric effect is developed. The influence of boundary conditions is investigated both for a simplified analytical mathematical model of the effect and for numerical modeling of a physically realistic model. A method has been found for determining the optimal parameters of a semiconductor at which the investigated effect is most pronounced. The optimal spatial period and speed of movement of the temperature distribution have been established, which provide in this structure the greatest value of the generated thermoelectric EMF and the greatest electrical power that can be transferred to the load. It is proved that, in contrast to the classical thermoelectric effect, in the dynamic mode, the presence of minority carriers with a lower Seebeck coefficient does not reduce the value of the thermoelectric emf, but can significantly increase it. The conditions for the generation of EMF in a monopolar multi-valley semiconductor due to inter-valley transitions are established, analytical expressions for the value of the EMF are obtained, and the previously obtained results are confirmed by numerical simulation. Volovichev I.N.


The reflection of waves of transverse electric and transverse magnetic polarizations from the surface of a semi-infinite layered superconductor in the presence of an external constant magnetic field is studied theoretically. The superconducting layers are assumed to be perpendicular to the sample. Due to the strong anisotropy of the limits of the superconductor of the irradiated, the transformation of the polarization of the wave occurs during its reflection. It is shown that, although a constant magnetic field penetrates into the sample to a relatively shallow depth, it qualitatively affects the distribution of the electromagnetic wave field and, for this reason, the reflection and transformation coefficients. Thus, an external magnetic field can serve as a convenient tool for controlling the transformation of wave polarization. Analytical expressions for the reflection and transformation coefficients are obtained, and the parameters are determined at which the most effective transformation of transverse electric waves into transverse magnetic waves and vice versa occurs. Apostolov S.S., Maizelis Z.A., Rokhmanova T.N., Corresponding Member NAS of Ukraine Yampolskiy V.A.

A new nonlinear electrodynamic phenomenon arising in a plate of a layered superconductor upon its one-sided irradiation by a plane electromagnetic wave of the terahertz range is predicted and theoretically investigated. It is shown that the surface reactance of the sample and the reflection coefficient of the wave behave in a hysteresis manner when the amplitude of the incident wave changes. An analogy between the electrodynamic problem of the distribution of the electromagnetic field in a superconductor and the problem of the mechanical motion of a particle in a central field is discussed. Apostolov S.S., Bozhko A.A., Maizelis Z.A., Sorokina M.A., Corresponding Member NAS of Ukraine Yampolskiy V.A.

The amplitude-phase dynamics of an ensemble of globally coupled oscillators with a Van der Pol type of nonlinearity is studied analytically in the self-consistent field approximation. The main result of the work is the exact analytical solution of nonlinear equations for the order parameters obtained as a result of the orthogonal reduction procedure, which distinguishes the class of integrable equations. A complete classification of modes and bifurcations has been carried out. An exact expression for the invariant manifold (in particular, the limit cycle) is obtained and analytical solutions are found for arbitrary initial conditions and various modes of the dynamics of order parameters. The results of this work can be important for the development of beamforming mechanisms in active phased antennas, as well as for the construction of nonlinear antennas. G. M. Pritula, V. I. Pritula, O. V. Usatenko

The influence of nonequilibrium current carriers on transport processes in semiconductors was theoretically investigated, which made it possible to predict a number of new effects. The possibility of the appearance of an EMF in a semiconductor with a uniform concentration of current carriers due to the inhomogeneity of their mobility (including self-induced by light), as well as when the electron gas is heated by incident radiation with photon energy, is shown, which is insufficient for the appearance of traditional photoeffects. The revealed regularities can be important in the design of photoconverters and sensors based on polycrystalline and porous semiconductors when optimizing the grain size and the degree of doping. Volovichev I.N.


The transmission of terahertz electromagnetic waves through plates of layered superconductors in the presence of an external constant magnetic field is studied theoretically. It is shown that an external magnetic field actually transforms Josephson plasmas into an inhomogeneous medium with a spatially and frequency dependent dielectric constant. Even a relatively weak magnetic field has a significant effect on the transparency of a layered superconductor. Moreover, with the help of a magnetic field, it is possible to achieve almost complete transmission of terahertz waves through a superconductor. It is shown that the magnetic field significantly changes the dependence of the transmission coefficient on the plate thickness, frequency and angle of incidence of the wave. Thus, it has been proved that the magnetic field can be used as a convenient tool for controlling the transparency of layered superconductors. Apostolov S.S., Maizelis Z.A., Makarov N.M., Perez Rodriguez F., Rokhmanova T.N., Corresponding Member. NAS of Ukraine Yampolskiy V.A.

Surface electromagnetic states (SEMS) in the terahertz frequency range in graphene with a linear dispersion law of current carriers, placed in an antiferromagnetic photonic crystal, have been studied theoretically. A relationship has been obtained linking the frequency of the PEMS with the parameters of the structure. The problem of excitation of PEMS by an external electromagnetic wave is solved and the dependence of the transmission coefficient on the external magnetic field and the concentration of current carriers is found. It is found that the analysis of the position of the maxima of the transmission coefficient is associated with the resonant excitation of the PEMS, which makes it possible to establish the character of the dispersion law of current carriers in a two-dimensional electron gas. Averkov Yu.O., Tarapov S.I., Yakovenko V.M., Corresponding Member NAS of Ukraine Yampolskiy V.A.

The scattering of surface and bulk electromagnetic waves by statistical inhomogeneities of metal surfaces is studied under conditions of strong and weak fluctuations of the surface impedance. The wave scattering indicatrix is calculated, expressed in terms of the correlation function of the surface impedance and the size of the fluctuation region of the surface. Yu.V. Tarasov, O.V. Usatenko

The diffraction anomaly is investigated - the quasi-resonant enhancement of the energy flux during the diffraction of a plane monochromatic electromagnetic wave, which is carried away from the surface of the periodic metal / dielectric interface, in the diffraction order that corresponds to propagation at a certain grazing angle. The quasi-resonant dependence of the energy flux on the angle of incidence and wavelength is calculated. The energy that is carried away by this creeping wave can make up a significant fraction of the incident wave energy; therefore, the specified quasi-resonant amplification is accompanied by a corresponding decrease in the energy of the specularly reflected wave. The calculations were performed on the basis of a previously developed analytical approach, which gives accurate results for fairly shallow and shallow gratings (surface profiles). It is proved that the value of the found maximum of the energy flux monotonically increases with increasing lattice depth. Kats A.V., Kuzmenko A.O., Spєvak I.S.


The principle of superposition is established for nonlinear Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors, which is very unusual for nonlinear media. The reflection and transmission of terahertz waves through a superconducting plate of finite dimensions, which is placed in a rectangular waveguide, is considered theoretically. It is assumed that the superconducting layers are parallel to the waveguide axis. It is shown that there are waves with two mutually orthogonal polarizations, which, in spite of the nonlinearity, are reflected and pass through the superconductor independently of each other. The wave of the first polarization induces a strong screening current along the crystallographic plane ab, and therefore it is almost completely reflected. The wave of the second polarization does not contain the component of the electric field, which is parallel to the surface of the sample and the plane ab. This non-linear wave does not induce strong screening currents, it is partially reflected and partially passes through the sample. Based on the open principle of superposition, we have proposed a new general method for solving nonlinear problems of the propagation of Josephson plasma waves. Rokhmanova T.N., Apostolov S.S., Maizelis Z.A., Yampolsky V.A. and Nori F.

Transition radiation of bulk and surface Josephson plasma waves by an electron crossing the isotropic dielectric-layered superconductor interface is studied theoretically. A geometry is considered in which the direction of motion of the electron and the orientation of the superconducting layers are perpendicular to the interface between the media. It is shown that, in contrast to the case of isotropic media, due to the very strong anisotropy of the properties of a layered superconductor, Cherenkov radiation is clearly distinguished against the background of transition radiation. Averkov Yu.O., Yakovenko V.M., Yampolsky V.A. and Nori F.

The coexistence of TM- and TE-polarized localized electromagnetic waves, which can propagate along a graphene layer placed in a dielectric photonic crystal, is predicted. The excitation of these modes by an external wave is studied theoretically and it is shown that, regardless of the polarization of the external wave, due to the excitation of localized modes, resonance peaks of the transparency coefficient should be observed as a function of the angle of incidence and frequency. The simplicity of the obtained dispersion equations for localized modes and the possibility of exciting modes of both polarizations provide a new method for measuring the conductivity of graphene. Averkov Yu.O., Yakovenko V.M., Yampolsky V.A. and Nori F.


Oblique surface waves (CSWs), which propagate along the interface between a dielectric and a layered superconductor, have been studied theoretically. A geometry is considered in which the superconductor layers are located perpendicular to the interface and waves can propagate at an arbitrary angle to them. A dispersion equation for the CPV is obtained and it is shown that the dispersion curves have end points, where the evanescent extraordinary modes turn into bulk modes. The problem of resonant excitation of CPV is analytically solved by the method of disturbed total internal reflection using an additional dielectric prism. It is shown that, owing to the very strong current anisotropy of the superconductor surface, the excitation of CPV is accompanied by an additional significant phenomenon: a component with orthogonal polarization appears in the wave reflected from the bottom of the prism. It is shown that for certain values of the parameters of the problem, a complete transformation of the polarization of terahertz electromagnetic waves occurs upon reflection from a highly anisotropic surface of a layered superconductor. Yakovenko V.M., Yampolsky V.A. and Averkov Yu.O.

The effect of a significant suppression of the transmission coefficient of teracertz radiation through a periodically modulated plate of a layered superconductor, which is caused by diffraction of the incident wave and resonant excitation of eigenmodes, has been predicted and theoretically investigated. It is assumed that the thickness of the plate is much less than the depth of the skin layer, and in the absence of modulation, the transparency of the plate is close to unity. Yampolsky V.A. and Kadygrob D.V.

The temperature dependence of the high-frequency dynamic susceptibility χ (T) = χ ′ (T) + iχ ″ (T) of YBCO ribbons of the second generation in a parallel magnetic field in both the Meissner and vortex states has been studied theoretically and experimentally. In the vortex state, two maxima were found in the χ ″ (T) dependence. The position and magnitude of one of these maxima are satisfactorily described by the nonlocal critical state model. The second maximum and the corresponding kink in the function χ '(T), which are observed at temperatures close to the transition temperature of the superconductor, turned out to be unexpected. The nature of this maximum cannot be explained within the framework of the conventional theory of superconductivity, including all versions of the theory of high-temperature superconductivity. There is reason to believe that the appearance of a new maximum is associated with the structural magnetic rearrangement in the superconducting layer. Yampolsky V.A., Fisher L.M. and Voloshin I.F.

The results of experimental and theoretical studies of the suppression of specular reflection during diffraction of terahertz radiation of an HCN laser by an InSb grating under conditions of plasmon-polariton resonance are presented. The dependence of the position of the resonance and its width on the depth of the grating grooves is investigated. It is shown that a dielectric film deposited on the grating surface increases the width of the resonance and shifts its maximum relative to the Rayleigh point. Theoretical estimates based on the resonance theory of diffraction are in good agreement with experimental data, which makes it possible to investigate the influence of the parameters of the problem on the characteristics of the resonance. Kats A.V., Spevak I.S. and Timchenko M.A.

It is shown that one-dimensional electrons with a linearized dispersion law are equivalent to a set of harmonic plasma modes, which are long-wavelength oscillations of the electron density. In the Luttinger model, the absence of inelastic scattering processes responsible for the relaxation of nonequilibrium states is a direct consequence of linearization. In a nonlinear Luttinger fluid, plasmons can decay and thus acquire a finite lifetime. It is shown in the work that the establishment of the equilibrium of plasmons has a significant effect on the dynamics of the liquid after thermal quenching. The theory of thermal transport is developed and the thermal conductance of a nonlinear Luttinger fluid is calculated using the integral of collisions of plasmons. S. S. Apostolov and Z. A. Maizelis

Linear antennas are studied in which the intensities of the dipole radiators and the distances between them are random values. The intensity of the interference radiation field is expressed through the correlation functions of random variables. A method for constructing two random sequences with given binary correlation and autocorrelation functions has been developed. This made it possible to solve the inverse problem of synthesizing random antennas with a given directional pattern. Melnik S.S., Pritula G.M. and Usatenko O.V.

A new nonlinear electromagnetic phenomenon in a sample of a layered superconductor of finite dimensions located in a waveguide with ideal walls has been predicted and studied theoretically. Two geometries are considered, when the superconductor layers are located either parallel or perpendicular to the waveguide axis. It is shown that the coefficient of transmission of a nonlinear wave through a superconductor plate can vary over a very wide range, from almost zero to almost unity, depending on the amplitude of the incident wave. Thus, it is possible to achieve complete transparency or complete opacity of the sample by changing the amplitude of the wave. In addition, the dependence of the wave transmission coefficient on the amplitude turned out to be hysteresis with jumps. Rokhmanova T.N., Apostolov S.S., Maizelis Z.A., Yampolsky V.A. and Nori F.

Resonant diffraction of electromagnetic waves on the surface of metals and semiconductors with periodic modulation of surface impedance under conditions of excitation of surface electromagnetic waves (SEW) is considered. It is shown that the nonresonant conversion coefficients, except for the specular one, are in any case much less than unity, while the resonant ones turn out to be of the order of or much more than unity. It is proved that the specular reflection coefficient can significantly decrease near resonance and even vanish. For typical periodic structures, the dependence of the conversion coefficients on the angle of incidence is investigated, and the parameters of the periodic structures are indicated at which a maximum of the SEW amplitude is observed and, accordingly, a significant suppression of specular reflection occurs. It is shown that the specular reflection coefficient has a nonmonotonic dependence both on the angle of incidence and on the modulus of the resonant Fourier amplitude of the surface impedance. The conditions for the complete suppression of specular reflection are found and it is shown that they can differ significantly from the conditions for the maximum of the resonant conversion coefficient. The results obtained are important for preparing an experimental study of resonant diffraction with SEW excitation. Kats A.V., Spevak I.S. and Timchenko M.A.


A complete transformation of the polarization of terahertz electromagnetic waves is predicted upon reflection from a highly anisotropic surface of a layered superconductor. The case is considered when the superconducting layers are perpendicular to the sample surface, and the wave is incident on the superconductor from a dielectric prism, which is separated from the superconductor by a thin vacuum gap. The physical reason for the predicted phenomenon is associated with the resonant excitation of oblique surface waves, it is similar to the Woods reflection coefficient anomaly known in optics. We also analyzed the dispersion equation for oblique surface Josephson plasma waves propagating at a certain angle to the superconducting layers and their excitation by the method of disturbed total internal reflection. Yakovenko V.M., Yampolsky V.A., Averkov Yu.O. and Nori F.

Enhanced transparency of a modulated layer of a layered superconductor for terahertz radiation is predicted under conditions when the thickness of the plate is much greater than the depth of the skin layer. The plate becomes transparent due to the diffraction of the incident wave and the resonant excitation of its own electromagnetic waves. The electromagnetic field is transferred from the irradiated side of the sample to the opposite excited waveguide mode, which does not attenuate into the depth of the plate, in contrast to the case of a normal metal, where increased transparency is provided by resonant excitation of inhomogeneous surface waves. Yampolsky V.A., Kadygrob D.V., Slipchenko T.M., Makarov N.M. and Perez-Rodriguez F.

The interaction of densely focused polarized light with a slot on a metal surface, which supports plasmon-polariton electromagnetic modes, is studied theoretically. It is shown that this simple system can be very sensitive to the polarization of light and therefore be the perfect instrument for weak quantum measurements. Blioh K. Yu.

The reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves in the terahertz range, which propagate in a waveguide through a sample of a layered superconductor of a finite length, are theoretically investigated. Excitation of two types of Josephson plasma waves, ordinary and extraordinary, in the sample leads to a partial or complete transformation of the polarization of the incident wave. The conditions under which a complete transformation of polarization is possible are determined. Yakovenko V., Yampolsky V., Apostolov S. S., Rokhmanova T. N. and Khankina S. I.


A theoretical study is made of natural electromagnetic oscillations in layered superconductors of finite dimensions, which fill a rectangular resonator. The spectra of both ordinary and extraordinary modes were obtained. The nonlinear effect of lowering the natural frequencies of extraordinary modes is analyzed, and the generation of the third harmonic of the oscillations is also studied. The nonlinearity of the system is associated with the nonlinear relationship between the Josephson current density across the superconducting layers and the interlayer gauge invariant phase difference of the order parameter. A study was made of Josephson plasma waves traveling along a waveguide filled with a layered superconductor and nonlinear effects that arise during the propagation of these waves. In addition, we predicted the effect of stopping terahertz waves in waveguides associated with the joint action of nonlinearity and wave attenuation. Khankina S., Yakovenko V. and Yampolsky V.A.

The nonlinear response of laminated superconductor plates to unilateral electromagnetic excitation in the terahertz frequency range is studied theoretically. It is shown that the surface reactance of the plate has a hysteresis dependence with jumps on the amplitude of the exciting wave. Interestingly, this unusual nonlinear phenomenon can be observed even at low wave amplitudes, if the frequency is close to the Josephson plasma frequency. Apostolov S.S. and Yampolsky V.A.

In cooperation with scientists from the RI NASU and Jilin University, Changchun, China, the features of the interaction of radiation with interfaces between media, which support the propagation of surface plasmon polaritons, were investigated. In particular, the problem of determining the parameters of periodic structures (gratings) that provide a predetermined energy distribution between reflected waves of different diffraction orders is considered. An approximate analytical solution is obtained for the case of strong plasmon-polariton resonances. Direct numerical calculations confirm the very high accuracy of the solution found, which makes it possible to significantly simplify the development of unique lattices. In addition, the possibility of observing resonance effects in the terahertz frequency range is theoretically analyzed and it is found that strong resonance effects can be observed on periodically modulated surfaces of semiconductor materials. The results of the performed theoretical analysis were confirmed by direct experiments on the surface of indium antimonide using a terahertz laser. Kats A.V., Spevak I.S. and Timchenko M.A.

The propagation of pulses (solitons) in nonlinear media with nonlinear Kerr type is studied. Mathematically, this problem is formulated as an analysis of integrable equations such as the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. One of these equations is the recently proposed Lenels-Fokas model. An infinite set of symmetries for this model is found, and solutions of the type of dark solitons are obtained. Another problem that has been solved is related to dispersion effects, which are of great importance for the formation and propagation of so-called nonlinear Alfvén waves. These waves are described by the so-called derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation. This equation was compared with the standard nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Bäcklund transformations were obtained, which make it possible to obtain a solution to one equation, knowing the solution to another. It was found that both models are closely related and that they can be viewed as separate cases of a more general system. It was shown that this general system can be integrated by a method recently proposed by the authors. This method is based on splitting the original equations into several equations of lower order and reducing them to already known integrable models such as the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Various nonlocal effects can be found among the effects that play an important role in the formation and propagation of solitons. This predetermines the importance of studying nonlocal modifications of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. A number of such models were analyzed and cases were found when they can be reduced to already known local models, probably of a higher order, such as, for example, the sinusoidal Gordon equation and the Landau-Lifshitz model. Vekslerchik V.E.

The propagation of symmetric and antisymmetric Josephson plasma waves in a plate of a layered superconductor located between two identical dielectrics is studied. The existence of two branches of surface waves in the terahertz frequency range is predicted, one above and the other below the Josephson plasma frequency. In addition, there is a discrete series of waveguide modes, the electromagnetic fields of which oscillate across the plate and exponentially decay in external dielectrics. The excitation of the predicted waves using the method of disturbed total internal reflection is also studied theoretically. It is shown that with a special set of structure parameters, the excitation of waveguide modes is accompanied by a total suppression of specular reflection of waves. Slipchenko T.M., Yampolsky V.A. and Krokhin A.


The existence of a new branch of surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors, located at frequencies higher than the frequency of the Josephson plasma resonance, is predicted. In this frequency range, the components of the dielectric constant tensor along and across the superconducting layers have different signs, which usually leads to negative refraction of electromagnetic waves. It was found, however, that negative refraction can be observed only in a narrow frequency gap of the spectrum of surface waves. Thus, a peculiar principle of complementarity between negative refraction and the existence of surface waves in layered superconductors has been revealed. A theory is also proposed for the excitation of high-frequency surface Josephson plasma waves by the method of disturbed total internal reflection in a dielectric prism. Yampolsky V.A., Kadygrob D.V., Ivanov B.A. and Nori F.

The nonlinear response of a layered superconductor to electromagnetic radiation symmetric in the magnetic field is investigated theoretically. An ambiguous dependence of the phase of the reflected signal on the amplitude of the irradiating wave is predicted. This ambiguity is the reason for the appearance of hysteresis jumps in the amplitude dependence of the surface reactance of the superconductor. If the frequency of the wave is close to the Josephson plasma frequency, then this unusual nonlinear effect can be observed at not very strong amplitudes of the ac field. The conditions for the occurrence of hysteresis are obtained. The expression for the phase shift of the reflected wave is derived using the coupled sinusoidal Gordon equations. In addition, the class of coordinate-discontinuous solutions of these equations is studied, which correspond to the continuous spatial distribution of the magnetic field in the superconductor. Such solutions lead to the appearance of additional branches of the dependence of the phase shift of the reflected wave on the amplitude of the incident wave. Yampolsky V.A., Maizelis Z.A. and Apostolov S.S.

The excitation of nonlinear surface Josephson plasma waves in plates of layered superconductors is studied theoretically using the method of disturbed total internal reflection of light in a dielectric prism. The case of two-sided magnetic field symmetric irradiation is considered. Excitation of surface waves leads to resonant suppression of specular reflection of waves (so-called Woods anomalies). Due to the nonlinearity, the specular reflection coefficient resonantly depends not only on the frequency and angle of incidence of the irradiation, but also on the wave amplitude. Yampolsky V.A., Maizelis Z.A. and Apostolov S.S.

A new nonlinear electromagnetic phenomenon is predicted in a layered superconductor plate irradiated from one of its sides by an external wave in the terahertz frequency range. It is shown that the coefficients of reflection and transmission of a wave through a plate can vary over a very wide range, practically from zero to unity (if we neglect weak absorption), with a change in the amplitude of the wave that irradiates the plate. The reason for this phenomenon is related to the fact that nonlinearity effectively reduces the frequency of the Josephson plasma resonance in such a way that at high amplitudes the wave has the opportunity for propagation (instead of damping due to the skin effect, which is observed at low amplitudes). In addition, it was found that the dependence of the coefficients of reflection and transmission of the wave through the plate on the amplitude of the incident wave have an unusual hysteresis dependence with jumps. Yampolsky V.A., Maizelis Z.A. and Apostolov S.S.

Together with scientists from FTINT NASU, the absorption spectrum of electromagnetic radiation in the range of 40-200 GHz at temperatures of 1.4-2.75 K in superfluid helium has been studied. It was found that a narrow resonant absorption line near the roton frequency actually exists against the background of a wide pedestal. The results obtained are compared with the roton spectrum known from neutron scattering data. A theoretical model is proposed that explains the possible reason for the appearance of a narrow resonant absorption peak, by analogy with the Mössbauer effect. The importance of the results obtained is predetermined by the great interest of scientists around the world in the recently revealed unexpected electromagnetic properties of superfluid helium. Usatenko O., Tarapov S. and Derkach V.

Strongly anisotropic nonlinear two-dimensional and three-dimensional gratings are studied. The results obtained in the framework of the theory of integrable one-dimensional systems are extended to the multidimensional case. Mathematically, this problem is formulated as an analysis of connected integrable systems of the Toda type. The theory of such systems has not yet been developed. A method for solving some of these systems is proposed. This method is based on splitting the original equations into several equations of lower order and reducing them to already known integrable models such as the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation. This method was applied to two models. First, a two-dimensional anisotropic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice was studied in the long-wave approximation, which is mathematically described by the coupled Korteweg-de Vries equations. Another model is a model of three-dimensional ferromagnets with graphite-like lattices: in each layer it can be described by the Landau-Lifshitz model, while the interaction between different layers is approximated by a nonlinear Heisenberg-type coupling. A wide range of solutions were obtained for both models, such as solitons and quasiperiodic waves. Vekslerchik V.E. and Pritula G.M.


The resonant excitation of terahertz surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors is studied theoretically. The excitation mechanism is associated with the diffraction of the incident wave due to periodic modulations of the Josephson current density. It is shown that the excitation of surface Josephson plasma waves is accompanied by a resonant decrease in the specular reflection coefficient of the wave. The conditions for the complete suppression of the reflection coefficient are revealed. Yampolsky V.A., Kats A.V., Nesterov M.L., Nikitin A. Yu., Slipchenko T.M. and Nori F.

A method for the synthesis of diffraction gratings with predetermined optical properties is proposed. This was done by obtaining an analytical solution to the diffraction problem by the method of resonance perturbation theory. The parameters of the gratings are determined, which provide a given distribution of energy fluxes over different diffraction orders. Kats A.V. and Spevak I.S.


An unusual nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the Casimir attraction force of thin metal films is predicted within the framework of the Drude dispersion model. This force can decrease with increasing temperature due to a decrease in the conductivity of the metal, but at high temperatures this force increases due to an increase in the pressure of thermal radiation. Experimental observation of the predicted non-monotonic temperature dependence of the Casimir force may put an end to a long discussion about the role of electron relaxation in the Casimir effect. Yampolsky V.A., Apostolov S.S., Maizelis Z.A., Saveliev S. and Nori F.

The transmission and reflection of electromagnetic radiation in the optical and infrared ranges of the spectrum when it is incident on metal films with a thinner skin-layer depth is studied theoretically. It was found that almost one hundred percent transmission of radiation can change to almost complete non-transmission in the presence of spatial periodic modulation of the electromagnetic properties of the film. This nontrivial result is a consequence of the resonant excitation of the film's eigenmodes, the so-called plasmon polaritons. Kats A. V., Spevak I. S., Nikitin A. Yu.


Unusual (for nonrelativistic quantum mechanics) electronic states in graphenes localized inside high potential barriers of finite width are predicted. The density of localized electronic states has a number of singularities at certain energies. These singularities provide quantum oscillations of the transport and thermodynamic properties of graphene with a change in the height or width of the potential barrier. The predicted oscillations are similar to the quantum oscillations of Shubnikov-de-Haas, but in this case they occur when the electric field, rather than the magnetic field, changes. Yampolsky V.A., Saveliev S. and Nori F.

A new method is proposed for constructing diffraction gratings with the desired properties, based on their comparison with multistep Markov chains. Usatenko O.V., Melnik S.S., Apostolov S.S., Maizelis Z.A., Makarov N.M. and Yampolsky V.A.


A new approach is proposed for the theoretical description of random one-dimensional discrete systems with long-range correlations, based on their comparison with multistep Markov chains. On the basis of this model, for the first time, non-extensive thermodynamics of ising chains with long-range inter-spin interaction was constructed. In addition, a convenient method is proposed for constructing a random binary potential in one-dimensional systems with an arbitrary correlation function, which provides the desired metal-insulator transition. Usatenko O.V., Melnik S.S., Apostolov S.S., Maizelis Z.A. and Yampolsky V.A.

The properties of surface electromagnetic waves propagating along the interface between media with different ratios between the signs of the dielectric and magnetic permeability are studied. Conditions are found under which the properties of surface waves are similar to those of bulk waves in left-handed media; in other words, the waves at the "left-handed interfaces between the media" were studied. A number of phenomena are predicted that accompany the propagation of such unusual surface waves (negative refraction, anomalous Doppler effect, transition radiation). The investigated waves can be observed in the optical, near-infrared and terahertz ranges of the spectrum. Kats A.V., Yampolsky V.A., Saveliev S. and Nori F.

Anomalies in the diffraction spectra of refracted and reflected electromagnetic waves from the surface of a periodically modulated layered superconductor are studied theoretically. The dependences of the reflection and transmission coefficients on the parameters of the problem are analyzed, and the conditions for the complete suppression of specular reflection of terahertz waves are revealed. Kats A.V., Nesterov M.L., Nikitin A. Yu., Slipchenko T.M. and Yampolsky V.A.


The existence of surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors is predicted. The excitation of these waves leads to resonant Woods anomalies in the angular dependence of the reflection coefficient of terahertz radiation. Yampolsky V.A., Saveliev S. and Nori F.

An approach has been developed for calculating the optical properties of artificial media - two-dimensional photonic crystals. With the help of the constructed theory, the dependence of the coefficients of reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves through periodically modulated metal films on frequency, parameters of the periodic structure, angle of incidence and polarization of radiation in the optical and infrared ranges of the spectrum is found. The optimal parameters of the structure are found and simple explanations are given of experiments on the observation of anomalous transparency of thick metal films, based on an analytical study of the resonant excitation of eigenmodes in such structures A. V. Kats, A. Yu. Nikitin, and M. L. Nesterov.



  1. Kvitka, S. S. Apostolov, N. M. Makarov, T. Rokhmanova, A. A. Shmat’ko, V. A. Yampol’skii. Resonant transparency of a layered superconductor: Hyperbolic material in the terahertz range tuned by dc magnetic field. Physical Review B, V. 103, P. 104512 (13 pp). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.103.104512
  2. V. Usatenko, S. S. Melnyk, and V. A. Yampol’skii. Transverse Anderson localization of evanescent waves propagating in randomly layered media. Фізика низьких температур: т. 47, №11, 2021.
  3. Mazanov, D. Sugic, M. A. Alonso, F. Nori, K. Y. Bliokh. Transverse shifts and time delays of spatiotemporal vortex pulses reflected and refracted at a planar interface. Nanophotonics, vol. , no. , 2021, pp. 20210294. https://doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2021-0294
  4. V. Usatenko, S. S. Melnyk, and V. A. Yampol’skii. Transverse Anderson Localization Versus Evanescent Waves Confinement. II International Advanced Study Conference Condensed Matter and Low Temperature Physics 2021 : Conference Program and Book of Abstracts, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 6 - 12 June 2021. P. 88.
  5. Tarasov, O. Stadnyk. Scattering of surface plasmon-polaritons by a segment of metal-dielectric boundary with randomly fluctuating impedance. II International Advanced Study Conference Condensed Matter and Low Temperature Physics 2021 : Conference Program and Book of Abstracts, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 6 - 12 June 2021. P. 90.
  6. Averkov, Yu. Prokopenko, V. Yakovenko. Influence of the Aharonov- Bohm Effect on the Eigenmodes Spectra of a Semiconductor Nanotube With a Dielectric Filling. II International Advanced Study Conference Condensed Matter and Low Temperature Physics 2021 : Conference Program and Book of Abstracts, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 6 - 12 June 2021. P. 127.
  7. V. Mazanov, S. S. Apostolov. Thermal Coulomb drag between quantum wires hosting 1D Wigner crystals. II International Advanced Study Conference Condensed Matter and Low Temperature Physics 2021 : Conference Program and Book of Abstracts, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 6 – 12 June 2021. P. 208.
  8. V. Ovcharenko, Z.A. Maizelis, S.S. Apostolov. Propagation and intensity-dependent focusing of THz laser radiation in layered superconductors. II International Advanced Study Conference Condensed Matter and Low Temperature Physics 2021 : Conference Program and Book of Abstracts, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 6 - 12 June 2021. P. 209.
  9. Makarov, N. M., Melnyk, S. S., Usatenko, O. V., Shmat’ko, A. A., & Yampol’skii, V. A. Gyrotropic superlattice as a transformer of light polarization // Low Temperature Physics, 47(7), 588–595 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0005187
  10. G-M. Pritula, O.V. Usatenko, V.E. Vekslerchik. Two-Point Probability Functions and Correlation Properties of the Generalized Additive High-Order Markov Chains. 2021 IEEE 3rd Ukrainian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON), Lviv, 26-28 August 2021. – P. 541-546.
  11. Melnyk, S. S., Usatenko, O. V., & Yampol'skii, V. A. Memory-dependent noise-induced resonance and diffusion in non-Markovian systems //  Physical Review E, 103(3) (2021). https://doi.org/10.1103/physreve.103.032139


  1. V. Mazanov, S. S. Apostolov, Z. A. Maizelis, N. M. Makarov, A. A. Shmat’ko, V. A. Yampol’skii Resonant absorption of terahertz waves in layered superconductors: Wood’s anomalies and anomalous dispersion // Phys. Rev. B 101, 024504 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.101.024504 [Q1https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100874236&tip=sid&clean=0
  2. V. Usatenko , S. S. Melnyk , and G. M. Pritula Correlation function inadequacy in random-sequence entropy measures, Phys. Rev.E 102, 022119 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.102.022119 [Q1https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100855841&tip=sid&clean=0]
  3. E. Eremenko , Yu.V Tarasov and I.N. Volovichev A method of effective potentials for calculating the frequency spectrum of eccentrically layered spherical cavity resonators // Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 34(6), 802-824 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1080/09205071.2020.1758220 [Q2https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=28139&tip=sid]
  4. I. Melnyk, S. S. Melnyk, A. A. Lavrinovich, N.T. Cherpak Catastrophe theory in the phenomenological description of the avalanche effect in dc-biased microwave HTSC transmission lines // Low Temperature Physics 46 (4), 358-364 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1063/10.0000867 [Q3https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=13789&tip=sid&clean=0]
  5. E. Vekslerchik Solitons of some nonlinear sigma-like models // Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications16, 144, 13 pages (2020) https://doi.org/10.3842/SIGMA.2020.144 [Q3https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=11700154503&tip=sid&clean=0]
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  7. Eremenko, I. Volovichev, A. Breslavets Frequency Domain Simulation Method for Electromagnetic Oscillations in Non-concentric Layered Ball Resonator // Abstracts of 2020 IEEE 10th International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW), v.3, p. 643-647 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252595
  8. Л.М. Литвиненко, В.В. Мишенко, В.В. Борцов, В.М. Лісаченко, О.В. Полікарпов, В.К. Гавриков, І.С. Спєвак. Метод визначення діелектричної проникності діелектриків у мм та субмм діапазонах довжин хвиль на підставі вимірювання параметрів плазмон-поляритонного резонансу // Радіофизика і радіоастрономія 5(3), 1-9 (2020)
  9. I. Melnyk, S.S. Melnyk, A.A. Lavrinovich, and N.T. Cherpak Catastrophe theory in the phenomenological description of the avalanche effect in dc-biased microwave HTSC transmission lines // Физика Низких Температур 46(4), 433-440( 2020) http://fnt.ilt.kharkov.ua/list.php?uid=f46-0433e
  10. Н. Квiтка, С.С. Апоcтолов, Т. Рохманова Резонансне пропускання ТГц-хвилi через шаруватий надпровiдник, кероване зовнiшнiм магнiтним полем постiйного струму. // XX Всеукраїнська школа-семiнар та Конкурс молодих вчених зi статистичної фiзики та теорiї конденсованої речовини. Львiв, c.27 (2020)
  11. E. Vekslerchik Combinatorics of multisecant Fay identities, arXiv:2010.15473
  12. V. Kats Diffraction anomalies under grazing incidence (готується до видання)
  13. Г. В. Овчаренко, С. С. Апостолов, З. А. Майзелис, В. О. Ямпольський Nonlinear focusing of THz Gaussian wave beam by layered superconductor (текст у підготовці).


  1. V. Kats Electromagnetic grazing anomalies. Energy flux extrema // Low Temperature Physics 45, 524 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5097362
  2. E. Vekslerchik Solitons of the vector KdV and Yamilov lattices // Journal of Physics A 52(46), 465203 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1088/1751-8121/ab4b10
  3. E. Vekslerchik Explicit Solutions for a Nonlinear Vector Model on the Triangular Lattice // SIGMA 15, 028 (2019), https://doi.org/10.3842/SIGMA.2019.028
  4. E. Vekslerchik Solitons of the (2+2)-dimensional Toda lattice // Journal of Physics A, 52(4), 045202 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1088/1751-8121/aaea08
  5. E.Vekslerchik, G. M.Pritula, S. S.Melnik, O. V.Usatenko Correlation properties of the random linear high-order Markov chains // Physica A 528, 121477 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2019.121477
  6. S. Melnyk, V. A. Yampol'skii, and O. V. Usatenko Continuous stochastic processes with nonlocal memory // Phys. Rev. E 100, 052141 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.100.052141
  7. I. Melnyk, S. S. Melnyk, A. A. Lavrinovich, M. T. Cherpak To the Phenomenological theory of Avalanche-Like Effect in Dc-Biased Microwave Nonlinear HTS Transmission Line // Ukrainian Journal of Physics V.64 I.10 p. 962-972 (2019) https://doi.org/10.15407/ujpe64.10.962
  8. S. Apostolov, D. V. Kadygrob, Z. А. Maizelis, T. N. Rokhmanova, A. A. Shmat'ko, V. A. Yampol'skii Localized waves in layered superconductors // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 78(7) 615-631 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v78.i7.60
  9. S. Apostolov, Z. A. Maizelis, D. V. Shimkiv, A. A. Shmat’ko, V. A. Yampol’skii Anomalous dispersion of oblique terahertz waves localized in the plate of a layered superconductor // Low Temperature Physics 45, p. 885 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5116536
  10. S. Apostolov, D. A. Pesin, A. Levchenko Magnetodrag in the hydrodynamic regime: Effects of magnetoplasmon resonance and Hall viscosity // Phys. Rev. B 100, 115401 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.100.115401
  11. Rokhmanova, A.V. Kats Reflected Energy Flux Anomaly Under Grazing Incidence: The Brewster Angle Analogy // Вісник ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна, серія «Фізика»,вип. 30, c. 30-39 (2019) https://doi.org/10.26565/2222-5617-2019-30-4
  12. Kvitka, T. Rokhmanova, S. S. Apostolov Modification of transfer-matrix method for electromagnetic waves in layered superconductor in presence of dc magnetic field // Вісник ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна, серія «Фізика», вип. 31, c. 42-47 (2019) https://doi.org/10.26565/2222-5617-2019-31-6
  13. В. Е. Векслерчик, С. С. Мельник, Г. М. Притула, О. В. Усатенко Корреляционные функции линейных аддитивных марковских цепей высших порядков // Радіофізика та електроніка 24(1), 47-57 (2019) http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/rphre_2019_24_1_7
  14. C. Апостолов, З .A. Майзелис, Д. В. Шимкив, А. А. Шматько, В.А.Ямпольский Аномальная дисперсия косых терагерцевых волн, локализованных в пластине слоистого сверхпроводника. // Фізика низьких температур 45(8), 1035–1044 (2019) https://fntr.ilt.kharkov.ua/list.php?uid=f45-1035r
  15. В.М. Конторович, И.С. Спевак, В.К. Гавриков Отражение от поверхности нейтронной звезды в условиях плазмон-поляритонного резонанса и дополнительные компоненты в излучении пульсара в Крабе // Океанологические исследования 47(1), 69–71 (2019) https://dx.doi.org/10.29006/1564-2291.JOR-2019.47(1).19
  16. Rokhmanova, S.S. Apostolov, N. Kvitka, V.A. Yampolskiy Controlled Surface Terahertz Plasmonics in Layered Superconductors // The International Conference on Complex Quantum Systems Out of Equilibrium (CQSOE19), August 25-29, 2019, San Pedro del Pinatar, Murcia, Spain, p.16 (2019) https://www.um.es/fisica/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ListAbstracts2019.pdf
  17. Kvitka, T. Rokhmanova, S.S. Apostolov, V.A. Yampol’skii Localized Josephson plasma waves in a plate of layered superconductor in the presence of a dc magnetic field // International Conference for Professionals and Young Scientists “Low Temperature Physics 2019”, June 3-7, 2019, Kharkiv, Ukraine, p. 48 (2019)
  18. S. Apostolov, M. V. Mazanov, Z.A. Maizelis, N. M. Makarov, A. A. Shmat’ko, V.A. Yampol’skii Resonant absorption of electromagnetic waves accompanied by excitation of localized modes with anomalous dispersion in layered superconductors // International Conference for Professionals and Young Scientists “Low Temperature Physics 2019”, June 3-7, 2019, Kharkiv, Ukraine, p.83 (2019)
  19. Kvitka, S. S. Apostolov, T. Rokhmanova Resonant THz Wave Transmission Through a Slab of a Layered Superconductor Tuned by an External DC Magnetic Field // XIV Міжнародна наукова конференція «Фізичні явища в твердих тілах», 3 - 6 грудня 2019, Харків, Україна, c.26 (2019)
  20. Rokhmanova, A.V. Kats Energy Flux Anomalies for Light Diffraction at Periodic Structures Under Grazing Conditions // XIV Міжнародна наукова конференція «Фізичні явища в твердих тілах», 3 - 6 грудня 2019, Харків, Україна, c.94 (2019)
  21. V. Kadygrob, T. Rokhmanova, S.S. Apostolov, V.A. Yampol'skii Localized waves and resonance effects in layered superconductors // X Conference of Young Scientists "Problems of Theoretical Physics", Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (2019) https://indico.bitp.kiev.ua/event/4/contributions/148/


  1. M. Kontorovich, I.S. Spevak, V.K. Gavrikov Resonance nonlinear reflection from neutron star and additional radiation components of Crab pulsar // Problems of atomic science and technology 4(116), 112-117 (2018) ISSN 1562-6016 https://vant.kipt.kharkov.ua/ARTICLE/VANT_2018_4/article_2018_4_112.pdf
  2. S. Apostolov, D. V. Kadygrob, Z. A. Maizelis, A. A. Nikolaenko, V. A. Yampol'skii Nonlinear localized modes in a plate of a layered superconductor // Low Temperature Physics 44, 238–246 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5024544
  3. S. Apostolov, D. V. Kadygrob, Z. A. Maizelis, A. A. Nikolaenko, A.A. Shmatko, V.A. Yampol'skii Normal and anomalous dispersion of weakly non-linear localized modes in a slab of a layered superconductive material // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 77, 131-144 (2018) http://dx.doi.org/10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v77.i2.40
  4. M. Pritula, E.V. Petrenko, O.V. Usatenko Adiabatic dynamics of one-dimensional classical Hamiltonian dissipative systems // Physics Letters A, 382(8), 548-553 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2017.12.007
  5. S. Melnik and O. V. Usatenko Entropy of high-order Markov chains beyond the pair correlations // Physica A 506, 208 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2018.04.025
  6. S. Melnik and O. V. Usatenko Symbolic high-order Markov chains: Entropy and compressibility // Phys. Rev. E 98, 042144 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.98.042144
  7. S. Apostolov, N. M. Makarov, V. A. Yampol’skii Excitation of terahertz modes localized on a layered superconductor: Anomalous dispersion and resonant transmission // Phys. Rev. B 97, 024510 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.97.024510
  8. Rokhmanova, S.S. Apostolov, N. Kvitka, V.A. Yampol’skii Effect of a DC magnetic field on the anomalous dispersion of localized Josephson plasma modes in layered superconductors // Low Temperature Physics, v. 44, pp. 552 (2018) https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5037558
  9. В. М. Конторович, И.С. Спевак, В.К. Гавриков. Связь дополнительных компонент излучения пульсара в Крабе с резонансным отражением от нейтронной звезды // Радіофізика і радіоастрономія, 23(3), 166-175, (2018) https://doi.org/10.15407/rpra23.03.166
  10. C. Апостолов, Д.В. Кадыгроб, З.A. Майзелис, Т.Н. Рохманова, А.А. Шматько, В.А. Ямпольский / Локализованные волны в слоистых сверхпроводниках // Радиофизика и электроника, 23(4), 55–66 (2018) https://doi.org/10.15407/rej2018.04.055
  11. C. Апостолов, Д.В. Кадыгроб, З.A. Майзелис, А.A. Николаенко, В.А. Ямпольский. Нелинейные локализованные моды в пластине слоистого сверхпроводника // Физика Низких Температур 44, 314-325 (2018). https://fntr.ilt.kharkov.ua/list.php?uid=f44-0314r
  12. N. Volovichev Direct current in non-steady-state photovoltaic effect // Phys. Sci. Int. J. 17(3), 1–11 (2018) https://doi.org/10.9734/PSIJ/2018/39551
  13. Rokhmanova, S.S. Apostolov, N. Kvitka, V.A. Yampol’skii. Dispersion of THz Modes Localized on Layered Superconductor Controlled by DC Magnetic Field // 48th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2018, 23-28 September, Madrid, Spain, P.1509-1512. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8541753
  14. В.М. Конторович, И.С. Спевак, В.К. Гавриков Отражение от поверхности нейтронной звезды в условиях плазмон-поляритонного резонанса и дополнительные компоненты в излучении пульсара в Крабе // XXVII Научная сессия РАН по нелинейной динамике. Москва, Институт океанологии им. П.П. Ширшова РАН, 17-18 декабря 2018 г. Краткие аннотации докладов, с.32
  15. В.М. Конторович, И.С. Спевак, В.К. Гавриков О возможной связи дополнительных компонент Моффета-Хэнкинса в излучении пульсара в Крабе с резонансом на поверхности нейтронной звезды // Всероссийская конференция «Астрофизика высоких энергий сегодня и завтра -2018», Москва, ИКИ РАН, 18-21 декабря 2018 г.
  16. Rokhmanova, S.S. Apostolov, N. Kvitka, V.A. Yampol’skii. Description of Localized Josephson Plasma Waves: Legendre Functions vs WKB Approximation // 17th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, 2-5 July, 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8460354
  17. E. Vekslerchik, S. S. Melnik, G. M. Pritula and O. V. Usatenko Correlation Properties of Additive Linear High-Order Markov Chains // 9th International Conference on Ultrawideband and Ultrashort Impulse Signals (UWBUSIS), Odessa, 2018, p. 150-155 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1109/UWBUSIS.2018.8520215
  18. S. Apostolov, D.V. Kadygrob, Z.A. Maizelis, A. Nikolaenko, V.A. Yampol’skii Nonlinear localized waves in layered superconductors: Jacobi elliptic functions approach // 17th International сonference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, Kyiv, Ukraine, July 2-5, 2018, p.177-180 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1109/MMET.2018.8460427
  19. E. Eremenko, Yu. V. Tarasov, I. N. Volovichev The Method of Potentials for the Frequency Spectrum of Non-Homogeneous Spherical Cavities, Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 17th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET), Kiev, p. 354-357 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1109/MMET.2018.8460365
  20. E. Eremenko, Yu. V. Tarasov, I. N. Volovichev Mode Decomposition Method for the Frequency Spectrum of Double-Spherical Cavity Resonator // Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO), Kiev, p. 31-35 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1109/ELNANO.2018.8477479
  21. V. Shymkiv, T. Rokhmanova, Z.A. Maizelis, D.V. Kadygrob, S.S. Apostolov Oblique localized Josephson plasma waves in a plate of layered superconductor // Materials of the International Meeting "Clusters and nanostructured materials (CNM-5)", Uzhhorod, Ukraine, 22-26 October 2018, p. 88-90 (2018)


  1. F. Herrera-González, F.M. Izrailev, N.M. Makarov, L. Tessieri 1D Anderson model revisited: Band center anomaly for correlated disorder // Low Temp. Phys., 43, 347-352 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4976635
  2. A .Iakushev, N.M. Makarov, F. Pérez-Rodríguez Narrow-pass-band filters based on binary superlattices with strong impedance contrast // Low Temp. Phys., 43, 1141-1145 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5001289
  3. N. Volovichev, O. Y. Titov, Yu. G. Gurevich Photovoltaic effect in unipolar multivalley semiconductors // Philos. Mag. 97, 683–692 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1080/14786435.2016.1274838
  4. E. Vekslerchik Solitons of a simple nonlinear model on the cubic lattice // Journal of Physics A 50(47), 475201 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1088/1751-8121/aa8e04
  5. S. Melnik and O. V. Usatenko Decomposition of conditional probability for high-order symbolic Markov chains // Phys. Rev. E 96, 012158 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.96.012158
  6. S. Apostolov, V. I. Havrilenko, Z. A. Maizelis, V. A. Yampol'skii Anomalous dispersion of surface and waveguide modes in layered superconductor slabs // Low Temperature Physics 43, 296-302 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4977740
  7. S. Apostolov, N. M. Makarov, V. A. Yampol’skii Resonant transparency of a photonic crystal containing layered superconductor as a defect // Low Temperature Physics 43, 848-854 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4995635
  8. C. Апостолов, Д. В. Кадыгроб, З. А. Майзелис, А. А. Николаенко, А. А. Шматько, В.А. Ямпольский Нормальная и аномальная дисперсия слабонелинейных локализованных мод в пластине слоистого сверхпроводника // Радиофизика и электроника, 22(4), 31–38 (2017). https://doi.org/10.15407/rej2017.04.031
  9. Rokhmanova Magnetic Field as a Tool to Control Transmission and Polarization Transformation in Layered Superconductors // International Conference of Physics Students, August 7-14, 2017, – Turin, Italy, p. 110-111 https://www.ai-sf.it/dbicps/documents/AbstractBooklet.pdf
  10. A. Shmat'ko, E.N. Odarenko, V.N. Mizemik, T.N. Rokhmanova Bragg reflection and transmission of light by one-dimensional gyrotropic magnetophotonic crystal // 2017 2nd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communication Technologies (AICT), – 4-7 July 2017, Lviv, Ukrain, p. 232-236 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8020108
  11. A. Kuzmenko, I.S.Spevak, A.V. Kats Strong diffraction anomalies caused by existence of grazing propagating waves and generalized reciprocity // «Фізичні явища в твердих тілах», Матеріали XIII Міжнародної наукової конференції (5-8 грудня 2017 р.), с.102, Харків, 2017
  12. Rokhmanova, S.S. Apostolov, Z.A. Maizelis, V.A. Yampol’skii DС magnetic field control of wave transformation in layered superconductors // XIII Міжнародна наукова конференція «Фізичні явища в твердих тілах», – 5-8 грудня 2017, Харків, Україна
  13. Nikolaenko, A.A. Shmat’ko, S.S. Apostolov, Z.A. Maizelis, D.V. Kadygrob, V.A. Yampol’skii Weakly non-linear localized modes in layered superconductor plates // XIII Міжнародна наукова конференція «Фізичні явища в твердих тілах», – 5-8 грудня 2017, Харків, Україна
  14. Т. Рохманова, С.С. Апостолов Керування прозорістю шаруватих надпровідників зовнішнім постійним магнітним полем // 17-та Всеукраїнська школа-семінар та Конкурс молодих вчених, 8-9 червня 2017, Львів, Україна, c. 27


  1. N. Rokhmanova, S.S. Apostolov, Z.A. Maizelis, V.A. Yampol'skii Transformation of the polarization of the electromagnetic waves reflected from the layered superconductors in an external dc magnetic field // Low Temperature Physics 42 (10), 916-923 (2016), https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4966244
  2. S. Apostolov, Z. A. Maizelis, N. M. Makarov, F. Pérez-Rodríguez, T. N. Rokhmanova, and V. A. Yampol'skii Transmission of terahertz waves through layered superconductors controlled by a dc magnetic field // Physical Review B 94 (2), 024513 (2016), https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.94.024513
  3. N. Rokhmanova, Z. A. Maizelis, S. S. Apostolov, A. A. Shmat'ko, V. A. Yampol'skii Effect of DC magnetic field on reflectivity of layered superconductors // 9th International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW) (2016) https://doi.org/10.1109/MSMW.2016.7538201
  4. S. Apostolov, A.A. Bozhko, Z.A. Maizelis, M.A. Sorokina, V.A. Yampol'skii Amplitude hysteresis of the surface reactance of a layered superconductor // Low Temperature Physics 42 (4), 265-272 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4947471
  5. S. Spevak, A.A Kuzmenko, M. Tymchenko, V.K. Gavrikov, V.M .Shulga, J. Feng, H.B. Sun, Yu.E. Kamenev, A.V. Kats Surface plasmon-polariton resonance at diffraction of THz radiation on semiconductor gratings // Low Temperature Physics 42(8), 698-702 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4960497
  6. M. Pritula, V.I. Prytula, O.V. Usatenko Integrable order parameter dynamics of globally coupled oscillators // Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49(6), 065101 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/49/6/065101
  7. S. Melnik, O. V. Usatenko Entropy and long-range memory in random symbolic additive Markov chains / Phys. Rev. E 93 (6), 062144 (2016)
  8. I. Melnyk, S.S. Melnik An algorithmic method of solving inverse problems of reconstruction of the macrostructure scattering media // 2016 9th International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW), Kharkiv, 2016, pp. 1-4, https://doi.org/10.1109/MSMW.2016.7538177
  9. E. Vekslerchik Solitons of a vector model on the honeycomb lattice // Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (45), 455202 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/49/45/455202
  10. E. Vekslerchik Explicit solutions for a nonlinear model on the honeycomb and triangular lattices // Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 23 (3), 399-422 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1080/14029251.2016.1204719
  11. G. Gurevich, I.N. Volovichev Mechanisms of charge carriers nonequilibrium in transport processes in bipolar semiconductors // Current Applied Physics 16 (2), 191-196 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cap.2015.11.013
  12. N. Volovichev Dynamic thermoelectricity in uniform bipolar semiconductor // Physica B: Condensed Matter 492, 70-76 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2016.04.010
  13. Ю.В. Тарасов, О.В. Усатенко, Д.А. Якушев Плазмон–поляритоны на границе с флуктуирующим импедансом: рассеяние, локализация, устойчивость // ФНТ 42 (8) 870-886 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4961486
  14. A.A. Shmat'ko, A.B. Kazanko, V.N. Mizernik, E.N. Odarenko, V.A. Yampol'skii, T.N. Rokhmanova Extraordinary reflection from photonic crystal with metamaterials // 2016 8th International Conference on Ultrawideband and Ultrashort Impulse Signals (UWBUSIS), p.160-162 (2016) http://doi.org/ 10.1109/UWBUSIS.2016.7724177
  15. A. Shmat'ko, V.N. Mizernik, E.N. Odarenko, V.A. Yampol'skii, T.N. Rokhmanova Dispersion properties of a one-dimensional anisotropic magnetophotonic crystal with a gyrotropic layer // 2016 IEEE 7th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL), p.123-125 (2016) https://doi.org/10.1109/CAOL.2016.7851399
  16. S. Apostolov, D.A. Iakushev, N.M. Makarov, A.A. Shmat’ko, V.A. Yampol’skii Terahertz transverse-magnetic-polarized waves localized on layered superconductor defect in photonic crystals // Радіофізика та електроніка 21(4), 77-82 (2016)
  17. I. Melnyk, S.S. Melnik Reconstruction of images with large non-uniform increments // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 75 (8), 719-732 (2016)
  18. С.И. Мельник, С.С. Мельник Реконструкция изображений с крупной неоднородной дискретностью // Радіофізика та електроніка 21(1), 77-84 (2016)
  19. S. Melnik, O. V. Usatenko Symbolic Markov chains with multilinear memory function // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 75 (5), 383-400 (2016)
  20. E. Eremenko, E.S. Kuznetsova, L.D. Shostenko, Yu.V. Tarasov, I.N. Volovichev The Spectral Chaos in a Layered Dielectric Spherical Сentered Resonator // Chaotic Modeling and Simulation (CMSIM), N 2, 167–176 (2016)
  21. E. Eremenko, E.M. Ganapolskii, E.S. Kuznetsova, L.D. Shostenko, Yu.V. Tarasov, I.N. Volovichev Correlation Factor of Interfrequency Intervals in a Layered Microwave Cavity Dielectric Resonator // Proc. of the 9th International Kharkiv Symposium On Physics And Engineering Of Microwaves, Millimeter And Submillimeter Waves MSMW'2016, Kharkov, p. G-34 (2016)
  22. Gurevich, O. Titov, I.N. Volovichev Photovoltaic effect in unipolar semiconductors // Proc. of the IX International Conference on Surface, Materials and Vacuum, Mazatlan, Mexico, p. 362 (2016)
  23. A. Iakushev, Yu.V. Tarasov, O.V. Usatenko Plasmon-Polariton Excitations on Surfaces with Fluctuating Impedance // Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET’16), Kharkov, Ukraine, June 21-24, (H-12) (2016)
  24. Rokhmanova, S.S. Apostolov, Z.A. Maizelis, V.A. Yampol’skii Transmittance of THz Waves Through Finite-thickness Layered Superconductors in the Presence of External DC Magnetic Field // International Young Scientists Forum on Applied Physics and Engineering YSF-2016, Kharkiv, Ukraine (2016)
  25. И. С. Спевак, В. К. Гавриков, М.А. Тимченко, А. В. Кац Применение резонансной дифракции на решетках с тонким диэлектрическим слоем для определения оптических свойств покрытий // Тези V Наукової конференції «Нанорозмірні системи: будова, властивості, технології», с. 42, Київ, 1-2 грудня (2016)
  26. И. С. Спевак, В. К. Гавриков, М.А. Тимченко, А. В. Кац Поверхностные электромагнитные волны на структурированной границе металл-диэлектрик // Тези V Наукової конференції «Нанорозмірні системи: будова, властивості, технології», с. 120, Київ, (2016)
  27. С.С. Апостолов, А.А. Левченко Многократные андреевские и нормальные отражения в двумерном топологическом изоляторе // Международный Юбилейный Семинар “Современные проблемы физики твердого тела”, посвященный памяти члена-корреспондента НАН Украины Эмануила Айзиковича Канера и 60-летию открытия циклотронного резонанса в металлах, Харьков, ноябрь 2016 г., С. 13
  28. Т.Н. Рохманова, З.А. Майзелис, С.С. Апостолов, Ф. Перес-Родригес, Н.М.Макаров, В.А. Ямпольский Отражение, прохождение и трансформация поляризации волн в слоистых сверхпроводниках // Международный Юбилейный Семинар “Современные проблемы физики твердого тела”, посвященный памяти члена-корреспондента НАН Украины Эмануила Айзиковича Канера и 60-летию открытия циклотронного резонанса в металлах, Харьков, ноябрь 2016 г., С. 40
  29. Д.В. Кадыгроб, Н.М. Макаров, Ф. Переc-Родригеc, Т.М. Слипченко, О.И. Любимов, В.А. Ямпольский Аномальное прохождение электромагнитных волн через периодически модулированную пластину слоистого сверхпроводника // Международный Юбилейный Семинар “Современные проблемы физики твердого тела”, посвященный памяти члена-корреспондента НАН Украины Эмануила Айзиковича Канера и 60-летию открытия циклотронного резонанса в металлах, Харьков, ноябрь 2016 г., С. 42
  30. D.A. Iakushev, N.M. Makarov, F. Pérez-Rodríguez Photonics of dielectric-metal superlattices // Международный Юбилейный Семинар “Современные проблемы физики твердого тела”,посвященный памяти члена-корреспондента НАН Украины Эмануила Айзиковича Канера и 60-летию открытия циклотронного резонанса в металлах, Харьков, ноябрь 2016 г., С. 14
  31. G.M. Pritula, O.V. Usatenko Dynamics of Ensemble of Globally Coupled Hopf Oscillators // Международный Юбилейный Семинар “Современные проблемы физики твердого тела”,посвященный памяти члена-корреспондента НАН Украины Эмануила Айзиковича Канера и 60-летию открытия циклотронного резонанса в металлах, Харьков, ноябрь 2016 г., С. 43
  32. G.M. Pritula, O.V. Usatenko The Berry phase and adiabatic Hamiltonian dynamics: plane pendulum vs damped oscillator // Международный Юбилейный Семинар “Современные проблемы физики твердого тела”,посвященный памяти члена-корреспондента НАН Украины Эмануила Айзиковича Канера и 60-летию открытия циклотронного резонанса в металлах, Харьков, ноябрь 2016 г., С. 45
  33. S.S. Melnik, O.V. Usatenko High-order symbolic Markov chains and artificial neural networks // Международный Юбилейный Семинар “Современные проблемы физики твердого тела”,посвященный памяти члена-корреспондента НАН Украины Эмануила Айзиковича Канера и 60-летию открытия циклотронного резонанса в металлах, Харьков, ноябрь 2016 г., С. 44
  34. Ramirez-Hernandez, F. M Izrailev, N. M. Makarov PT-symmetric properties of optical systems with balanced loss/gain // Международный Юбилейный Семинар “Современные проблемы физики твердого тела”,посвященный памяти члена-корреспондента НАН Украины Эмануила Айзиковича Канера и 60-летию открытия циклотронного резонанса в металлах, Харьков, ноябрь 2016 г., С. 46


  1. Ю.О. Аверков, С.И. Тарапов, В.М. Яковенко, В.А. Ямпольский Управляемые магнитным полем поверхностные электромагнитные состояния в системе графен-антиферромагнитный фотонный кристалл // ЖЭТФ, 2015, Т. 147, вып. 4, С. 811-819 http://dx.doi.org/10.7868/S004445101504014X
  2. E. Vekslerchik Soliton Fay identities: II. Bright soliton case // J. Phys. A, 48 (44) 445204 (2015) https://doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/48/44/445204
  3. Tymchenko, V.K. Gavrikov, I.S. Spevak, A.A. Kuzmenko, A.V. Kats Quasi-resonant enhancement of a grazing diffracted wave and deep suppression of specular reflection on shallow metal gratings in terahertz // Applied Physics Letters 106 (26), 261602 (2015) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4923419
  4. S. Melnik, O.V. Usatenko Comparative Study of Complexity, Entropy and Correlations of Natural Written Texts Produced by Human Brain and DNA “Texts” that Create Human Being // J Theor Comput Sci, 3(1), 1000139 (2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2376-130X.1000139
  5. Apostolov, A. Levchenko, A. Andreev Hydrodynamic Coulomb drag, magnetodrag and Hall drag of strongly correlated electron liquids // Bulletin of the American Physical Society 60 (2015)
  6. С. С. Апостолов Многократное андреевское отражение в двухмерном топологическом изоляторе // Доповіді НАН України № 1, 65-71 (2015)
  7. Т.Н. Рохманова, С.С. Апостолов, З.А. Майзелис, В.А. Ямпольский Нелинейная трансформация волн с различными поляризациями в ограниченных слоистых сверхпроводниках // Доповіді НАН України № 2, 66-71 (2015)
  8. С.С. Мельник, О.В. Усатенко Символьные цепи Маркова с мультилинейной функцией памяти // Радиофизика и электроника, том 6 (20), № 3, 79 (2015)
  9. Rokhmanova, S.S. Apostolov, Z.A. Maizelis, V.A. Yampol’skii Transparency of finite-thickness layered superconductors controlled by dc magnetic field // 58th Scientific Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences “Open Readings 2015” – 24-27 March 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania – P. 64
  10. Tetiana Rokhmanova Reflection, Transmission, and Transformation of Electromagnetic Waves in Layered Superconductors of Finite Sizes // International Conference of Physics Students, 12-19 August 2015, Zagreb, Croatia
  11. N. Rokhmanova Transperency Control of Layered Superconductors by the External Static Magnetic Field // International Young Scientists Forum on Applied Physics –September 29-October 2, 2015, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
  12. Т.Н. Рохманова Трансформация поляризации нелинейных поперечно-электрических и поперечно-магнитных волн в слоистых сверхпроводниках конечных размеров // XII Міжнародна наукова конференція «Фізичні явища в твердих тілах» - 1-4 грудня 2015 року, Харків, Україна - С.18
  13. И. С. Спевак, М. А. Тимченко, В. К. Гавриков, Л. Н. Литвиненко, А. В. Кац Усиление приповерхностной волны при дифракции терагерцового излучения на металлической решетке // Сборник научных трудов VIII Международной научной конференции «Функциональная база наноэлектроники», 28 сентября – 2 октября 2015, Харьков-Одесса, с. 27-30
  14. Eremenko Z. E., Kuznetsova E. S., Shostenko L. D., Tarasov Yu. V. I.N. Volovichev The Spectral Chaos in a Layered Dielectric Spherical Сentered Resonator // Proceedings of the 8th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference, France, 2015
  15. G. Gurevich, I.N. Volovichev New about the solar cells // Proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Surfaces, Materials and Vacuum, Mexico, 2015, p.294
  16. M. Pritula, O.V. Usatenko Analytical solution for system of globally coupled nonlinear Stuart-Landau oscillators // Workshop «Recent advances in bioinformatics and neuroscience», Madrid, Spain , 9–11 June 2015, p. 30
  17. V. Usatenko Hamiltonian dynamics and Berry Phase, Plenary lectures of invited speakers // VI International Conference for Young Scientists,"LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS - 2015" 2 - 5 June Kharkiv 2015, Conference Program & Book of Abstracts, p. 28


  1. O. Averkov, V.M. Yakovenko, V.A. Yampol’skii, Franco Nori Terahertz transition radiation of bulk and surface electromagnetic waves by an electron entering a layered superconductor // Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 89, 094506 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.89.094506
  2. O. Averkov, V.M. Yakovenko, V.A. Yampol’skii, Franco Nori Terahertz transverse-electric- and transverse-magnetic-polarized waves localized on graphene in photonic crystals // Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 90, 045415 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.90.045415
  3. Okaba, T. Takano, F. Benabid, T. Bradley, L. Vincetti, Z. Maizelis V. Yampol'skii, F. Nori , H. Katori Lamb-Dicke spectroscopy of atoms in a hollow-core photonic crystal fibre // Nature Commun., 5:4096 doi: 10.1038/ncomms5096 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms5096
  4. Д.В. Кадыгроб В.А. Ямпольский Подавленная прозрачность тонких модулированных пластин слоистых сверхпроводников в терагерцевом диапазоне частот // ФНТ, т. 40, № 8, c. 910–914 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4894323
  5. V. Usatenko S.S. Melnik Entropy and long-range correlations in DNA sequences // Computational Biology and Chemistry 53 (2014) 26–31 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiolchem.2014.08.006
  6. V. Usatenko S.S. Melnik Entropy of finite random binary sequences with weak long-range correlations // Pys.Rev.E 90, 052106 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.90.05210
  7. N. Rokhmanova, S.S. Apostolov, Z.A. Maizelis, V.A. Yampol'skii, F. Nori Superposition principle for nonlinear Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors // Physical Review B 90 (18), 184503 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.90.184503
  8. E. Vekslerchik Soliton Fay identities: I. Dark soliton case // J. Phys. A, 47, 415202 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1088/1751-8113/47/41/415202
  9. N. Volovichev New non-linear photovoltaic effect in uniform bipolar semiconductor. // J. Appl. Phys. 116, 193701 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4901871
  10. V. Usatenko, S.S. Melnik, S.S. Apostolov, N.M. Makarov, A.A. Krokhin Iterative method for generating correlated binary sequences // Physical Review E 90 (5), 053305 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.90.053305
  11. S .Apostolov, A. Levchenko Nonequilibrium spectroscopy of topological edge liquids // Physical Review B 89 (20), 201303 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.89.201303
  12. S. Apostolov, A. Levchenko, A.V. Andreev Hydrodynamic Coulomb drag of strongly correlated electron liquids // Physical Review B 89 (12), 121104 (2014) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.89.121104
  13. N. Rokhmanova, Z.A. Maizelis Transmittance of electromagnetic waves through finite-length layered superconductors in presence of external static magnetic field // Вісник ХНУ ім. В.Н. Каразіна, 2014. №1135, Вип.21, С. 16-20
  14. N. Rokhmanova, S.S. Apostolov, Z.A. Maizelis, V.A. Yampol’skii Reflectivity of semi-infinite layered superconductors in presence of external dc magnetic field // 14th Kharkiv Young Scientist Conference on Radiophysics, Electronics, Photonics and Biophysics, 14 – 17 October 2014, - Kharkiv, Ukraine
  15. N. Rokhmanova, Z.A. Maizelis, S.S. Apostolov, V.A. Yampol’skii Superposition Principle for Nonlinear Josephson Plasma Waves in Layered Superconductors Placed inside a Vacuum Waveguide // Condensed matter in Paris 2014, CMD 25 – JMC 14, August 24-29, 2014 – Paris, France. – P.365-366
  16. N. Rokhmanova Applying a DC Magnetic Field as a way to Control the Reflectance of Layered Superconductors // International Conference of Physics Students, August 10-17, 2014, – Heidelberg, Germany. – P.22
  17. N. Rokhmanova, Z.A. Maizelis, S.S. Apostolov, V.A. Yampol’skii Superposition principle for nonlinear waveguide modes in layered superconductors // 5th International Conference for Young Scientists “Low temperature physics – 2014”, 2-6 June 2014, – Kharkiv, Ukraine. – P.41
  18. Levchenko, S. Apostolov Nonequilibrium Spectroscopy of Topological Edge Liquids // APS March Meeting 2014, abstract id. A42.007 (2014)
  19. Т.Н. Рохманова, З.А. Майзелис, С.С. Апостолов, В.А. Ямпольский Управление отражательной способностью слоистого сверхпроводника с помощью статического магнитного поля // Радиофизика и электроника, 19(3), 49-54 (2014)
  20. S.S .Apostolov Scattering process without conserving plasmon number in one-dimensional Wigner crystal // Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В.Н. Каразіна. Серія: Фізика, 1135, вип. 21, 6-9 (2014)
  21. G.M. Pritula, A.V. Shkop, D.A. Tkanov, O.V. Usatenko Microscopic model for the Langevin equation: Force-force correlation function // Вісник Харківського національного університету імені ВН Каразіна. Серія: Фізика, 1135(21), 56-60 (2014)
  22. A. Maystrenko, S.S. Melnik, G.M. Pritula, O.V. Usatenko Random linear antennas with controlled radiation pattern // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 73 (4) 311-328 (2014)
  23. A.A. Kuzmenko, V.K. Gavrikov, I.S. Spevak, A.V. Kats Enhanced backward diffraction of TM-polarized electromagnetic waves at high reflecting interfaces accompanied by the specular reflection suppression // in Proc. 14th Kharkiv Young Scientists Conf. Radiophysics, Electronics, Photonics and Biophysics, 14-17 October 2014, Kharkiv, Ukraine (2014)


  1. O. Averkov,V.M. Yakovenko,V.A. Yampol’skii, Franco Nori Oblique surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors // Rev. B, Vol. 87, 054505 (2013)
  2. V. Kadygrob,N.M. Makarov, F. Perez Rodriguez, T.M. Slipchenko, V.A. Yampol'skii Enhanced transmission of terahertz radiation through a periodically modulated slab of layered superconductor // New J. Phys., Vol. 15, 023040(2013)
  3. Д.В. Кадыгроб, Н.М. Макаров, Ф. Переc-Родригеc, Т.М. Слипченко, О.И. Любимов, В.А. ЯмпольскийАномальная прозрачность периодически модулированных пластин слоистых сверхпроводников в терагерцевом диапазоне частот // Радиофизика и электроника, т. 4, № 1, с. 65 (2013)
  4. Rokhmanova, S.S. Apostolov, Z.A. Maizelis, V.A. Yampol'skii, Franco Nori Self-induced terahertz-wave transmissivity of waveguides with finite-length layered superconductors // Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 88, 014506 (2013)
  5. O. Averkov,V.M. Yakovenko, V.A.Yampol’skii Transition radiation of an electron crossing an interface between a dielectric and a layered superconductor // Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Сер. Плазменная электроника и новые методы ускорения. № 4 (86), c. 15-20 (2013). –ISSN 1562-6016
  6. Fisher, I.F. Voloshin, V.A. Yampolskii Response of HTS tapes to a parallel ac magnetic field in the vicinity of the superconducting transition // ФНТ, Т. 39, N 12, (2013)
  7. Bliokh, A. Aiello Goos-Hanchen and Imbert-Fedorov beam shifts: An overview // J. Opt., Vol. 15, 014001 (2013)
  8. Guzzinati, P. Schattschneider, K.Y. Bliokh, F. Nori, J. Verbeeck Observation of the Larmor and Gouy rotations with electron vortex beams // Phys. Lett.Vol. 110, 093601 (2013)
  9. Bliokh, A.Y. Bekshaev, F. Nori Mie scattering and optical forces from evanescent fields: A complex-angle approach // Opt. Express, Vol. 21, 7082 (2013)
  10. Bliokh, A.Y. Bekshaev, F. Nori Dual electromagnetism: Helicity, spin, momentum, and angular momentum // New J. Phys., Vol. 15, 033026 (2013)
  11. Bliokh, Y.V. Izdebskaya, F. Nori Transverse relativistic effects in paraxial wave interference // J. Opt., Vol. 15, 044003 (2013)
  12. Bliokh, A.Y. Bekshaev, A.G. Kofman, F. Nori Photon trajectories, anomalous velocities, and weak measurements: a classical interpretation // New J. Phys., Vol. 15, 073022 (2013)
  13. И.С. СпевакМ.А. ТимченкоВ.К. ГавриковЮ.Е. КаменевВ.М. ШульгаХ.-Б. СанДж. Фенг,А.В. Кац Влияние оптических свойств полупроводника и параметров профиля периодической поверхности на структуру плазмон-поляритонного резонанса в терагерцовом диапазоне // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. Т. 18, № 4, c. 341 (2013)
  14. Kats, V. M. Kontorovich Merger Driven Explosive Evolution of Distant Galaxies (Minor Mergers) // Astrophysical Bulletin, Vol. 68, No. 3, p. 243 (2013)
  15. Kats, V. M. Kontorovich The use of gravitational lenses in the study of distant galaxy mergers // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия, Т. 18, № 3, c. 220 (2013)
  16. Apostolov, Dong E. Liu, Zakhar, Maizelis, Alex Levchenko Thermal transport and quench relaxation in nonlinear Luttinger liquids // Phys. Rev. B,.Vol. 88, 045435 (2013)
  17. C.C. АпостоловТеплопроводность одномерного вигнеровского кристалла // Вестник ХНУ иім.В. Н. Каразина. (Серия: Физика). № 1076, 8 (2013)
  18. Vekslerchik Functional representation of the negative DNLS hierarchy // Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Vol. 19, No. 4, p. 495 (2013)
  19. Vekslerchik Explicit solutions for a (2+ 1)-dimensional Toda-like chain // Journal of Physics A, Vol. 46, No. 5, 055202 (2013)
  20. E. Vekslerchik Two-Dimensional Toda–Heisenberg Lattice // SIGMA Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, Vol. 9, p. 44 (2013)
  21. A A Maystrenko, S S Melnik, O V Usatenko,G M Pritula Bunches of random cross-correlated sequences // Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46, 395002 (2013)
  22. A A Maystrenko, S S Melnik,O V Usatenko,G M Pritula Random linear antennas with managed radiation pattern // Радиофизика и электроника, Т. 4, №2, с. 21 (2013)
  23. Melnik, S.V. Denisov, A.A. Maystrenko, E.Yu. Butova, O.V. Usatenko Analysis of long-range correlations in DNA molecules: A new approach to biological classification // Вестник ХНУ, № 1075, серия «Физика», вып. 18, с. 46 (2013)
  24. Goryashko, Yu.V. Tarasov, L.D. Shostenko The sharpness-induced mode stopping and spectrum rarefication in waveguides with periodically corrugated walls // Waves in Random and Complex Media, Vol. 23, No 2, p. 89 (2013)
  25. Apostolov, SA. Levchenko Josephson current and density of states in proximity circuits with s+–superconductors // APS March Meeting, March 18–22, 2013, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. – p. M36.12
  26. Apostolov, T.N. Rokhmanova, Z.A. Maizelis, V.A. Yampol’skii Self-induced THz-waves transmissivity of waveguides with layered superconductors // The international summer school nanotechnology: from fundamental research to innovations and practice conference “Nano­technology and nanomaterials”, 25 August – 1 September 2013, Bukovel, Ukraine. – P. 34
  27. Apostolov, T.N. Rokhmanova, V.A. Yampol’skii Transformation of THz waves polarization via transmission through a finite slab of layered superconductor // The international summer school nanotechnology: from fundamental research to innovations and practice conference “Nanotechnology and nanomaterials”, 25 August – 1 September 2013, Bukovel, Ukraine. – P. 35
  28. Apostolov, T.N. Rokhmanova, Z.A. Maizelis, V.A. Yampol’skii Nonlinear THz-waves transmission through a finite-length layered superconductor placed inside a vacuum rectangular waveguide // XIII Kharkov Young Scientist Conference on Radiophysics, Electronics, Photonics and Biophysics, 2 – 6 December 2013, Kharkov, Ukraine
  29. Д.В. Кадыгроб, В.А. ЯмпольскийПоверхностные джозефсоновские плазменные волны, распространяющиеся поперек сверхпроводящих слоев в слоистых сверхпроводниках // ХIII Харківська конференція молодих науковців, 2-6 грудня 2013 р.: тези доп.
  30. Д.В. Кадыгроб, В.А. ЯмпольскийАномальная прозрачность периодически модулированных пластин слоистых сверхпроводников в терагерцевом диапазоне частот // Фізичні явища в твердих тілах. Матеріали XI-ої Міжнародної конференції, 3-6 грудня 2013 р.: тези доп. - Харків, 2013. c. 79.
  31. А. В. Кац, И. С. Спевак, А. А. КузьменкоРезонансные эффекты, возникающие при скользящем падении электромагнитных волн на импедансную решетку // XIII Kharkov young scientists conference on radiophysics, electronics and biophysics. 2 – 6 December 2013, Kharkov, Ukraine
  32. Goryashko, Yu.V. Tarasov, L.D. Shostenko Wave propagation through a waveguide segment with corrugated walls: The critical role of the corrugation sharpness // International Kharkov Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW’13), 2013, p. 228
  33. Rokhmanova Independent nonlinear modes in waveguides with finite-length layered superconductors // Young scientists conference "Problems of Theoretical Physics", December 24-27, 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine. - p.41.


  1. Ханкина С.И., Яковенко В.М.,Ямпольский В.А. Джозефсоновские плазменные колебания в ограниченных слоистых сверхпроводниках // ФНТ, Т. 38, No. 3, 245 (2012)
  2. Апостолов С.С.,Рохманова Т.H.,Ханкина С.И,. Яковенко В.М.,Ямпольский В.А. Трансформация поляризации терагерцевых волн при их отражении и прохождении сквозь слоистый сверхпроводник конечных размеров // ФНТ, Т. 38, No. 9, 1109 (2012)
  3. Averkov Yu.O., Yakovenko V.M., Yampol’skii V.A. Conversion of terahertz wave polarization at the boundary of a layered superconductor Phys. Lett., Vol. 109, 0270005 (2012)
  4. Apostolov S.S., Levchenko A .Josephson current and density of states in proximity circuits with s+− superconductors // Physical Review B, 86, 224501 (2012).
  5. Vekslerchik V.E. Functional representation of the negative AKNS hierarchy. // Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Vol. 19, 353 (2012).
  6. Bliokh K.Y., Gredeskul S.A., Rajan P., Shadrivov I.V., Kivshar Y.S. Nonreciprocal Anderson localization in magneto-optical random structures // Phys. B, 85, 014205 (2012).
  7. Bliokh K.Y., Nori F. Relativistic Hall effect. // Phys. Lett., Vol. 108, 120403 (2012).
  8. Gredeskul S.A., Kivshar Y.S., Asatryan A.A., Bliokh K.Y., Bliokh Y.P., Freilikher V.D., Shadrivov I.V. Anderson localization in metamaterials and other complex media. // Low Temp. Phys., Vol. 38, 570 (2012).
  9. Bliokh K.Y., Nori F. Transverse spin of a surface polariton. // Phys. A, Vol. 85, 061801(R) (2012).
  10. Gorodetski Y, Bliokh K.Y., Stein B., Genet C., Shitrit N., Kleiner V., Hasman E., Ebbesen T.W. Weak measurements of light chirality with a plasmonic slit. // Phys. Lett., Vol. 109, 013901 (2012).
  11. Bliokh K.Y., Nori F. Spatio-temporal vortex beams and angular momentum. // Phys. A, Vol. 86, 033824 (2012).
  12. Bliokh K.Y., Schattschneider P., Verbeeck J., Nori F. Electron vortex beams in a magnetic field: A new twist on Landau levels and Aharonov-Bohm states // Phys. X, Vol. 2, 041011 (2012).
  13. Bliokh K.Y., Aiello A., Alonso M.A. Spin-orbit interactions of light in isotropic media. // In the book: “Optical Angular Momentum” edited by D. Andrews and M. Babiker (Cambridge University Press, 2012).
  14. Kadygrob D.V., Makarov N.M., Perez Rodriguez F., Slipchenko T.M., Yampol'skii V.A Enhanced transmission of terahertz radiation through periodically modulated slabs of layered superconductors // International Workshop celebrating the 80‐th Birthday of Victor V. Eremenko “Critical Phenomena under Extreme Impact (CPUEI2012)” (Sept. 10-13, 2012, Kharkov, Ukraine, P. 17.
  15. Timchenko, I. S. Spevak, Yu. Ye. Kamenev, A. V. Kats, V. K. Gavrikov Near-surface beaming and non-plasmon suppression of specular reflection from metal gratings in THz // Metamaterials '2012: The Sixth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics. 17-22 September, St. Petersburg, Russia, p. 490-492
  16. Timchenko, I.S. Spevak, V.K. Gavrikov, Yu.Ye. Kamenev, A.V. Kats Near-surface propagating wave enhancement due to diffraction of THz radiation on metal grating // Первая украинская конференция «Электромагнитные методы исследования окружающего пространства», 25-27 сентября 2012г., Харьков, с. 256-258
  17. Spevak, M.A. Timchenko, V.K. Gavrikov, V.M. Shulga, J. Feng, H. B. Sun, Yu.Ye. Kamenev, A.V. Kats Suppression of the specular reflection of THz radiation through diffraction at semiconductor gratings // Первая украинская конференция «Электромагнитные методы исследования окружающего пространства», 25-27 сентября 2012г., Харьков, с. 259-261
  18. А. А. Кузьменко, И. С. Спевак, А. В. КацКоническая дифракция на металлической решетке при скользящем падении // Первая украинская конференция «Электромагнитные методы исследования окружающего пространства», 25-27 сентября 2012г., Харьков, с. 262-264
  19. Kadygrob D.V. Golyk V.A. Surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors above the plasma frequency: evidence for a negative index of refraction. // IV Young Scientists Conference, Modern Problems of Theoretical Physics, October 23-26, 2012: Book of Abstracts Kyiv, 2012, P.~64.
  20. Кадыгроб Д.В., Макаров Н.М., Перес Родригес Ф., Слипченко Т.М. Ямпольский В.А.Аномальное прохождение терагецового излучения через периодически модулированную пластину слоистого сверхпроводника // Радіофізика та електроніка: ХII Харківська конференція молодих науковців, 4-7 грудня 2012 р.: тези доп. ХII., 2012.
  21. Тарапов С.И., Усатенко О.В., Мельник C.C.Волноводный перестраиваемый СВЧ фильтр со сложной частотной зависимостью коэффициента пропускания // Сборник научных трудов V Mеждународной конференции “Функциональная база наноэлектроники”, Харьков-Крым 2012, с. 154.
  22. Melnyk S.I., Tuluzov I.G., Melnik S.S. Method of projection dynamic thermal tomography (PDTT) 11th International Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography, 2012 Р. 308
  23. Rokhmanova T.N. Transmission and reflection of waves in vacuum waveguide with layered superconductor. // 3rd International Conference for Young Scientists “Low temperature physics – 2012”, 14-18 May, Kharkiv. 55.
  24. Ganapolskii E.M., Tarasov Yu.V., Shostenko L.D. Properties of cylindrical quasi-optical cavity resonator with randomly rough lateral boundary. // Тезизы докладов международной конференции “2012 International Con-ference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory”, Kharkiv, Ukraine, August 28-30, 2012, Р. 209
  25. Goryashko V.O., Tarasov Yu.V., Shostenko L.D. Wave propagation through a waveguide section with corrugated walls: critical role of the corrugation sharpness. // Тезизы докладов международной конференции “XII Kharkiv Young Scien-tist Conference on Radiophysics, Electronics, Photonics and Biophysics”, Kharkiv, Ukraine, December 4-7, 2012 (EM-8)


  1. Волошин И.Ф., Макаров Н.М., Фишер Л.М., Ямпольский В.А. Сильные нелинейные эффекты в проводимости тонких металлических образцов // ФНТ, Т. 37, No. 11, 1125 (2011)
  2. Yampol’skii V.A., Savel’ev S., Maizelis Z.A., Apostolov S.S., Nori F. Reply to “Comment on ‘Temperature dependence of the Casimir force for lossy bulk media” // Phys. A, Vol. 84, 036502 (2011).
  3. Degtyarenko P.N., Dul'kin I.N., Fisher L.M., Kalinov A.V., Voloshin I.F., Yampol'skii V.A. Thermoelectric instability induced by a single pulse and alternating current in superconducting tapes of second generation // ФНТ, Т. 37, No. 2, 127 (2011).
  4. Slipchenko, T.M., Kadygrob D.V., Bogdanis D., Yampol’skii V.A., Krokhin A. Surface and waveguide Josephson plasma waves in slabs of layered superconductors. // Phys. B, Vol. 84, 224512 (2011).
  5. Yampol’skii V. A., Apostolov S. S., Maizelis Z. A,. Levchenko A. Nori F. Voltage-driven quantum oscillations of conductance in graphene. // EPL, Vol. 96, 67009 (2011).
  6. Fisher L.M., Voloshin I. F,. Yampol'skii V. A. Response of HTS tapes to a parallel ac magnetic field in the vicinity and above the superconducting transition // ФПВС, Т. 1, 266 (2011)
  7. Ганапольський Е.М., Тарасов Ю.В,. Шостенко Л. Д. Дефазировка собственных мод квазиоптического цилиндрического резонатора со случайно-неоднородной боковой поверхностью // Радиофизика и электроника, 2011, том 2(16), № 1, ст. 24-32
  8. Ganapolskii E.M. Tarasov Yu.V. Shostenko L.D. Spectral properties of cylindrical quasioptical cavity resonator with random inhomogeneous side boundary // Physical Review E 84, 026209 (2011)
  9. Spevak I.S., Timchenko M.A., Kats A.V. Design of specific gratings operating under surface plasmon-polariton resonance // Optics Letters, Vol. 36, No.8, pp. 1419-1421, 2011
  10. Spevak I.S, Timchenko M.A, Gavrikov V.K, Shulga V.M., Jing Feng, Hong Bo Sun, Kats A.V. High quality resonances for terahertz radiation at periodically corrugated semiconductor interfaces // Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, Vol. 104, No. 4, p. 925-930, 2011
  11. Vekslerchik V.E. Backlund transformations between the AKNS and DNLS hierarchies // Journal of Physics A, 44 (2011) 465207
  12. Pritula G.M., Vekslerchik V.E. Toda-Heisenberg chain: interacting sigma-fields in two dimensions // Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 18 (2011) 443
  13. Vekslerchik V.E. Lattice representation and dark solitons of the Fokas-Lenells equation // Nonlinearity, 24 (2011) 1165
  14. Bliokh K.Y,. Ostrovskaya E.A,. Alonso M.A,. Rodriguez-Herrera O., Lara D., Dainty C. Spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion in focusing, scattering, and imaging systems // Opt. Express 19, 26132 (2011)
  15. Апостолов С. С., Кадыгроб Д. В., Майзелис З. А., Слипченко Т. М., Сорокина М. А., Ямпольский В. А Джозефсоновские плазменные волны в слоистых сверхпроводниках // Международный Юбилейный Семинар "Современные проблемы физики твердого тела", посвященный памяти члена-корреспондента НАН Украины Э. А. Канера и 55-летию открытия циклотронного резонанса в металлах, 16-18 ноября 2011 г.: тезисы докладов.- Харьков, 2011. - С. 15.
  16. Волошин И. Ф., Фишер Л. М., Ямпольский В. А. Отклик ВТСП ленты на ее возбуждение параллельным магнитным полем в окрестности температуры сверхпроводящего перехода. // Международный Юбилейный Семинар “Современные проблемы физики твердого тела”, посвященный памяти члена-корреспондента НАН Украины Э.А. Канера и 55-летию открытия циклотронного резонанса в металлах (Харьков, 2011), С. 37.
  17. Слипченко Т.М., Ямпольский В. А., Кадыгроб Д В., Богданис Д.А. Джозефсоновские плазменные волны в пленке слоистого сверхпроводника // Радіофізика та електроніка: ХI Харківська конференція молодих науковців, 29~листопада - 1 грудня 2011 р.: тези доп. - ХI., 2011
  18. Ганапольський Е.М., Тарасов Ю.В,. Шостенко Л. Д. Хаотические свойства спектра микро-волновых резонаторов со случайно-шероховатыми границами: связь диссипации и дефазировки колебательных мод // Тезисы докладов международного семинара “Современные проблемы физики твердого тела”, Харьков (Украина), 2011, С. 59
  19. Kats A.V., Spevak I.S., Timchenko M.A. Custom energy partition between diffracted waves employing surface plasmon-polariton resonance // Signal Processing Symposium, 8-10 June 2011, Jachranka, Poland.
  20. Martin-Moreno Luis, Rodrigo Sergio G., Nikitin Alexey Yu., Kats Alexandre V., Spevak Ivan S., Garcia-Vidal Francisco Jose Optical transmission through hole arrays in optically thin metal films (Invited) // Metamaterials '2011: The Fifth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics. 10-15 October 2011. Barcelona. P. 95-97.
  21. Timchenko M., Gavrikov V., Kamenev Yu., Shulga V., Spevak I., Kats A. Suppression of Specular Reflection Under Surface Plasmon-Polariton Resonance in Terahertz // Metamaterials '2011: The Fifth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics. 10-15 October 2011. Barcelona. P. 853-855.
  22. Kuzmenko A.A., Kats A.V., Spevak I.S, Balakhonova N.A. Resonance diffraction of electromagnetic waves at grazing incidence on long-period impedance grating // XI Kharkiv Young Scientist Conference on Radiophysics, Electronics, Photonics and Biophysics, 29 November-1 December 2011, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  23. Slipchenko T.M., Spevak I.S, Kats A.V. Stimulated light scattering at capillary-gravity waves accompanied by plasmon-polariton excitation // XI Kharkiv Young Scientist Conference on Radiophysics, Electronics, Photonics and Biophysics, 29 November-1 December 2011, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  24. Melnyk S.I., Slipchenko N.I., Melnik S. S. Information modeling the dynamics of the quantum state under weak continuous measurements // QEDSP2011, August 29 – September 02, 2011 Kharkov, Ukraine
  25. Melnyk S. I., Slipchenko N. I., Melnik S. S. Invariance principles in describing the theory of weak continuous quantum measurements // Conference Proceedings "Functional base of nanoelectronics," Crimea, Katsiveli, September 30 - October 3, 2011 p. 40-45


  1. Usatenko, S.S. Apostolov, Z.A. Mayzelis, S.S. Melnik Random finite-valued dynamical systems: additive Markov chain approach // Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 2010. – 166 p
  2. И.Ф. Волошин, Л.М. Фишер, В.А. Ямпольский Нелинейная электродинамика вихревой материи в жестких сверхпроводниках // ФНТ, Т. 36, № 1, С. 50-73 (2010).
  3. С.С. Апостолов, Д.В. Кадыгроб, З.А. Майзелис, С.E. Савельев, Т.М. Слипченко, В.А. Ямпольский Гистерезисные скачки поверхностного реактанса слоистого сверхпроводника при изменении амплитуды падающей волны. // ФНТ, Т. 36, № 1, С. 115-124 (2010).
  4. Apostolov, Z.A. Maizelis, M.A. Sorokina, V.A. Yampol’skii Nonlinear Wood anomalies in the reflectivity of layered superconductors. // ФНТ, Т. 36, № 3, С. 255-261 (2010).
  5. Rakhmanov, V.A. Yampol’skii, J.A. Fan, F. Capasso, F. Nori Layered superconductors as negative-refractive-index metamaterials // Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 81, 075101  (2010).
  6. Savel’ev, V.A. Yampol’skii, A.L. Rakhmanov, F. Nori Terahertz Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors: spectrum, generation, nonlinear and quantum phenomena // Rep. Prog. , Vol. 73, 026501 (2010).
  7. Golick V.A., Kadygrob D.V., Yampol’skii V.A., Rakhmanov A.L., Ivanov B.A., Nori F. Surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors above the plasma frequency: evidence for a negative index of refraction. // Rev. Lett., Vol. 104, 187003(2010).
  8. Yampol'skii, S. Savel'ev, Z.A. Maizelis, S.S. Apostolov, F. Nori Temperature dependence of the Casimir force for bulk lossy media. // Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 82, 032511 (2010).
  9. Apostolov, Z.A. Maizelis, M.A. Sorokina, V.A. Yampol'skii, F. Nori Self-induced tunable transparency in layered superconductors. // Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 82, 144521 (2010).
  10. А. В. Кац, И. С. СпевакМ. А. Тимченко Аналитический подход к конструированию дифракционных решёток с заданными свойствами. // Вісник Харківського Національного Університету ім. В. Н. Каразіна, № 914, серія «Фізика», вип. 13, Х.: 2010, с. 14-18.
  11. Ю.В. Червоный, И.С. Спевак, А.В. Кац Параметрыодномерныхметаллических периодических структур, реализующих заданные распределения энергии между дифракционными спектрами. // Вісник Харківського Національного Університету ім. В. Н. Каразіна, № 914, серія «Фізика», вип. 13, Х.: 2010, с. 19-23.
  12. Guillaumée, A.Yu. Nikitin, M.J.K. Klein, L.A. Dunbar, V. Spassov, R. Eckert, L. Martín-Moreno, F.J. García-Vidal, R. P. Stanley Observation of enhanced transmission for s-polarized light through a subwavelength slit. // Opt. , Vol. 18, 9722 (2010).
  13. Nikitin, F.J. García-Vidal, L. Martín-Moreno Influence of the dielectric substrate on the field emitted by a subwavelength slit in a metal film // Phys. Status Solidi RRL, Vol. 4, 250 (2010).
  14. Nikitin, F.J. García-Vidal, L. Martín-MorenoSurface electromagnetic field radiated by a subwavelength hole in a metal film // Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 105, 073902 (2010).
  15. Pritula, V.E. Vekslerchik KdV–Volterra chain // J. Phys. A, Vol. 43, 365203 (2010).
  16. А.В. Шкоп, Д.А. Тканов, О.В. Усатенко Итерационный метод построения случайных коррелированных бинарных последовательностей // Вісник Харківського Національного Університету ім. В. Н. Каразіна, № 914, серія «Фізика», 2010, с. 7-13.
  17. Rybalko A.S., Rubets S.P., Rudavskii E.Ya., Tikhiy V.A., Poluectov Yu.M., Golovachenko R.V., Derkach V.N., Tarapov S.I., Usatenko O.V.Resonance excitation of single rotons in He II by an electromagnetic wave. Spectral line shape // Low Temp. Phys., Vol. 35, 837-842 (2009).
  18. Nikitin, S.G. Rodrigo, F.J. Garcia-Vidal, L. Martin-Moreno The in-plane field radiated by an aperture in metal surface. // Nanolight meeting 2010, Valencia, España.
  19. Nikitin, S.G. Rodrigo, F.J. Garcia-Vidal, L. Martin-Moreno Norton waves in plasmonics. // CEN2010, Segovia, España, Proceedings of CEN2010, p. 101.
  20. Nikitin, David Artigas, Luis Torner, F.J. Garcia-Vidal, L. Martin-Moreno Polarization conversion due to excitation of surface waves on the boundaries of photonic crystals. // PECS-IX, Granada, España 2010, Proceedings of PECS-IX, p. 123.
  21. Nikitin, F.J. Garcia-Vidal, L. Martin-Moreno Generation of surface waves by the subwavelength slit in a thick metal film in the conical mount. // PECS-IX, Granada, España 2010, Proceedings of PECS-IX, p. 124.
  22. Kats.,I.S. Spevak, M.A. Timchenko Diffractive Gratings Resulting in Predetermined Energy Distribution of the Outgoing Waves. // SET-159 Specialist Meeting on Terahertz and other Electromagnetic Wave Techniques for Defense and Security, Vilnius, 3-4 May 2010.
  23. Botsula, Jing Feng, Hong Bo Sun, V.K. Gavrikov, V.M. Shulga, I.S. Spevak,A.V. Kats High Frequency Radiation Resonance Diffraction at Periodically Corrugated Semiconductor Interfaces. // SET-159 Specialist Meeting on Terahertz and other Electromagnetic Wave Techniques for Defense and Security, Vilnius, 3-4 May 2010.
  24. В.М. Конторович, А.В. КацСкрытая масса и взрывная эволюция галактик. // XI Международ-ный семинар “Плазменная электроника и новые методы ускорения” (23-27 августа 2010 г.).
  25. Kats A.V., Timchenko M.A., Spevak I.S. Custom energy partition between diffracted waves employing surface plasmon-polariton excitation. // Conference “Modern Problems of Theoretical Physics” (22-24 декабря 2010 г., Киев).
  26. Chervonyi Yu.V., Kats A.V., Spevak I.S. Defining parameters of periodic structures realizing given energy redistribution between diffracted waves under double resonance conditions. // Conference “Modern Problems of Theoretical Physics” (22-24 декабря 2010 г., Киев).


  1. Gulevich D.R., Kusmartsev F.V., Savel'ev S., Yampol’skii V.A., Nori F. Shape and wobbling wave excitations in Josephson junctions: Exact solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional sine-Gordon model // Rev. B, Vol. 80, 094509  (2009).
  2. Galkina E.G., Ivanov B.A., Savel’ev S., Yampol’skii V.A., Nori F. Drastic change of the Casimir force at the metal-insulator transition // Phys. B, 80, 125119  (2009).
  3. Krokhin A.A., Bagci V.M.K., Izrailev F.M., Usatenko O.V., Yampol’skii V.A. Inhomogeneous DNA: Conducting exons and insulating introns // Rev. B, Vol. 80, 085420  (2009).
  4. Yampol'skii V.A., Kats A.V., Nesterov M.L., Nikitin A.Yu., Slipchenko T.M., Savel'ev S., Nori F. Resonance effects due to the excitation of surface Josephson plasma waves in layered super-conductors // Rev. B, Vol. 79, 214501  (2009).
  5. Yampol'skii V.A., Savel'ev S., Mayselis Z.A., Apostolov S.S., Nori F. Erratum: Anomalous temperature dependence of the Casimir force for thin metal films // Rev. Lett., Vol. 103, 039901(2009).
  6. Kadygrob D.V., Golick V.A., Yampol'skii V.A., Slipchenko T.M., Gulevich D.R., Savel'ev S. Excitation of surface plasma waves across the layers of intrinsic Josephson junctions. // Phys. B, Vol. 80, 184512 (2009).
  7. Волошин И.Ф., Калинов А.В., Фишер Л.М., Ямпольский В.А. Аномальная температурная зависимость магнитной релаксации в моно-кристаллах YBCO с кислородным дефицитом // ЖЭТФ, Т. 135, 470 (2009).
  8. Волошин И.Ф., Калинов А.В., Фишер Л.М., Ямпольский В.А., Bobyl, Johansen T.H. Развитие макротурбу-лентной неустойчи-вости в монокристалле YBCO // ФНТ, Т. 35, 798 (2009).
  9. Apostolov S.S., Mayselis Z.A., Usatenko O.V., Yampol'skii V.A. Non-additive properties of finite 1D Ising chains with long-range interactions // Phys. A: Math. Theor., Vol. 42, 095004 (2009).
  10. Spevak I.S. , Nikitin A.Yu. , Bezuglyi E.V. , Levchenko A.A. ,Kats A.V. Resonantly suppressed transmission and anomalously enhanced light absorption in ultrathin metal films // Phys. B, Rapid Com., Vol. 79, N 16, 161406 (2009).
  11. , Yakovenko V.M., Katz A.V. Electron beam excitation of left-handed surface electromagnetic waves at artificial interfaces // Phys. Rev. B, Brief Reports, Vol. 79, 193402 (2009).
  12. Rodrigo S.G., Martín-Moreno L., Nikitin A.Yu., Spevak I.S., García-Vidal F.J.,Kats A.V. Extraordinary optical transmission through hole arrays in optically thin metal films. // Optic Lett., Vol. 34, No. 1, 3-5 (2009).
  13. Drezet A., Przybilla F., Laux E., Mahboub O., Genet C.,Ebbesen T.W., Bouillard J.S., Zayats A., Spevak I.S., Kats A.V., Nikitin A., Martin-Moreno L. Opening the light extraction cone of high index substrates with plasmonic gratings: Light emitting diode applications // Appl. Lett., Vol. 95, 021101 (2009).
  14. Аверков Ю.О., Яковенко В.М. , Кац A.В. Взаимодействие поверхностных электромагнитных волн с электронным пучком, движущимся вдоль границы раздела метаматериалов // ЖТФ, Т. 79, вып. 9, 1-10 (2009).
  15. GurevichG., Velázquez-Pérez J.E., Volovichev I.N. Transport boundary conditions for solar cells // Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Vol. 93, No.1, 6-10 (2009).
  16. Rybalko A.S., Rubets S.P., Rudavskii E.Ya., Tikhiy V.A., Poluectov Yu.M., Golovachenko R.V., Derkach V.N., Tarapov S.I., Usatenko O.V. Resonance excitation of single rotons in He II by an electromagnetic wave. Spectral line shape // Low Temp. Phys., Vol. 35, 837-842 (2009).
  17. Рыбалко А.С., Рубец С.П., Рудавский Э.Я., Тихий В.А., Головащенко Р., Деркач В.Н., Тарапов С.И., Усатенко О.В.Резонансное возбуждение единичных ротонов в He II электромагнитной волной. Контур спектральной линии // ФНТ, Т. 35, 1073–1080 (2009).
  18. ApostolovS.S., Mayselis Z.A., Levchenko A.A., Yampol'skii V.A. Voltage driven quantum oscillations of conductance in grapheme // Вісник ХНУ, № 865, серія «Фізика», вип. 12, 6-12 (2009).
  19. Nikitin A.Yu., Martín-Moreno L., García-Vidal F. J. Intercoupling of free-space radiation to s-polarized confined modes via nanocavities // Appl. Lett., Vol. 94, 063119 (2009).
  20. Nikitin A.Yu., Martín-Moreno L., García-Vidal F. J. Enhanced optical transmission, beaming and focusing through a subwavelength slit under excitation of dielectric waveguide modes // J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt., Vol. 11, 125702 (2009).
  21. Nikitin A.Yu., Artigas D., Torner L., García-Vidal F.J., Martín-Moreno L. Polarization conversion spectroscopy of hybrid modes // Opt. , Vol. 34, 3911 (2009).
  22. Nikitin A.Yu., Rodrigo S.G., García-Vidal F. J., Martín-Moreno L. In the diffraction shadow: Norton waves versus surface plasmon-polaritons in the optical region // New J. of Phys., Vol. 11, 123020 (2009).
  23. Belmonte-Beitia J., Konotop V.V., Perez-Garcia V. M., Vekslerchik V. Localized and periodic exact solutions to the nonlinear Schrodinger equation with spatially modulated parameters: Linear and nonlinear lattices // Chaos, Solitons, & Fractals, Vol. 41, 1158–1166 (2009).
  24. Prytula V., Vekslerchik V., Perez-Garcia V.M. Collapse in coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations: Sufficient conditions and applications // Physica D, Vol. 238, 1462-1467 (2009).
  25. Апостолов C.C., Майзелис З.А., Ямпольский В.А., Левченко А., Nori Квантовые осцилляции кондактанса графена с потенциальным бартером // Тезисы докладов ХХХV совещания по физике низких температур. Черноголовка, 29 сент.-2 окт. 2009.
  26. Апостолов C.C., Майзелис З.А., Ямпольский В.А., Савельев С., Nori Немонотонная температурная зависимость силы Казимира для металлических нанопленок. // Тезисы докладов ХХХV совещания по физике низких температур. Черноголовка, 29 Сент.-2 Окт. 2009.
  27. Апостолов C.C., Кадыгроб Д.М., Майзелис З.А., Слипченко Т.М., Ямпольский В.А., Левченко А., Савельев С.E., Nori Гистерезисные скачки поверхностного реактанса слоистого сверхпроводника при изменении амплитуды возбуждающей волны // Тезисы докладов ХХХV совещания по физике низких температур. Черноголовка, 29 Сент.-2 Окт. 2009.
  28. Горяшко В.А., Слипченко Т.М.Нелинейная аналитическая теория планарного мазера на свободных электронах с продольным магнитным полем // Материалы 19-й международной крымской конференции «СВЧ-техника и коммуникационные технологии», Севастополь, 2009 г., с. 218-219.
  29. Kats A.V.,Spevak I.S. Light localization and resonance nanophotonics // Mini-Colloquium & International Workshop. Modern Challenges in Microwave Superconductivity, Photonics and Electronics. Kharkiv. 11-12 June 2009.
  30. TimchenkoA., Kats A.V., Spevak I.S. Diffraction at periodically profiled metal surfaces resulting in prescribed energy redistribution between outgoing waves // Mini-Colloquium & International Workshop. Modern Challenges in Microwave Superconductivity, Photonics and Electronics. Kharkiv. 11-12 June 2009.
  31. Chervonyi Yu.A., Kats A.V., Spevak I.S. Diffraction at periodically modulated plane metal surfaces resulting in given energy redistribution between outgoing waves under double resonance conditions // Mini-Colloquium & International Workshop. Modern Challenges in Microwave Superconductivity, Photonics and Electronics. Kharkiv. 11-12 June 2009.
  32. Kats A.V., Timchenko M.A., Spevak I.S. Design of the metallic grating realizing before given diffraction efficiencies // Матеріали 9-ої Міжнародної конференції «Фізичні явища в твердих тілах». c. 28. Харків. 1-4 грудня 2009 р.
  33. Кац А.В., Червоный Ю.В., Спевак И.С. Импедансные решетки, реализующие заданное распределение энергии по дифракционным спектрам при двойном плазмон-поляритонном резонансе // Матеріали 9-ої Міжнародної конференції «Фізичні явища в твердих тілах». c. 28. Харків. 1-4 грудня 2009 р.
  34. Melnik S.S., Apostolov S.S., Kroon L., Johansson M., Riklund R., Usatenko O.V. Spectral analysis and synthesis of 1D dichotomous long-range correlated systems: from diffraction gratings to quantum wires // Mini-Colloquium & International Workshop. Modern Challenges in Microwave Superconductivity, Photonics and Electronics. Kharkiv. 11-12, June 2009.
  35. Рыбалко А.С.,Рубец С.П., Рудавский Э.Я., Тихий В.А., Головащенко Р., Деркач В.Н., Тарапов С.И., Усатенко О.В.Контур спектральной ротонной линии в жидком гелии // Тезисы докладов ХХХV совещания по физике низких температур. Черноголовка, 29 Сент.-2 Окт. 2009.
  36. Тканов Д.А.,Шкоп А.В., Усатенко О.В. Диффузия внедрений в линейной цепочке атомов с ланжевеновскими силами конечного радиуса корреляций // Материалы 9-ой Международной конференции «Физические явления в твердих телах», ХНУ, физический факультет, 1-4 Дек. 2009 г., стр. 117
  37. Тканов Д.А.,Шкоп А.В., Усатенко О.В. Трансформационный метод построения случайных коррелированных бинарных последовательностей // Тези доповідей конференції молодих вчених «Сучасні проблеми теоретичної фізики» (24–26 груд. 2009 р., Київ) , стор. 77.
  38. Nikitin A.Yu., Brucoli G., García-Vidal F. J., Martín-Moreno L. Extraordinary transmission through optically thin hole arrays and EM wave transmission through small holes // 1st Annual Nanolight meeting, Castelldefels, España, 2009.
  39. Nikitin A.Yu., Brucoli G., RodrigoGarcía-G., Vidal F. J., Martín-Moreno L. Scattering of surface plasmon polaritons and s-polarized bound modes by nanocavities // SPP4 (Fourth International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics), Proceedings of SPP4, p. 259., Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2009.


  1. Gulevich D.R., Kusmartsev F.V., Savel'ev S., Yampol’skii V.A.Shape waves in 2D Josephson junctions: Exact solutions and time dilation. Lett., Vol. 101, 127002  ( 2008).
  2. Yampol'skii V.A., Gulevich D.R., Savel'ev S., and F. Nori.Surface plasma waves across the layers of intrinsic Josephson junctions. Rev. B., Vol. 78, 054502( 2008).
  3. Yampol'skii V.A., Savel'ev S., Mayselis Z.A., Apostolov S.S., and Franco Nori.Anomalous temperature dependence of the Casimir force for thin metal films. Lett., Vol. 101, 096803( 2008).
  4. Apostolov S.S., Mayzelis Z.A., Usatenko O.V., Yampol’skii V.A., et al. High-order correlation functions of binary multi-step Markov chains. Mod. Phys., Vol. 22, 3841 (2008).
  5. Yampol'skii V.A., Savel'ev S., Rakhmanov A.L., and F. Nori.Nonlinear electrodynamics in layered superconductors. Rev. B., Vol. 78, 024511 ( 2008).
  6. Yampol'skii V.A., Savel'ev S., Slipchenko T.M., A.L. Rakhmanov, and F. Nori.Nonlinear Josephson plasma waves in slabs of layered superconductors. Physica C, Vol. 468, 499 (2008).
  7. Yampol'skii V.A., Savel'ev S., Nori F. Voltage-driven quantum oscillations in graphene. New J. Phys., Vol. 10, 053024   (2008).
  8. Gulevich D.R., Savel'ev S., Yampol’skii A., Kusmartsev F.V., and Franco Nori. Josephson vortices as flexible waveguids for terahertz waves. J. Appl. , Vol. 104, 064507  ( 2008).
  9. Yampol'skii, T. M. Slipchenko, Z. A. Mayzelis, D. V. Kadygrob, S. S. Apostolov, S. E. Savel'ev, and Franco Nori.Hysteretic jumps in the response of layered superconductors to electromagnetic fields. Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 78, 184504 (2008).
  10. Voloshin, A.V. Kalinov, L.M. Fisher, M.L. Nesterov, V.A. Yampol’skii, and E.H. Brandt. Contactless method for measuring the parameters of the current-voltage characteristics of YBCO superconductors in a perpendicular magnetic field. Bulletin RAN, ser. Fiz., Vol. 71, 1098 (2007).
  11. Nesterov, A.V. Kats, and S. K. Turitsyn. Extremely short-length surface Plasmon. Opt. Expr., Vol. 16, 20227 (2008).
  12. Volovichev, J.E. Velazquez-Perez, Yu. G. Gurevich.Transport boundary condition for semiconductor structures. Solid State Electron., Vol. 52, 1703 (2008).
  13. Derevyanko and Ja. E. Prilepsky. Random input problem for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 78, 046610 (2008).
  14. Denisov, Y. Zolotaryuk, S. Flach, and OYevtushenko. Vortex and Translational Currents due to Broken Time-Space Symmetries. Rev. Lett., Vol. 100, 224102 (2008).
  15. Nikitin, G. Brucoli, F.J. García-Vidal, and L. Martín-Moreno.Scattering of surface plasmon polaritons by impedance barriers: Dependence on angle of incidence. Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 77, 195441 (2008).
  16. Volovichev, J.E. Velazquez-Perez, Yu. G. Gurevich. New Boundary Conditions for the Study of Charge Transport in Solid-State Devices. Proc. 26th International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL 2008), Nis, Ser-bia,11-14 May, 2008, IEEE Catalog No. CFP08432-PRT, ISBN 978-1-4244-1881-7, Vol. 1, p. 151-154.
  17. Gurevich, I.N. Volovichev, G. Gonzalez de la Cruz. Effective thermal parameters of layered films: An application to pulsed photothermal techniques. 28th Annual Meeting International Conference on Materials, Surfaces and Vacuum, Veracruz, Mexico, 2008, Book of Abstracts, p.176.


  1. Mayzelis, S.S. Apostolov, S.S. Mel'nyk, O.V. Usatenko, and V.A. Yampol'skii. Additive N-step Markov chains as prototype model of symbolic stochastic dynamical systems with long-range correlations. Chaos Solit. Fract., V. 34, P.P. 112-128 (2007).
  2. S. Apostolov, Z.A. Mayzelis, O.V. Usatenko, and V.A. Yampol'skii. Isotropy properties of the multi-step Markov symbolic sequences. Physica A, V. 376, 165-172 (2007).
  3. Yampol'skii, S. Savel'ev, O.V. Usatenko, S.S. Mel'nik, F.V. Kusmartsev, A.A. Krokhin, and F. Nori. Controlled terahertz frequency response and transparency of Josephson chains and superconducting multilayers. Phys. Rev. B, V. 75, 014527 (2007).
  4. Kats, S. Savel'ev, V.A. Yampol'skii, and F. Nori. Left-handed interfaces for electromagnetic surface waves. Phys. Rev. Lett., V. 98, 073901 (2007).
  5. Savel'ev, V.A. Yampol'skii, A. Rakhmanov, and F. Nori. Layered superconductors as nonlinear waveguides for terahertz waves. Rev. B, V. 75, 184503 (2007).
  6. И.Ф. Волошин, А.В. Калинов, Л.М. Фишер, В.А. Ямпольский. Подавление релаксации намагниченности поперечным переменным магнитным полем. ЖЭТФ, Т. 132, 314-319 (2007).
  7. A. Yampol'skii, A.V. Kats, M.L. Nesterov, A.Yu. Nikitin, T.M. Slipchenko, S. Savel'ev, and F. Nori.Excitation of surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors. Phys. B, V. 76, 224504 (2007).
  8. Voloshin, A.V.Kalinov, L.M.Fisher, M.L.Nesterov, V. A.Yampol’skii, E.H.Brandt. Contactless Method for Measuring the Parameters of the Current–Voltage Characteristic of YBCO Superconductors in a Perpendicular Magnetic Field. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, V. 71, 1098-1100 (2007).
  9. Kats, M. L. Nesterov, A. Yu. Nikitin. Polarization properties of a periodically-modulated metal film in regions of anomalous optical transparency. Phys. Rev. B, V. 76, 045413 (2007).
  10. Kats, I. S. Spevak, N. A. Balakhonova. Energy redistribution and polarization transformation in conical mount diffraction under resonance excitation of surface waves. Phys. Rev. B, V. 76, 075407 (2007).
  11. Kats, V. K. Gavrikov, N. A. Balakhonova. On Resonance Diffraction of High Frequency Radiation at Periodically Corrugated Semiconductor Interfaces. Appl. Phys. Lett., V. 91, 113102 (2007).
  12. M. Fisher, A.V. Kalinov, I.F. Voloshin. Simple calibration free method to measure ac magnetic moment and losses, abstracts no. 0058 in CONFERENCE PROGRAM, 8th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity 16 - 20 September 2007 Brussels – Belgium.


  1. Savel'ev S., Yampol'skii V., Rakhmanov A., and Nori F.Using Josephson vortex lattices to generate, detect and control THz radiation// Physica C, V. 437-438, – P. 281-284 (2006).
  2. Savel'ev S., Yampol'skii V., Rakhmanov A., and Nori F. Generation of tunable terahertz radiation using Josephson vortices: Transition and Cherenkov radiation// Physica C, V. 445-448, – P. 175-179 (2006).
  3. Fisher A.V. Kalinov, V.S. Stolyarov, I.F. Voloshin, M.L. Nesterov, V.A. Yampol’skii, and E.H. Brandt. Contact-free determination of the current–voltage law parameters for melt-textured YBCO superconductors in orthogonal magnetic field//Sol. State. Commun., V. 138, 157-159 (2006).
  4. Savel'ev S., Yampol'skii V., and Nori F.THz detectors using surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors // Physica C, V. 445-448, – P. 183-185 (2006).
  5. Saveliev S., Rakhmanov A., Yampol'skii V.A., and Nori F.Analogues of nonlinear optics using terahertz Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors// Nature Physics, 2, –521 (2006).
  6. Apostolov S.S., Mayzelis Z.A., Usatenko O.V., Yampol’skii V.A., et al.Equivalence of the Markov chains and two-sided symbolic sequences. Phys. Lett., Vol. 76, 1015 (2006).
  7. Izrailev F.M., Krokhin A.A., Makarov N.M., Yampol’skii V.A., et al.Memory function versus binary correlator in additive Markov chains. Phys. A, Vol. 372, 279 (2006).
  8. Melnyk S.S., Usatenko O.V., Yampol’skii V.A., et al.Memory functions and correlations in additive binary Markov chains. Phys. A, Vol. 39, 14289 (2006).
  9. Melnyk S.S., Usatenko O.V., Yampol’skii V.A.Memory functions of the additive Markov chains: applications to complex dynamic systems. Physica A, Vol. 361, 405 (2006).
  10. V. Usatenko, S.S. Mel'nyk, and V.A. Yampol'skii.Three types of spectra in one-dimensional systems with random correlated binary potential. Radiophysics and Electronics, V. 11, No. 1, P.P. 96-100 (2006).
  11. Savel'ev S., Yampol'skii V., Rakhmanov A., and Nori F.Analogues of nonlinear optics using terahertz Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors// In the book “The 11-th International Workshop on Vortex Matter”, July 3-8, 2006, Wroclaw, Poland, P. 57.
  12. Nori F., Savel'ev S., Misko V., Yampol'skii V., and Rakhmanov A.Controlling THz radiation, critical current density, and IV characteristics in nano-fabricated superconductors// In the book “The 11-th International Workshop on Vortex Matter”, July 3-8, 2006, Wroclaw, Poland, P. 66.
  13. Usatenko, S. S. Melnyk, V. A. Yampol'skii, M. Johansson, L. Kroon, R. Riklund.Three types of spectra in 1D random correlated binary potential, Program, Abstracts of the Conference "Statistical Physics 2006, Condenced Matter: Theory & Applications, 11-15 September 2006, Kharkov, Ukraine, P. 109.
  14. 5th Research Workshop and Network Council Meeting, Barcelona, June 12-14, 2006: A. V. Kats, L. Nesterov, A. Yu.  ELT accompanied by Strong Polarization Transformation.
  15. 11th MMET conference proceedings, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2006: V. Kats, M. L. Nesterov, A. Yu. Nikitin, F. Nori, S. Savel’ev, T. M. Slipchenko, V. A. Yampol’skii. Surface Josephson plasma waves in layered HTC superconductors and their excitation via attenuated total reflection.
  16. Summer School on Nanotubes 2006, Cargese, Corsica, France, 2006: V. Kats, M. L. Nesterov, A. Yu. Nikitin, F. Nori, S. Savel’ev, T. M. Slipchenko, V. A. Yampol’skii. Surface Josephson plasma waves in nano-structured materials and their excitation.
  17. “Фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы современной физики”. Демидовские чтения, Москва, ФИАН, 2006: А.В. Кац, А. Ю. Никитин, Ф. Нори, С. Савельев, Т. М. Слипченко, В. А. Ямпольский. Локализованные джозефсоновские возбуждения на границах слоистых сверхпроводников.
  18. Kats, M. L. Nesterov, A. Yu. Nikitin. ELT accompanied by Strong Polarization Transformation.5th Research Workshop and Network // Council Meeting, Barcelona, June 12-14, 2006.
  19. Kats, M. L. Nesterov, A. Yu. Nikitin, F. Nori, S. Savel’ev, T. M. Slipchenko, V. A. Yampol’skii. Surface Josephson plasma waves in layered HTC superconductors and their excitation via attenuated total reflection // 11th MMET conference proceedings, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2006.
  20. Kats, M. L. Nesterov, A. Yu. Nikitin, F. Nori, S. Savel’ev, T. M. Slipchenko, V. A. Yampol’skii. Surface Josephson plasma waves in nano-structured materials and their excitation // Summer School on Nanotubes 2006, Cargese, Corsica, France, 2006.
  21. А.В. Кац, А. Ю. Никитин, Ф. Нори, С. Савельев, Т. М. Слипченко, В. А. Ямпольский.Локализованные джозефсоновские возбуждения на границах слоистых сверхпроводников // “Фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы современной физики”. Демидовские чтения, Москва, ФИАН, 2006.
  22. M.Gorbik, K.V. Ilyenko.Four-vector potential for point charge moving arbitrarily in cylindrical waveguide // In the book: “11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory. Proceedings”, P. 437 – 339, Kharkiv, 2006.
  23. Г.М.Горбик, К.В. Ильенко.Четыре-потенциал, возбуждаемый произвольно движущимся точечным зарядом в цилиндрической камере дрейфа // В книге: “16th International Crimean Conference “Microwave & Telecommunication Technology”. Proceedings”, P. 251 – 252, Sebastopol, 2006.


  1. Savel'ev S., Yampol'skii V., Rakhmanov A., and Nori F.Generation of tunable terahertz out-of-plane radiation using Josephson vortices in modulated layered superconductors // Phys. Rev. B, 72, –144515 (1-7) (2005).
  2. Savel'ev S., Yampol'skii V., and Nori F.Surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors // Phys. Rev. Lett.,  95, –187002 (1-4) (2005).
  3. V. Usatenko, S.S. Mel'nyk, V.A, Yampol'skii, and V.A. Golik. Competition between two kinds of correlations in literary texts // Phys. Rev. E, V. 72, 026140 (1-7) (2005).
  4. K.E. Kechedzhy, O.V. Usatenko, and V.A. Yampol'skii. Rank distributions of words in correlated symbolic systems and the Zipf law// Phys. E, V. 72, 046138 (1-6) (2005).
  5. L.M. Fisher, A.V. Kalinov, I.F. Voloshin, V.A. Yampol'skii. Suppression of magnetic relaxation processes by a transverse AC magnetic field in hard superconductors // Phys. B, V. 71, 140503R (1-4) (2005).
  6. Балахонова Н. А. , Кац А. В.. Использование резонансных эффектов, обусловленных возбуждением поверхностных поляритонов, для оптического мультиплексирования/демультиплексирования // Вісник Харківського университету, № 651, серія «Фізика», вип. 8, – 47–53 (2005).
  7. Usatenko O. V., Chubykalo-Fesenko O. A., and Garcia Sanchez F.// J. Appl. Phys. –97, –10A711 (2005).
  8. Gurevich Yu.G, Ortiz A., Logvinov G.N., Volovichev I.N., Titov O.Yu., Giraldo J., Gutierrez A.Transport phenomena in bipolar semiconductors: a new point of view // Microelectronics Journal, 36, – p. 886–889 (2005).
  9. Villegas-Lelovsky L., Gonzalez de la Cruz G., Volovichev I.N. Effect of electron-phonon energy exchange on thermal wave propagation in semiconductors considering carrier diffusion and recombination // Phys. Sol. (b),  242,  – p. 971–982 (2005).
  10. В.О. Горяшко, Б.П. Єфімов, К.В. Ільєнко. Умови синхронізму в гібридному убітроні// Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Серія Фізика, Вип. 17, С. 124 – 130 (2005).
  11. Блудов Ю.В., Кириченко А.Я., Когут А.Е., Кутузов В.В., Солодовник В.А.Колебания шепчущей галереи в бочкообразном диэлектрическом резонаторе // Известия ВУЗов. Радиофизика. -2005. -Т. XLVIII, №12. -с.1041-1048.
  12. Кириченко А.Я., Когут А.Е., Блудов Ю.В., Голубничая Г.В., Кутузов В.В., Максимчук И.Г., Солодовник В.А.Влияние металлического зеркала на вынужденные колебания шепчущей галереи полусферического диэлектрического резонатора // Радиофизика и Электроника: Сб. науч. тр. ИРЭ НАН Украины. - Харьков. 2005. Т.10, №1. -с.20-24.
  13. А.В. Кац, М.Л. Нестеров, А.Ю. Никитин.Polarization properties of a periodically-modulated metal film in regions of anomalous optical transparency // Phys. B, Brief Rep., V. 72, N 19, 193405 (1—4) (2005).
  14. М.Л. Нестеров, Т.М. Слипченко, В.А. Ямпольский.Нелинейное взаимодействие электромагнитной волны с транспортным током в жестких сверхпроводниках// ФНТ, Т. 31, № 6, С.С. 656-664 (2005).
  15. Bludov Y. V., Kirichenko A. J., Kogut A.E., Kutuzov V. V., Solodovnik V. A.Whispering-gallery modes in a barrel-shaped dielectric resonator // Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics. 48, №12. -p. 927–933 (2005).
  16. Savel'ev S., Yampol'skii V., Rakhmanov A., and Nori F.Generation of tunable terahertz out-of-plane radiation using Josephson vortices in modulated layered superconductors // In the book “International Workshop on Terahertz Technology – Extended Abstracts”, November 16-18, 2005, Osaka, Japan, P. 245-246.
  17. Savel'ev S., Yampol'skii V., Rakhmanov A., and Nori F.Generation of tunable terahertz out-of-plane radiation using Josephson vortices in modulated layered superconductors. In the book: "Abstracts of 18th International Symposium on Superconductivity", (Tsukuba, Japan, 2005), P. 212.
  18. M. Fisher, T.H. Johansen, A. Bobyl, A.L. Rakhmanov, M.L. Nesterov, and V.A. Yampol'skii. Instability of the vortex matter in YBCO single crystals. In the book: "Abstracts of 24th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics", (Orlando, Florida, USA, 2005).
  19. M. Fisher, A.V. Kalinov, I.F. Voloshin, and V.A. Yampol'skii. Suppression of magnetic relaxation processes in melt-textured YBa2Cu3$Ox superconductors by a transverse ac magnetic field. In the book: "Abstracts of 24th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics" (Orlando, Florida, USA, 2005).
  20. Savel'ev S., Yampol'skii V., and Nori F. Surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors // In the book “International Workshop on Terahertz Technology – Extended Abstracts”, November 16-18, 2005, Osaka, Japan, – 249-250.
  21. Savel'ev S, Yampol'skii V., and Nori F.Tera-Hertz detectors based on the excitation of surface waves in layered superconductors// In the book “CREST Nano-Virtual-Labs Joint Workshop on Superconductivity. Program and Abstracts”, – December 20-22, – 2005, Hyogo, Japan, PP. – 90-91.
  22. Savel'ev S., Yampol'skii V., and Nori F.Surface Josephson plasma waves in layered superconductors. In the book: "Abstracts of 18th International Symposium on Superconductivity", (Tsukuba, Japan, 2005), – P. 111.
  23. V. Usatenko, V.A. Yampol'skii, K.E. Kechedzhy, and S.S. Melnyk. Symbolic stochastic dynamical systems viewed as additive N-step Markov chains. In the book: "XXV Dynamics Days Europe 2005. Book of abstracts", (Berlin, Germany, 2005), P. 106.
  24. E. Kechedzhy, O.V. Usatenko, and V.A. Yampol'skii.Zipf-like distributions as a result of correlations in the stochastic dynamic system. In the book: "XXV Dynamics Days Europe 2005. Book of abstracts", (Berlin, Germany, 2005), P. 107.
  25. A. Mayzelis, O.V. Usatenko, V.A. Yampol'skii, and S.S. Melnik. Statistical equivalence of the Markov sequences and spin chains. In the book: "XXV Dynamics Days Europe 2005. Book of abstracts", (Berlin, Germany, 2005), P. 108.
  26. S.S. Melnyk, O.V. Usatenko, V.A. Yampol'skii, and V.A. Golick.Competition of two types of correlations in coarse-grained literary texts. In the book: "XXV Dynamics Days Europe 2005. Book of abstracts", (Berlin, Germany, 2005), P. 178.
  27. V. Usatenko, V.A. Yampol'skii, A.L. Patsenker, and S.S. Melnyk. Long-range correlations in the DNA sequences of three different domains of living species. In the book: "XXV Dynamics Days Europe 2005. Book of abstracts", (Berlin, Germany, 2005), P. 231.
  28. В.ОГоряшкоБ.ПЄфімовК.ВІльєнко.Лазер на вільних електронах у мікрохвильовому діапазоні // В книжці: «Конференція молодих учених і аспірантів Інституту електронної фізики НАН України «ІЕФ-2005». Програма і тези доповідей», С. 60, Ужгород, 2005.
  29. Goryashko, K. Ilyenko, A. Opanasenko.Synchronism conditions for a hybrid weakly-relativistic FEL // In the book: “The Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves & 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics. Proceedings”, P. 504 – 505, Williamsburg, USA, 2005.
  30. В.А. Горяшко, К.В. Ильенко.Убитрон в гиротронном режиме // В брошурі: «V Харківська конференція молодих науковців «Радіофізика та НВЧ електроніка». Програма конференції та збірник анотацій, С. 31 & 88, Харків, 2005.
  31. Г.М. Горбик, К.В. Ільєнко.Обчислення потенціалу, створеного електричним зарядом в циліндричній камері дрейфу // В книжці: «Міжнародна конференція студентів і молодих вчених з теоретичної й експериментальної фізики «Еврика-2005». Збірник тез за секцією «Радіофізика. Моделювання», С. 146 – 147, Львів, 2005.
  32. Gorbyk, K. Ilyenko, T. Yatsenko. “Self-action” of a weakly-relativistic charge in a cylindrical drift tube // In the book: “The Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves & 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics. Proceedings”, P. 119 – 120, Williamsburg, USA, 2005.
  33. Г.М. Горбик, К.В. Ильенко. Возбуждение цилиндрического волновода произвольно движущимся зарядом // В брошурі: «V Харківська конференція молодих науковців «Радіофізика та НВЧ електроніка». Програма конференції та збірник анотацій, С. 30 & 87, Харків, 2005.


  1. State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR (E.A. Kaner, 1980)
  2. Grant 1050 E 9112 CONACyT (Mexico), 1992, N.M. Makarov.
  3. Grant 3004 E 9306 CONACyT (Mexico), 1994, N.M. Makarov.
  4. Grant Soros for a long-term research program, project "Metal as active media", 1993, N.М. Makarov.
  5. Grant INTAS, project IR-97-1394, 1997, V.А. Yampolsky.
  6. Grant INTAS, project 02-2282, 2002, V.А. Yampolsky.
  7. State Prize of Ukraine (V.A.Yampolsky, 2013).
  8. Awards for the best presentation at conferences 4th International Conference for Young Scientists “Low temperature physics – 2013” and 14th Kharkiv Young Scientist Conference on Radiophysics, Electronics, Photonics and Biophysics, 2014; travel grant for participation in European Microwave Week 2018. (T. Rokhmanova)
  9. Scholarship of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration in the nomination "Physics and Astronomy" - Scholarship named after K. D. Sinelnikov for gifted young scientists (S. S. Apostolov, 2017)
  10. First prize in the competition of scientific works of young scientists at the International Conference MMET*2018 (T. Rokhmanova, 2018)
  11. Grant of the President of Ukraine for the project F82 / 233-2019 (project leader T. Rokhmanova, 2019)
  12. Grant NFDU « Quantum phenomena in the interaction of electromagnetic waves with solid-state nanostructures », project 2020.02/0149 (project leader V.A. Yampolskii, 2020-2022)
  13. Scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists 2021- D. degree holders (Apostolov S. S.)
  14. Conference grant for participation in 15th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena 2021 (Kvitka N. M.)


The department is currently co-working with:

  1. Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Prof. Makarov N.M. and Prof. Felipe Perez Rodriguez. Joint research on resonance effects associated with the excitation of electromagnetic eigenwaves.
  2. University of North Texas, Prof. Krokhin A. A. Joint research on resonance effects associated with the excitation of electromagnetic eigenwaves, as well as studies of systems with long-range correlations.
  3. University of Wisconsin–Madison, Prof. Alex Levchenko. The study of electromagnetic phenomena in graphenes and other low-dimensional quantum systems.
  4. Institute for Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Tokyo, Japan, Prof. Franco Nori. Research on various problems of condensed matter physics.
  5. International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Triest, Italy. Research on various problems of condensed matter physics.
  6. Universidad de Murcia, Departamento de Fisica – CIOyN, Murcia, Spain, Prof. Miguel Ortuno and Dr. Andres M. Somoza. Numerical simulation of quantum systems.

Personnel training

During the existence of the department, 13 doctoral dissertations and 45 candidate dissertations have been defended.

Doctoral dissertations: Bass F.G. (1963), Kaner E.A. (1964), Kontorovich V.M. (1972), Yakovenko V.M. (1974), Fuchs I.M. (1978), Gurevich Yu.G. (1980), Oleinik I.N. (1982), Makarov N.M. (1985), Yampolsky V.A. (1988), Aronov I.E. (1990), O.V. Usatenko (2010), Apostolov S.S. (2019), Volovichev I.N. (2019).

Candidate dissertations: Kaner E.A. (1958), Blioh P.V. (1959), Kontorovich V.M. (1959), Yakovenko V.M. (1964), Fuchs I.M. (1966), Boev A.G. (1967), Blank A.Ya. (1967), Falko V.L. (1968), Khankina S.I. (1968), Feldman E.P. (1968), Gurevich Yu.G. (1968), Bulgakov A.A. (1971), Freilicher V.M. (1971), Makarov N.M. (1972), Oleinik I.N. (1972), Grishin A.M. (1974), Pogrebnyak V.A. (1974), Vakser A.I. (1974), Beletsky N.N. (1976), Sinitsyn Yu.A. (1977), Tarasov Yu.V. (1978), Aronov I.E. (1978), Yampolsky V.A. (1978), Akhiezer I.T. (1980), Krokhin A.A. (1983), Eremenko A.V. (1985), Gumen L.N. (1985), Baranets O.N. (1987), Yurkevich I.V. (1988), Baltaga I.V. (1995), Volovichev I.N. (1996), Tkachev G.B. (1998), Ilyenko K.V. (2000), Bludov Yu.V. (2000), Dubrava V.N. (2001), Derevianko S.A. (2001), Nikitin A.Yu. (2007), Nesterov M.L. (2008), Slipchenko T.M. (2009), Yakushev D.A. (2009), Mayzelis Z.A. (2009), Melnik S.S. (2010), Apostolov S.S. (2010), Rokhmanova T.N. (2015), Kadygrob D.V. (2017).


Name Position Academic degree Academic title e-mail Phone Place of work, room
Stanislav Apostolov Head of the department Doctor Phys.-Math. sciences Professor stapos@ukr.net 720-43-31 68
Valery Yampolsky Chief Researcher Doctor Phys.-Math. sciences Professor, corresponding member of NASU yam@ire.kharkov.ua 720-43-31 68
Olexander Kats Leading Researcher Doctor Phys.-Math. sciences Professor alexandrekats4@gmail.com 720-43-31 68
Oleg Usatenko Leading Researcher Doctor Phys.-Math. sciences Professor usatenkoleg@gmail.com 720-43-31 68
Igor Volovychev Senior Researcher Doctor Phys.-Math. sciences Senior Researcher vin@ire.kharkov.ua 720-43-31 68
Ivan Spevak Engineer, 1st cat. Candidate Phys.-Math. sciences Senior Researcher stigan@rambler.ru 720-43-31 68
Vadym Vekslerchyk Senior Researcher Candidate Phys.-Math. sciences Senior Researcher vekslerchik@yahoo.com 720-43-31 68
Galyna Prytula Senior Researcher Candidate Phys.-Math. sciences Senior Researcher pritula.galina@gmail.com 720-43-31 68
Sergiy Melnik Senior Researcher Candidate Phys.-Math. sciences Senior Researcher melnik.teor@gmail.com 720-43-31 68
Dmytro Kadygrob Senior Researcher Candidate Phys.-Math. sciences dimakadygrob@gmail.com 720-43-31 68
Tetiana Rokhmanova Senior Researcher Candidate Phys.-Math. sciences rokhmanova@ieee.org 720-43-31 68
Nina Kvitka Ph.D. Student, Junior Researcher kvitkanina@gmail.com 720-43-31 68

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