A contest of articles for young scientists

workshop-2Due to the epidemiological situation, the face-to-face part of the competition was postponed to the beginning of September.

Young Scientists Council (YSC) of O.Ya. Usikov IRE NAS of Ukraine (http://www.ire.kharkov.ua/scientific-counsils/young-scientists/young-scientists-members.html) with the sponsorship of the EPS Young Minds scientific community (https://www.facebook.com/KharkivYoungMinds/), have prepared a contest of articles for young scientists.

We invite young scientists / postgraduate students / master students who have not turned 35 to participate in this competition. The topic of the work should correspond to the scientific directions of IRE NASU:

  • Optics and photonics;
  • Biological and medical physics;
  • Microwave and terahertz electronics;
  • Geology and remote sensing;
  • Nano- and metamaterials;
  • Solid state physics;
  • Radio spectroscopy;
  • Solid state electronics;
  • Find more directions here http://www.ire.kharkov.com/about/research-directions.html for more directions.

One participant can submit one work. The competition will be held in two stages.

On the first stage, before May 24, 2020, applicants must complete the following form: https://forms.gle/ywaku35HveJEeGqy6

To the form one should upload:

  1. One article for the competition accepted for publication or published in the last 5 years.
  2. A brief summary of the article on 2-pages listing the main results, personal contribution, novelty, practical relevance, reason for publication in this journal, etc., according to the template: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Mxl_309YZT2W9VgFs6BePUXFBqxgpr6
  3. Copies of proceedings (cover page and main text), if the results of the article were presented at conferences.

Language of materials: Ukrainian, English, Russian.

The works will undergo double-blind review and will be judged by the following criteria: personal contribution, journal impact factor, novelty, clarity of results, overall impression.

The maximum score at this stage is 60 points.

 The results of the first stage will be sent by e-mail to the contestants by June 17, 2020.

The contestants with the best results will be invited to the second stage – a face-to-face meeting on September 1-4, 2020 (the exact date will be specified later), where they will be able to present their results in the form of a 10-minute presentation and answer the questions of the YSC. Voting on the results of the presentations will be secre, in which the members of the YSC will evaluate the performance by the following criteria: the clarity of the information presented, the originality of the report, the answers to the questions, the general impression. If a member of the YSC takes part in the competition, that member of the board cannot vote.

The maximum score at this stage is 40 points.

If several participants receive the same highest points, the winner is determined by open discussion and voting of the members of the board.

Winners will receive valuable prizes and interesting gifts!

If you have any questions, please contact YSC:



Pop-sci lecture “How one can see an atom?” by Anton Senenko

workshop-2 The Council of Young Scientists of the IRE NASU with the support of EPS Kharkiv Young Minds Section and together with the organization Free University Majdan Monitoring on January 9 held an interesting popular science lecture entitled “How one can see an atom?”

The lecture was given by Anton Senenko, a well-known scientific blogger, a popularizer of science, who, among other things, is a senior researcher in the Department of Physical Electronics of the Institute of Physics, Kiev. The purpose of the event was to understand what a scanning tunneling microscope is. What can you see with it? Do atoms see in Ukraine? The event was open to everybody. About 50 people visited the lecture, some of them with children.


Scientific Pub Quizzes

workshop-2 In 2019, on June 20 and November 21, the Council of Young Scientists of the IRE NASU together with EPS Kharkiv Young Minds Section organized and held two entertaining “Scientific Pub Quizzes” with the aim of popularizing science and rallying young Kharkov scientists and science funs.

They took place at the Heisenberg Pub and were open for everyone. The assignments contained 6 rounds of interesting scientific questions, including two video rounds and one musical one in the spirit of “guess the melody”. Nine teams at the first time, seven teams – at the second time took part in the event. Most of them are young scientists of Kharkiv from Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics, Institute of Radio Astronomy, Institute of Low-Temperature Physics, Kharkiv National University, National Science Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology”, and more.

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Workshop on Introduction to Machine Learning (for scientists)

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The Young Scientists Council of IRE NASU with the support of EPS Kharkiv Young Minds Section organized an interesting Workshop on Introduction to Machine Learning (for scientists), which took place on two days: the lecture day on May 19, and the practice day on May 31. The aim of the workshop was to show the young scientists of Kharkov the possibilities and limitations of machine learning using in scientific research, as well as to gain some basic knowledge and skills to work in this area. After the practical part, an excursion around the institute was performed. About 70 young scientists joined the workshop in one way or the other, both from IRE NASU as well as from FTINT, KNU, NTU KPI, KNURE, NSC KIPT, RI NASU, ISMA NASU, Turboatom, and even Aston University. Recordings of the lectures can be found on YouTube channel of IRE Young Scientists Council:

1) Павел Выплавин “Что такое Machine Learning, и чем оно (не) может быть полезным молодому ученому?”
2) Богдан Колчигин “Введение в Transfer Learning. Возможности и ограничения использования чужих моделей Machine Learning в своих целях”
3) Владислав Колбасин “Применение сверточных и рекуррентных нейронных сетей для анализа временных рядов”

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Celebrations on the occasion of the Day of Science

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