Speech of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician A. Zagorodny at the All-Ukrainian Forum

In the speech, Academician A. Zagorodniy noted that during its entire history, the NAS of Ukraine has solved the most difficult problems of society and the whole country, strengthening the independence and providing the development of the economy, education and culture. Despite difficult conditions, all this continues today, and the achievements extend to the world stage. More details on the NASU website.

Speech of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician A. Zagorodny at the All-Ukrainian Forum: https://youtu.be/KQfJUVFfbG4

SciTech Innovation Day

Student Scientific Society of the School of Physics of V. N. Karazin KhNU together with the Young Minds section of our Institute is organizing SciTech Innovation Day.
When: June 22, 2021 at 10:00.
Where: Karazin Student’s Hall, Otakara Yarosha St, 11А.
Participation is free! Registration is compulsory (deadline June 17, 2021).
Need more info? Join Telegram-channel: @stid_news

Europhysics News and LaTeX workshop

The February edition of Europhysics News noted workshop “Using LaTeX in the preparation of scientific articles and not only!” that took place on January 9, 2021in ZOOM: https://epn.eps.org/epn-52-1/#12

The workshop was organized by the Young Scientists Council of our Institute and Kharkiv Young Minds Section. If you missed it, you can still find the recordings by the links:

Lecture (part 1) https://youtu.be/rX6dbw7HfTw

Practice (part 2) https://youtu.be/KEwyxHHEnE8

SciTech Innovation Day

Student Scientific Society of the School of Physics of V. N. Karazin KhNU together with the Young Minds section of our Institute are organizing a SciTech Innovation Day. Participation is free! Registration by April 18 (inclusive): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KK2c8guRApCJSBfKqDUipwnmoOY_cXyNzmcFF8HrSXs/

Participants will be able to:
– demonstrate their idea and attract the attention of like-minded people and representatives of different companies;
– gain new skills in workshops, lectures and discussions;
– get acquainted with modern methods of online dialogue.

Participants will also receive gifts from the event partners. Follow the event on the Telegram-channel: @stid_news
Join and inform your colleagues!

Grant for research groups obtained!

The winners of the scientific projects competition in 2020, which will be carried out under grants of the NAS of Ukraine to research laboratories / groups of young scientists of the NAS of Ukraine in 2021-2022, have been announced:


Congratulations to the group led by Sergei Ponomarenko from the department of vacuum electronics with the project «Powerful compact generators and amplifiers of electromagnetic radiation of the THz range with electronic frequency tuning in a wide range».

We wish a successful implementation of the project!