Every year on March 14 the International day of Pi number is celebrated. One day before that, the EPS Kharkiv Young Minds section had a meet up devoted to the section activities and, of course, to Pi number. On the meeting, we discussed what is EPS Young Minds organization, why it can be useful for young scientists, talked about possible future events and watched altogether the funny comedy about PhD students, “PhD Movie 2” in English. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the event by the Young Minds Project.
Our Institute has many talents and we couldn’t hide them any longer, this is why on March 5, from 11:30 to 15:00 a wonderful exhibition of handmade prepared by the institute employees had taken place, which from 13:00 was accompanied by not less wonderful musical concert. We thank the trade union committee of IRE for the financial support of the event.
SPS Prize in Advanced Technologies
The project “Compact Sensor System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)” developed a very compact, low-weight and low-power consumption sensor to be mounted on UAVs that can detect, identify and localise electromagnetic signals (radar, radio) in the battlefield, thus improving the monitoring of potential targets.
It is led by Dr Ignacio Llamas Garro, Senior Researcher at the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya in Spain, Prof. Kim Jung-Mu, Associate Professor at the Chonbuk National University in South Korea and Prof. Kostyantin Lukin from the Usikov Institute for Radiophisics and Electronics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine.
«NATO Science Partnership Prize awarded to three outstanding scientific projects».