Center of Joint Usage „EHF radiospectroscopy”
(established in 2006 at O.Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics NAS of Ukraine)
Head of Radiospectroscopy Dept. IRE NASU,
Prof., Dr. Sc.
either To:
Chief of CJU in IRE NASU
TARAPOV Sergey (Prof., Dr.Sci)
tel: +38-057-7634-363
fax: +38-057-3152-105
or To:
Scientific Secretary of IRE NASU
POCHANINA Irina, (Ph.D.)
tel: +38-057-3150-011
fax: +38-057-3152-105
CJU „EHF radiospectroscopy” includes:
1. Vector Network Analyzer:
Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A.
Frequency band – 50 MHz- 40 GHz
Maximum output power - +3 dBm
Dynamic range- 100 dB
Detailed description of options of NA 5230A can be find in Operating Manual (PNAHelp_487_7_Rus.chm)
Kits of associated elements for Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A
1.1. Standard coaxial cables for frequency band 50 MHz- 40 GHz and the standard calibration kit.
1.2. Waveguide-coaxial adopters (performed in IRE NASU) for waveguides of metric standard for the following frequency bands:
1.2.1.=8 mm (f=32-40 GHz); -7.2 mm 3.6 mm;
1.2.2.=10 mm (f=16-26 GHz); -11 mm 5.5 mm;
1.2.3.=30 mm (f=8-15 GHz); -23 mm 10 mm;
1.3. Coaxial-coaxial adopters Coaxial-coaxial adopters:
1.3.1. standard "Pastenak" (Agilent ), 2.4 mm - standard "Pishta"
1.3.2. standard "Pastenak" (Agilent ) 2.4 mm - standard "SMA"
1.3. Kit of waveguide elements of metric standard (8 mm è 30 mm bands)
2. Radiospectroscopy experimental units/complexes
for the researches with usage of methods of magnetic and non-magnetic EHF-spectroscopy in the frequency band 10 GHz-150 GHz; temperature diapason 0.3 K-300 K and at static magnetic fields up to 7.5 T.
Detailed information is presented in web-sites of IRE NASU:
Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A application
Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A with module for measuring the parameters of open resonant structures.
Waveguide-coaxial and Coaxial-coaxial adopters (10-40 GHz band) for Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A, manufactured in IRE NAS of Ukrain
Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A with module for investigation of magnetoimpedance in nanostructures