CJU “EHF radiospectroscopy”

CJU „EHF radiospectroscopy” includes: 1. Vector Network Analyzer: Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A. Parameters: Frequency band – 50 MHz- 40 GHz Maximum output power – +3 dBm Dynamic range- 100 dB Detailed description of options of NA 5230A can be find in Operating Manual (PNAHelp_487_7_Rus.chm) Kits of associated elements for Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A 1.1. Standard coaxial cables for […]

Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A application

Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A application Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A with module for measuring the parameters of open resonant structures. Waveguide-coaxial and Coaxial-coaxial adopters (10-40 GHz band) for Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A, manufactured in IRE NAS of Ukrain Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A with module for investigation of magnetoimpedance in nanostructures

Main Parameters of Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A

Main Parameters of Vector Network Analyzer Agilent NA 5230A. We can send the Operating Manual for your request