Dear colleagues, authors and readers of the journal “Radio Physics and Electronics”,

the effectiveness of a modern scientist is conventionally appreciated upon the scientometric indicators of the publications of scientific results and depends on the rank of the journal chosen. The genuine onrush of computer technologies today and fast changes in the publishing standards create lots of problems for scientific journals in Ukraine. The military aggression of the Russian Federation and the introduction of the martial law additionally complicate every aspect of the scientific activity, including the issue of special scientific periodicals. Particularly, the periodicals “Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy” and “Radio Physics and Electronics” found themselves under threat of disruption of the issue periodicity established by the registration conditions, possibly ending up with the violation of these registration conditions and closure of the journals. From 2017 to 2021, the editors implemented a number of measures to reform the journals and fully meet the international requirements for the contemporary scientific periodicals. Sadly, a lack of high-quality authentic articles to publish is observed now.

In the present state of affairs, the Scientific Council of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) proposed that the “Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy” and “Radio Physics and Electronics” journals should be joined. The proposal was supported by the Scientific Councils of the founders, specifically the Radio Astronomy Institute of the NASU and the O.Ya. Usykov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the NASU. Then, being Scopus indexed, the journal “Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy” provides the management platform, keeps the name, registration attributes and the thematic profile. The editor-in-chief of the joint edition is academician L.M. Lytvynenko, the honorary director of the Radio Astronomy Institute of the NAS of Ukraine. The editorial board and the thematic profile were updated. The decision was agreed with academician Ya.S. Yatskiv, the head of the Scientific and Publishing Council of the NASU. The proposal was approved by the Bureau of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the NASU and confirmed by the Presidium of the NASU, resolution No. 113 of 04.13.2022.

The updated “Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy” journal was re-registered at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. The State Registration Certificate for printing mass media is KB No.25208-15148 ПР of 07.20.2022.

  • The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU),
  • Institute of Radio Astronomy of the NASU,
  • O.Ya. Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the NASU.

Publisher: Publishing House “Akademperiodika” of the NASU.
ISSN 2415-7007 (Online), ISSN 1027-9636 (Print).
Since 2014, the agency CrossRef has given digital identifiers DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to the scientific publications in the journal “Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy”.
The DOI index of the journal is 10.15407/rpra.
The journal “Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy” is indexed in the international scientometric databases:

  • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals),
  • Ulrichsweb (Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory),
  • Google Scholar,
  • Scopus (since 2021).

The journal “Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy” is in the List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine. The List is approved by Decree No. 409, 17.03.2020 (Category “B”) of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. In this journal, the results of Ph.D. and Doctoral theses in physics and mathematics, physics and astronomy (specialty 104), applied physics and nanomaterials (specialty 105) are recommended to publish. Currently, the journal meets all the requirements for scientific journals of Category “A”, and soon the prescribed package of documents will be submitted to the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine for the re-registration of the journal.

The proposal for joining the journals was supported by the Publishing House “Akademperiodika” of the NASU, which made it possible to release electronic versions of all the four issues of the updated journal according to the schedule for 2022.

Dear colleagues, the editorial board of the journal “Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy” would be glad to have your support and receive articles according to the thematic profile:

  • Radio astronomy and astrophysics,
  • Scattering and diffraction of waves,
  • Radio wave propagation and remote sensing,
  • Radio systems and signal processing,
  • Radio frequency engineering,
  • Electronics and photonics,
  • Radio spectroscopy,
  • Men of Science.

To your knowledge, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine took a decision (the decree No. 3210/501 of 01.08.2022) to discontinue the publication of the journal “Radio Physics and Electronics”. It was agreed with the editors of the journal. However, the archive of the journal “Radio Physics and Electronics” from 2015 to 2021 remains publicly available on the website.

We hope to be able to make a close and fruitful cooperation with you.

Sincerely yours

Editorial Board of the Journal “Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy”