- Dynamical chaos in electromagnetic resonators with non-integrable boundaries and/or nonlinear reflecting inhomogeneities; Chaotic dynamics in quantum billiards.
- Chaotic and regular dynamics of charge carriers in the semiconductor multilayer structures with avalanche multiplication of charges; new methods of generation of periodic and random oscillations of millimeter and terahertz bands.
- Generation and coherent processing of random signals; building a signal processors based on FPGA for the radar sensors operated in real time.
- Antennas with synthetic pattern and reconfigurable antenna based on MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical system) switches.
- The noise radar systems.
- Radarimagingand radiometryon the basisof the noiseground-basedSAR with time multiplexingof the channels.
- Optical noise meters and meters of micro- and nano-distances based on LED sources and methods of spectral interferometry.
- New methods of wireless telecommunication for vehicles.
- New methods in quantum theory.
- New methods and applications of vacuum microwave electronics.