The subjects of research

The scientific work of the Department consists of two global, mutually interacting areas of research under the direction of Prof. A.A. Kirilenko: the mathematical modeling of waveguide devices and periodic structures from individual programs to the system of automatic modeling and design; the investigation of physical effects, phenomena and laws of wave propagation in open […]

History of the Department

Computational Electromagnetics Laboratory was reorganized from Computational Electromagnetics Department in 2016. The Department was created in fact Dec., 12, 1980, when A.A. Kirilenko was appointed head of Department No.15 (department of mathematical modeling). Previously, the Department No.15 was headed by prof. L.N. Litvinenko. The Computing Center with large computing machines BESM-6 and ES-1061 was an […]

Main results of all-time

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Scientific results

2005 Project “BUKSIR-2” The new configurations of FSSs that provide simultaneous narrow-band reflection of the plane wave at one or several frequencies are proposed. They are made of metal strips with the periodical sets of single (or multiplet) rectangular slots. Kirilenko A.O., Mospan L.P. The exact 2D model of the phenomenon that describes the slow-wave […]

Main publications

For all time of existence of the department it was published more than 600 scientific publications, including 3 monographies, 4 books sections, 14 pre-prints and more than 250 articles in domestic and foreign journals (including IEEE Trans. on MTT, IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Physical Review, J. Optical Society America A, Int. J. of […]