thzqo_logo Center of Joint Usage (CJU)
“Terahertz quasioptics”

established in 2007 at O. Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Chief of CJU:
Head of Quasioptics Dept.
Sergey Mizrakhy

Please send your propositions and requests regarding the joint researches

CJU adviser
Sergey Mizrakhy(Ph.D.)
tel.: +38-057-7634-335
fax: +38-057-3152-105

or To:
Scientific Secretary of IRE NASU
Pochanina Irina (Ph.D.)
tel.: +38-057-3150-011
fax: +38-057-3152-105

CJU Statute & Services Terms, See CJU Statute.pdf

CJU Staff

Mr. Sergey Mizrakhy (PhD, physics & mathematics) CJU adviser
Mr. Pavel Nesterov Scientist
Mr. Igor Nesterov Engineer

Equipment of CJU

The Center of Joint Usage "Terahertz quasioptics" contains the next apparatus:

  • Scalar Network Analyzer P2-139 from Elmika for 0.17-0.22 THz frequency range.
  • Quasi-Optical Radio Measuring Devices on the Basis of a Circular Hollow Dielectric Beamguide (HDB).
There are some applications of Quasi-Optical Radio Measuring Devices connected to Scalar Network Analyzer P2-139
Fig. 1 The Quasi-Optical Measuring Range (QMR-1) for experimental studies of amplitude-frequency scattering characteristics of physical objects in a HDB using the quasioptical waveguide modelling method (QWM) Fig. 2 QMR-1 Measuring Cell