O.Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Research directions
Scientific and technical development
National treasure
Centers for collective use National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Grid-cluster IRE
State procurements
Institute statute
Diary of work on preservation and restoration of the Institute
Institute Youtube channel
Research departments
Department of diffraction theory and diffraction electronics (№ 11)
Laboratory of computational electromagnetics (№ 11/1)
Department of quasi-optics (№ 13)
Laboratory micro and nanooptics (№ 13/1)
Department of radiophysic introscopy (№ 15)
Laboratory for monitoring and spectroscopy (№15/1)
Laboratory for radioheat and Doppler radio-location (№ 15/2)
Department of vacuum electronics (№ 16)
Department of nonlinear dynamics of electronic systems (№ 17)
Department of radiospectroscopy (№ 18)
Department of solid-state electronics (№ 21)
Department of acoustic and electromagnetic spectroscopy (№ 22)
Department of solid-state radiophysics (№ 23)
Department of theoretical physics (№ 24)
Department of biological physics (№ 25)
Department of physical principles of radiolocation (№ 31)
Department of radiowave propagation in natural media (№ 32)
Department of quantum electronics and nonlinear optics (№ 33)
Department of remote sensing of the Earth (№ 34)
Department of statistical radiophysics (№ 35)
Laboratory of mathematical physics (№ 35/1)
Department of radiosignal processing (№ 37)
Organizational, scientific and technical departments
Scientific Secretary Service
Scientific and technical information department
Experimental design and technology department
Group of design and technological work
Experimental samples production group
Department of metrology, standardization and patent and license activity
Metrological support group
Telecommunication technology department
Production planning department
Labor safety department
Other departments
The scientific library
Accounting department
Personnel department
Fire prevention department
Civil defense department
Clerical office
Department of chief power engineering specialist
Department of chief mechanical engineer
Maintenance department
General service group
Motor transport department
Scientific counsils
The Scientific Counsil
The Scientific Council
Scientific Counsil Announcement
Specialised Council
Specialised Council
Specialised Council information
Specialized scientific councils for the defense of dissertations for the Philosophy Doctor degree
Scientific Council «radiophysics and microwave electronics»
Council of Young Scientists
Members of young scientists council
News of young scientists council
The Story Young Scientists Council
Achievements of our young scientists
Conference calendar
International scientific societies
Publications of young scientists
Useful links
Сontact us
Postgraduate and doctoral
Postgraduate Post Information for Entrants
Information for PhD-Students
PhD questions
Why should young scientists come to O.Ya. Usikov IRE of NASU?
Open meeting with experts from the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
OP providing
Election to the Scientific Counsil of the Institute
Director election 2021
Director election 2019
Scientific seminars
Scientific seminars passports
Other documents
Scientific seminars
International events of the Institute
Trade union
Trade union structure
The laws
Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine
Central Committee of the Trade Union of the NAS of Ukraine
IRE O. Ya. Usykov IRE NAS of Ukraine Trade Union
Collective agreement of O. Ya. Usykov IRE NAS of Ukraine (2017)
Trade union information
Phonebook by structure
Phonebook by structure
Research directions
Scientific and technical development
National treasure
Centers for collective use National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Grid-cluster IRE
State procurements
Institute statute
Diary of work on preservation and restoration of the Institute
Institute Youtube channel
Research departments
Department of diffraction theory and diffraction electronics (№ 11)
Laboratory of computational electromagnetics (№ 11/1)
Department of quasi-optics (№ 13)
Laboratory micro and nanooptics (№ 13/1)
Department of radiophysic introscopy (№ 15)
Laboratory for monitoring and spectroscopy (№15/1)
Laboratory for radioheat and Doppler radio-location (№ 15/2)
Department of vacuum electronics (№ 16)
Department of nonlinear dynamics of electronic systems (№ 17)
Department of radiospectroscopy (№ 18)
Department of solid-state electronics (№ 21)
Department of acoustic and electromagnetic spectroscopy (№ 22)
Department of solid-state radiophysics (№ 23)
Department of theoretical physics (№ 24)
Department of biological physics (№ 25)
Department of physical principles of radiolocation (№ 31)
Department of radiowave propagation in natural media (№ 32)
Department of quantum electronics and nonlinear optics (№ 33)
Department of remote sensing of the Earth (№ 34)
Department of statistical radiophysics (№ 35)
Laboratory of mathematical physics (№ 35/1)
Department of radiosignal processing (№ 37)
Organizational, scientific and technical departments
Scientific Secretary Service
Scientific and technical information department
Experimental design and technology department
Group of design and technological work
Experimental samples production group
Department of metrology, standardization and patent and license activity
Metrological support group
Telecommunication technology department
Production planning department
Labor safety department
Other departments
The scientific library
Accounting department
Personnel department
Fire prevention department
Civil defense department
Clerical office
Department of chief power engineering specialist
Department of chief mechanical engineer
Maintenance department
General service group
Motor transport department
Scientific counsils
The Scientific Counsil
The Scientific Council
Scientific Counsil Announcement
Specialised Council
Specialised Council
Specialised Council information
Specialized scientific councils for the defense of dissertations for the Philosophy Doctor degree
Scientific Council «radiophysics and microwave electronics»
Council of Young Scientists
Members of young scientists council
News of young scientists council
The Story Young Scientists Council
Achievements of our young scientists
Conference calendar
International scientific societies
Publications of young scientists
Useful links
Сontact us
Postgraduate and doctoral
Postgraduate Post Information for Entrants
Information for PhD-Students
PhD questions
Why should young scientists come to O.Ya. Usikov IRE of NASU?
Open meeting with experts from the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
OP providing
Election to the Scientific Counsil of the Institute
Director election 2021
Director election 2019
Scientific seminars
Scientific seminars passports
Other documents
Scientific seminars
International events of the Institute
Trade union
Trade union structure
The laws
Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine
Central Committee of the Trade Union of the NAS of Ukraine
IRE O. Ya. Usykov IRE NAS of Ukraine Trade Union
Collective agreement of O. Ya. Usykov IRE NAS of Ukraine (2017)
Trade union information
Phonebook by structure
Phonebook by structure
Scientific Counsil Announcement
» 15.04.2021: Scientific Counsil meeting
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