We remind you about the possibility of publishing the results of your scientific work in the professional journal “Radiophysics and Electronics” (RPE).
RPE Journal is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine (category “B”), in which it is recommended to publish the results of dissertations from physical and mathematical sciences, specialty 104 – “Physics and Astronomy”, 105 – “Applied physics and nanomaterials “(Order of the Ministry of science and education of Ukraine № 409 of 17.03.2020).
Articles are always accepted, but if you want it to be in the 3rd issue (which will be published in September), then hurry up to submit the text by June 15!
➡Rules for authors: http://re-journal.org.ua/uk/author_guidelines
➡Contacts: http://re-journal.org.ua/uk/contacts
➡The working language of the magazine is Ukrainian and English (up to the authors).
➡Publishing articles is free.