Director : Anatoliy Semenovich Tishchenko
Head of the department №16
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics sciences
Senior Researcher
Phone (+ 38-057)7634-395
Senior Member of IEEE


The subjects of research

The current major research area in the Department includes:

  • Development of high-vacuum electromagnetic sources of the O- and M-type for the frequency range from several tens to a thousand gigahertz using diverse techniques of converting the energy of spatially developed electron flows in complex electromagnetic structures.
  • Exploring the mechanisms of electromagnetic signal generation within a wide wave range as a result of processes occurring in weak electrolytes due to electric discharges.
  • Development of principles and means of forming and transportation of strong electron flows for microwave electronic vacuum devices; development of cathode and electron-optical systems for millimeter and submillimeter devices.

History of the Department

Department #16 was established in 1991 as a non-structural unit of the Institute and was named "Experimentally engineering department of high-vacuum devices".

In 2001, the department was incorporated into the business structure of the Institute and was given a status of a structural group, and due to the extension of the research scope it was re-named being now the Department of vacuum electronics.

This department inherited and accumulated the research trends in the vacuum electronics, which were the focal area of the Institute at the time of its foundation. This field was developed jointly by several laboratories that later become structural departments.

Among the participating laboratories were "CG – Continuous Generation" (headed by A.N. Chernets, the Lenin award winner of the USSR in science and engineering), "WBG – Wide-Band Generation" (headed by G.Ya. Levin, the Lenin award winner of the USSR in science and engineering), "PG – Pulse Generation" (headed by I.D. Truten’, the Lenin award winner of the USSR in science and engineering), "OChP – Optics of Charged Particles" (headed by Prof. N.S. Zinchenko, PhD).

The establishment of this department and its following re-arrangements were focused on one main goal – search for new ways and means of designing high-vacuum tubes in the millimeter wave range showing good opportunities both from the theoretical and practical points of view.

Main results of all-time

The most outstanding results achieved in these areas are listed below.

In course of further development a clinotron prototype was produced, in which the inhomogeneous distribution of the focusing magnetic field was taken into account, and clinotron’s position in the working gap of the focusing system was adjustable; this prototype served as a basis for developing a continuous wave magnetron designed to operate within a wide frequency range of 340-410 GHz with the maximum output power of 50 mW [1, 2].

In an effort to enhance the efficiency of the electron-wave interaction, we developed a clinotron with a three-stage comb for the frequency range from 79 to 106 GHz. The output power of this device was above 2 W, being highly stable within the smooth electron tuning range from 95.3 to 97.9 GHz [3, 4].

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 Performance curve and appearance of a 400 GHz continuous wave clinotron

Some new results were obtained while analyzing the cyclotron resonance maser (CRM) performance. It was revealed that there exists an "optional" mechanism of electron bunching within a weakly inhomogeneous magnetic field in low-voltage CRM. This mechanism was employed to enhance the efficiency of interaction between a helical electron beam and modes of a resonator of a conventional geometry at a record-low accelerating voltage of 2.2 kW, as well as to excite the modes TE11q for a longitudinal index q being 1 through 7, which in its turn allowed to tune the frequency of the generated oscillations within the range of 8.0 – 9.3 GHz [5, 6].

Numerical modelling techniques were used to demonstrate the possibility of generating oscillations efficiently in gyrotrons with a double-mirror, confocal and planar resonator. Computations were performed for gyrotrons at the main gyroresonance within the range of 75 GHz, with the magnetic field density in the resonator area reaching 3 T. In a gyrotron with a planar resonator consisting of two plane mirrors the efficiency of a single-frequency generation was 15%; the ribbon helical electron beam (HEB) was formed by a planar magnetron-injection gun having the accelerating voltage of 12 kV and the current of 1 A [7]. The efficiency of the single-frequency generation for a gyrotron with a confocal resonator made of two cylindrical mirrors reached 14% at the accelerating voltage of 5 kV and the current of the ribbon HEB of 300 mA. In the both cases the pitch-factor values belonged to the range 1 – 1.35 [8].



A photograph of a low-voltage CRM and the results of the trajectory analysis of a ribbon HEB with a planar magnetron-injection gun

The above results were obtained by the team of scientists headed by Dr. B.P. Yefimov, and A.N. Kuleshov, PhD.

Under the guidance of Dr. B.P. Yefimov during the last decade a series of research was conducted to explore long-lived plasma formations excited by electric discharges in weak electrolytes. From 2008 to 2011 this research was carried out in the framework of two regular projects under the authority of STCU sponsored by the Government of Canada. The key scientific results in this area are:

  • Electric modes of excitation of long-lived plasmoids with the lifetime in the air of 0.4 s were experimentally studied, and the high-speed shooting, radar and spectral analysis were applied to estimate the particle concentration in the plasmoid, its existence dynamics and spectral content of the radiation [9];
  • A Doppler radar technique was developed that utilizes a three-channel radar to analyze the behavior of a long-lived plasmoid; the technique was implemented in an experimental set-up and tested on a stratified positive glow gap [10];
  • An experimental set-up was developed and implemented for plasma ignition at the end of a uniconductor line, which essentially simplified the optimization of methods for long-lived plasma research; the operation modes of a uniconductor line for electromagnetic energy transmission were investigated in the millimeter and submillimeter wave ranges [11, 12];
  • A model was suggested describing the dynamics of a long-lived plasmoid produced by exciting complex electromagnetic waves in layered periodical media, which was proven by an experimental research of water density waves under electric discharge and plasmoid nucleation [13].

Since 2007, the department is actively developing a relativistic 8-mm pulsed magnetron. This is the first attempt to produce such type of device in the millimeter wave range, being performed jointly with the scientists of the Institute of Plasma Electronics and Novel Acceleration Methods of National Scientific Center "KhPTI", by using their high-voltage equipment.

The scientists of our Department calculated the optimal parameters of the resonance system and the interaction space of the magnetron, allowing to take the maximum advantage of the interaction with the spatial harmonics. S.N. Teryokhin, a Research Scientist of the Department, suggested a technique and manufactured a tool to measure the magnetron’s radiated wavelength.

The experiments conceptually confirmed the adequacy of the chosen solutions. The modernization of the experimental set-up goes on, we are searching the way to optimize the magnetron’s electromagnetic system and increase the efficiency, as well as to reach the highest possible radiation power (up to 1 MW) [14].

This device has strong chances to find its practical application in the electromagnetic compatibility research since it is able to remotely form an electric field of a given strength. The aim of such research is to determine the resistance threshold of radio electronic devices (and other objects) toward electromagnetic radiation in various parts of a spectrum of both artificial and natural origin (e.g. lightning discharges). Though in the long-wave ranges such research has been performed long ago, it cannot be done so easily in the short-wave range due to the lack of appropriate oscillators.

The theoretical research of the charged beam dynamics and the interaction between the beams and electromagnetic waves in the up-to-date powerful moderately relativistic microwave devices was the responsibility of the researcher team led by Dr. K.W. Illienko, PhD.

The electron dynamics in the pump field of a hybrid free-electron laser/maser (FEL/FEM) for the first time ever has been given an analytical description, that is true for all possible values of the guiding magnetic field and, on its basis, for the first time an analytic chaotization criterion of the dynamics of beam particles in hybrid FEL/FEM has been found [15]. The mode of an "optimal" excess of an exact magnetic resonance has been suggested allowing to achieve a high efficiency of a planar hybrid FEL/FEM amplifier with a regular waveguide at moderate values of the amplitude of the transverse alternating magnetostatic field of an undulator. A steady-state 3D non-linear theory of an FEL/FEM amplifier has been developed that consequently takes into account both the vortex part of the quasi-electrostatic field and the quasi-magnetostatic field of a space charge (non-propagating, overcritial component of an EM field excited by a charged beam). It was revealed that the vortex component of the space charge field reduces the defocusing effect of the potential component on the bunching in a beam [16]. It was shown how the evolutionary optimization can be applied to triple the efficiency of waveguide moderate relativistic FEL/FEM amplifiers [17]. A procedure has been suggested to solve the Maxwell equations in the Darwinian approximation for a (circular) cylindrical perfectly conducting drift chamber. The eigen quasi-static electric (allowing for the vortex) and magnetic fields have been found that are induced by random discharge and current densities satisfying the continuity equation. The issues of convergence of the obtained field expressions have been considered through the example of a potential component of the quasi-electrostatic field, and a generalization has been suggested for the case of a longitudinally limited drift chamber [18]. Analytical estimations have been obtained for a critical current of a magnetized circular charged particle beam in a longitudinally unlimited coaxial drift chamber in the presence of a dielectric insert of a finite thickness immediately adjacent to the outer coaxial conductor, as well as analytical estimations for the difference in the potentials between the internal and outer coaxial conductors [19]. A new approach was suggested to describe the static component of a potential electric field of a space charge of a charged particle beam propagating in a longitudinally unlimited regular simply connected waveguide, which is close to the Kisunko-Weinstein approach [20].

The scientists of our Department were the first who provided, in terms of physics, a theoretical explanation of the processes occurring in a magnetron of the "Kharkover" operation mode (under the guidance of Dr. V.D. Yeryomka, PhD). It was proven in theory and experiment that electron-wave interaction at the drift-orbital resonances makes the main contribution to the efficient energy exchange between electrons and electromagnetic waves in the static electric-magnetic crossed fields in a terahertz magnetron with the "Kharkover" operation mode [21, 22]. A new analytical model being tested through 3D numerical simulations essentially simplifies the parameter calculation and designing of terahertz pulsed magnetrons, namely it was applied to prove the feasibility of achieving the output power of several hundreds of watts in a submillimeter pulsed magnetron.

One of the most noticeable recent achievements of the researchers and engineers of our Department is the submillimeter clinotron installation providing an electromagnetic radiation of a high stability and the output power of 40 mW and above. Our team has also designed and manufactured a low-voltage cyclotron resonance maser utilizing an innovative concept of electron bunching and a microwave plasma igniter.

Another unique invention of us is a submillimeter frequency multiplier on the basis of a two-stage clinotron. At the first stage a 3-mm signal is generated, at the second stage the frequency is multiplied in three. In course of experiments the multiplier demonstrated relatively low-voltage operation modes with the magnetic field strength two or three times lower than that of conventional submillimeter clinotrons. At the wavelength of 0.93 mm, the output power of the multiplier was as high as 10 mW, with the electron frequency being tunable within the 365 MGz band. The suggested design of the frequency multiplier in combination with the "clinotron effect" promises great opportunities in the development of terahertz range. This design has no analogues among devices of this class (the design was developed by Dr. M.B. Milcho, PhD).

The following invented in our Department  terahertz electromagnetic radiation sources with spatially developed electron flow have been covered with patents of Ukraine: cold-cathode pulsed magnetrons with drift-orbital resonance, clinotrons, giroclinotrons, clino-orotrons, orbictrons, clino-orbictrons, klystrons of distributed interaction, nanoklystrons. An original technique of stabilizing the output signal oscillation frequency in terahertz clinotrons, orbictrons and klystrons of distributed interaction, nanoklystrons and magnetrons has been suggested, implemented and patented [23-25] (authors: V.D. Yeryomka et al).

Main publications

  1. 400 GHz Continuous-Wave Clinotron Oscillator / S.S. Ponomarenko, S.A. Kishko, E.M. Khutoryan, A.N. Kuleshov, V.V. Zavertanniy, I.V. Lopatin, B.P. Yefimov // IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science. – 2013. – V. 41, N. 1. – P. 82 – 86;
  2. Магнитная фокусирующая система интенсивных электронных пучков для клинотронов субмиллиметрового диапазона / Ефимов Б.П., Завертанный В.В., Кириченко Л.А., Кишко С.А., Кудинова Т.В., Кулешов А.Н., Пономаренко С.С., Забродский А.Ф. // Изв. ВУЗов. Прикладная нелинейная динамика. – 2012. – Т. 20, № 5. – С. 112-120. (Magnetic focusing system of strong electron beams for submm clinotrons)
  3. Development of 94 GHz BWO – klynotron with 3-stage grating / S.S. Ponomarenko, S.A. Kishko, E.M. Khutoryan, A.N. Kuleshov, B P. Yefimov // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. – 2014. – Vol. 73, N. 3. – P. 271 – 280;
  4. Колебания в генераторе О-типа при возбуждении объемно-поверхностной моды резонатора с периодически неоднородной гребенкой / Э.М. Хуторян, С.С. Пономаренко, С.А. Кишко, А.Н. Кулешов, К.А. Лукин // Изв. ВУЗов. Прикладная нелинейная динамика. – 2013. – Т. 21, № 2. – С. 9 – 19; (Oscillations in an O-type source during the excitation of a volume-surface wave mode in a resonator with a periodically inhomogeneous comb)
  5. Low-voltage cyclotron maser / S.A. Kishko, S.S. Ponomarenko, A.N. Kuleshov, V.V. Zavertanniy, B.P. Yefimov, I. Alexeff // IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science. – 2013. – V. 41, N. 9. – P. 2475 – 2479.
  6. Кулешов А.Н. Формирование электронных потоков с криволинейным движением для приборов типа ЛСЭ и МЦР / А.Н. Кулешов, Б. П. Ефимов // Радиофизика и электроника: сб. научн. тр. / НАН Украины, Институт радиофизики и электроники им. А.Я. Усикова. – Харьков. – 2008. – Т. 13, Спец. выпуск. – С. 301 – 314. (Forming of curvilinearly moving electron beams for FEL and CRM)
  7. Разработка 75 ГГц планарного гиротрона с поперечным выводом энергии / А.Н. Кулешов, С.А. Кишко, М.Ю. Глявин, И.В. Зотова, И.В. Железнов, Н.С. Гинзбург, В.Н. Мануилов, В.Ю. Заславский // Радиотехника и электроника. – 2014. – Т. 59, № 7. – С. 722 – 727. (Development of a 75 GHz planar gyrotron with a transverse energy output)
  8. Кишко С.А. Возбуждение колебаний конфокального резонатора низковольтным ленточным винтовым электронным пучком в миллиметровом диапазоне / С.А. Кишко, А.Н. Кулешов, Б.П. Ефимов // Вестник ХНУ. Серия «Радиофизика и электроника». – 2013. – № 23. – С. 14 – 19. (Excitation of oscillations in a confocal resonator by a low-voltage ribbon helical electron beam in the millimeter range )
  9. Long-living plasma excited by electric discharge in water / M.O. Khorunzhiy, A.N. Kuleshov, B.P. Yefimov // IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science. – 2011. – V. 39, N. 11. – P. 2648 – 2649.
  10. Исследование структуры плазменных образований методом доплеровской локации / С. И. Хоменко, М. О. Хорунжий, А. Н. Кулешов, Б. П. Ефимов // Радиофизика и Электроника. – 2011. – T. 2(16), № 3. – С. 78 – 82. (Investigation of the plasma formation structure by the Doppler radar method)
  11. Research results and applications of torch discharge in the Goubau line / A.O. Puzanov, M.O. Khorunzhiy, A.N. Kuleshov, B.P. Yefimov // IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science. – 2011. – V. 39, N. 11. – P. 2878 – 2879.
  12. The properties of microwave discharge in the Goubau line / B.P. Efimov, A.N. Kuleshov, M.O. Khorunzhii, L.P. Mos'pan // High Temperature. – 2008. – V. 46, N. 6. – P. 874 – 880.
  13. Экспериментальное исследование сферообразных плазменных образований / А. А. Булгаков, Б. П Ефимов, А. Н. Кулешов, М. О. Хорунжий // Радиофизика и Электроника. – 2005. – T. 10, № 2. – С. 266 – 269. (Experimental research of spherical plasma formations)
  14. Magda I.I., Gadetski N.P., Kravtsova E.I., et al., Relativistic Magnetron of 8 mm Waveband // Вопросы атомной науки и техники. Серия «Плазменная электроника и новые методы ускорения». 2008, №4, с.18-20.
  15. Goryashko V.A. Hybrid planar free-electron maser in the magnetoresonance regime / V.A. Goryashko, K. Ilyenko, A. Opanasenko // Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerators and Beams. – 2009. – V. 12, No. 10. – P. 100701-1 – 100701-14.
  16. Goryashko V.A. Radiated and nonradiated electromagnetic fields in an FEL amplifier / V.A. Goryashko, K. Ilyenko, A.N. Opanasenko // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A. – 2010. – V. 620, Nos. 2-3. – P. 462 – 469.
  17. Goryashko V.A. Analysis and optimization of a free-electron laser with an irregular waveguide // Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerators and Beams. – 2011. – V. 14, No. 3. P.030703
  18. Ilyenko K. Three-dimensional model for Green’s function charged-particle-beam simulations in cylindrical geometry / K. Ilyenko, T. Yatsenko // IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. – 2011. – V. 39, No. 2. – P. 659 – 667.
  19. Yatsenko T. Limiting current of axisymmetric relativistic charged-particle beam propagating in strong axial magnetic field in coaxial drift tube / T. Yatsenko, K. Ilyenko, G.V. Sotnikov // Physics of Plasmas. – 2012. – V. 19, No. 6. – P. 063107-1 – 063107-10.
  20. Ilyenko K. A novel representation for the static space-charge fields in waveguide excitation theory / K. Ilyenko, A. Opanasenko // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A. – 2014. – V. 745. – P. 88-90.
  21. P.Kulagin, V.D.Yeryomka «Optimal Conditions for Drift-Orbital Resonance in M-type Devices». IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, vol.32, 3, pp.1181-1186, June, 2004.
  22. -I. Kim, S.-G. Jeon, G.-J. Kim, J. Kim, V. D. Yeryomka, A. S. Tishchenko, and V. D. Naumenko  Investigation of Millimeter-Wavelength 20-Vane Spatial-Harmonic Magnetron Using Three-Dimensional Particle-in-Cell Simulation. IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science – 2012. –Vol. 40 , № 8 - P.1966-1971.
  23. Орбіктрон - генератор дифракційного випромінювання. Патент України на корисну модель, UA 72435 U, МПК H01J 25/00 - u 2011 13230, заявл. 09.11.2011; опубл. 27.08.2012, Бюл. №16 Єрьомка В.Д., Мірошниченко В.С., Демченко М.Ю. (Orbictron – a diffraction radiation source)
  24. В.Д. Ерёмка. Вакуумные источники электромагнитного излучения терагерцового интерва-ла частот: зигзаги развития от клинотрона до клиноорбиктрона // Изв. Вузов. Прикладная нелинейная динамика. 2013, №1 , - С.7-34. (Vacuum electromagnetic radiation sources of the terahertz range: zigzags of progress from a clinotron to a clino-orbictron)
  25. В.Д. Ерёмка, А.А. Кураев, А.К. Синицын. Орбиктрон – генератор и его модификации: модель и результаты расчета на частоте 180 ГГц // Радиофизика и электроника, 2013, т.4 (18), №4. – С.63-72. (Orbictron source and its modifications: simulation and numerical results at a frequency of 180 GHz)


The committed research activities of the members of our Department, their presentation and popularization of scientific achievements of the Institute both at home and abroad were consistently praised and awarded.

In 2011, K.W. Illienko, PhD, Senior Scientist, won a prestigious international prize for outstanding commitment during the first decade of independent scientific career (2011 IEEE NPSS Early Achievement Award) awarded by the Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society and the International Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).


K.W. Illienko accepts the IEEE NPSS award in Chicago, USA (handed over by Prof. Steven Gold from U.S. Navy Research Laboratory)

In 2011, on the occasion of the Day of Science, the Kharkov municipal governmental authority awarded A.S. Tishchenko an Honorary Certificate for a significant contribution into the progress of the national science, professional excellence and enthusiastic scientific work.


A. Kuleshov presenting terahertz sources

In 2012, A.N. Kuleshov won the prize awarded by the CRDF Global foundation for the best presentation entitled "First Step to the Market Competition", and in 2013 he received one more prize, "Best Business Pitch Competition", from this foundation.

In 2012 the young scientists S. Kishko and S. Ponomarenko were awarded Ukrainian Presidential Scholarship and scholarship of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


Cooperation and international projects

In 2008, the A.Ya. Usikov IRE and Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI) (Ansan-city, Republic of Korea) have signed a contract for the development of a 35 GHz low-voltage pulsed magnetron. In course of the contractual works, the Principal Researcher from the Korean party Dr. Jung-Il Kim and the Director of Center for Pioneering Medical-Physics Research at KERI Dr. Jong-Uk Kim visited the Institute. One of the outcomes of this visit was signing of a Memorandum of further cooperation between our institutes in the area of vacuum electronics.


 Dr. Jong-Uk Kim and Dr. A.S. Tishchenko presenting the signed Memorandum (2009)

In 2011, the second contract was concluded with the Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI) which goal was to develop a 100 GHz clinotron-type electromagnetic oscillator of the continuous-wave output power of 10 W. During the contract time the project leader from Korean party Dr. Jung-Il Kim visited the Institute again to personally accept the R&D output.

 image010A.Kuleshov, A. Tishchenko, T. Idehara, B.Yefimov and M. Tani

In 2013, on a working visit arrived Prof. Toshitaka Idehara, the Honorary Director and Manager of international projects at the Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, University of Fukui (Japan), and Prof. Masahiko Tani, the Director of the Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, University of Fukui. This visit ended with signing of a Memorandum of joint research and development in the far-infrared region.

The investigation and development of 460 GHz middle power gyrotrons with an enhanced frequency stabilization for DNP/NMR spectroscopy have been performed with the participation of Japanese colleagues Prof. T. Idehara, Prof. M. Tani and Prof. T. Saito, as well as the research team headed by Prof. T. Fujiwara from the Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University (Japan).


460 GHz gyrotron complex for nuclear-magnetic resonance DNP spectroscopy with an enhanced stability of generation frequency (A. Kuleshov)

During the last years the Department closely collaborates with the Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian). Two projects for young scientists sponsored by the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research have been successfully accomplished by the joint efforts of Ukrainian researchers A. Kuleshov, PhD, and S.A. Kishko, a research scientist, and their Russian colleagues Dr. M.Yu. Glyavin, Senior Scientist, I.V. Zotova, PhD, Senior Scientist, Prof. N.S. Ginzburg, and M.I. Petelin, Senior Scientist. The outcome of this collaboration was a planar gyrotron with a transverse-longitudinal direct energy output.

Prof. I. Alexeff from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA took an active part in the discussion and analysis of the results of an experimental research on low-voltage operation modes of nuclear-magnetic resonance and theoretical study of the "optional" mechanism of electron bunching in a low-voltage CRM due to a weak inhomogeneity of the magnetic field in the resonator area of the gyrotron.

Some of the results obtained in the framework of the international research projects are reflected in the following publications.

  1. J.-I. Kim, S.-G. Jeon, G.-J. Kim, J. Kim, V. D. Yeryomka, A. S. Tishchenko, and V. D. Naumenko. Investigation of Millimeter-Wavelength 20-Vane Spatial-Harmonic Magnetron Using Three-Dimensional Particle-in-Cell Simulation. IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science – 2012. –Vol. 40 , № 8. P.1966-1971.
  2. Разработка 75 ГГц планарного гиротрона с поперечным выводом энергии / А.Н. Кулешов, С.А. Кишко, М.Ю. Глявин, И.В. Зотова, И.В. Железнов, Н.С. Гинзбург, В.Н. Мануилов, В.Ю. Заславский // Радиотехника и электроника. – 2014. – Т. 59, № 7. – С. 722 – 727. (Development of a 75 GHz planar gyrotron with a transversal energy output)
  3. Low-voltage cyclotron maser / S.A. Kishko, S.S. Ponomarenko, A.N. Kuleshov, V.V. Zavertanniy, B.P. Yefimov, I. Alexeff // IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science. – 2013. – V. 41, N. 9. – P. 2475 – 2479.
  4. Power-Stabilization of High Frequency Gyrotrons Using a Double PID Feedback Control for Applications to High Power THz Spectroscopy / Idehara T., Kuleshov A., Ueda K., Khutoryan E.// Journal on Infrared, Millimeter and THz Waves.– 2014. – V. 35, N. 2. – P. 159 – 168.
  5. Gyrotron Output Power Stabilization by PID Feedback Control of Heater Current and Anode Voltage / Khutoryan E., Idehara T., Kuleshov A., Ueda K. // Journal on Infrared, Millimeter and THz Waves.– 2014. – V. 35, N. 12. – P. 1018 – 1029.

 In 2011, our guest was the founder of the Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society of IEEE Prof. Igor Alexeff from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.

In 2011, we for the first time invited a team of leading experts of the Eastern China R&D Institute "Photoelectronics" headed by the Chief Engineer Dr. He Giaochan, and already in 2012 a representative delegation in the lead of the Director of this institute Mr. U Huasya arrived to sign a long-term joint R&D contract.

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Prof. I. Alexeff and A.Ya. Kirichenko in the Institute’s museum

Chinese specialists get acquainted with the clinotron operation

(He Giaochan, Dan Dzindon, Gian Chunlyu and I.V. Lopatin)

In the last decade, our scientists also have travelled abroad a lot to establish important business relations.

In 2010, A.S. Tishchenko and V.A. Goryashko visited the Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI) in Ansan-city (Republic of Korea) to get familiar with the achievements of the Korean colleagues and to deliver the accomplished contractual words.


V.A. Goryashko and A.S. Tishchenko at the Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI)

In early 2012, a delegacy of IRE scientists including V.D. Yeryomka, V.S. Miroshnichenko, A.Ye. Kogut and A.S. Tishchenko visited the Eastern China R&D Institute "Photoelectronics" in Wuhu city (PRC) to negotiate the contract for joint investigation and development of the clinotron-type sources.


V.S. Miroshnichenko, V.D. Yeryomka, A.Ye. Kogut, U Huasya, A.S. Tishchenko and He Giaochan at a symbolic friendship-tree planting ceremony at the grounds of the Eastern China R&D Institute "Photoelectronics"

The vigorous international activity of A. Kuleshov, Senior Scientist, has a broad geography and wide field of interests:

in 2008 he visited the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, where he came up with a proposal of joint development of portable gyrotrons and clinotrons for various real-life applications;

in 2009 his destination was Canada, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade; the goal of the trip was to attract customers and partners for the development of electromagnetic radiation source in a wide range from microwaves to X-ray radiation. Next goal:

2012, Spain, Polytechnic University of Valencia; joint development of klystrons for       deep space communications under the program of European Space Agency;

2013, Japan, Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, University of Fukui; joint development of a system to enhance the stability of frequency and radiation power of a 460 GHz gyrotron complex;

2014, USA, International Foundation CRDF Global; preparing a business pitch how to promote millimeter and terahertz vacuum sources developed in our Department at the international market of scientific concepts;

2014, Japan, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University; joint development of a 460 GHz generator complex with a tunable frequency and an enhanced stability of frequency and radiation power for a DNP/NMR spectroscopy.

Personnel training

During 2005 – 2014, 6 members of our Department successfully defended their Ph.D. theses. Three of them have been working at the Department since their practical training during undergraduate years.

The young members of the Department team (A.N. Kuleshov, Senior Researcher, S.S. Ponomarenko, Research Scientist, and S.A. Kishko, Research Scientist) have given their best efforts and professional assistance during the arrangement and conducting of international conferences MMET 2006 (Kharkiv), MMET 2008 (Odesa), MMET  2010 (Kyiv), MMET 2012 (Kharkiv), the international symposia MSMW and the Kharkov conferences for young scientists.

Several researchers of the Department are regular members of international professional societies, members of organizing and program committees of international conferences and symposia: A.S. Tishchenko, V.D. Yeryomka, K.V. Illienko are Senior Members of IEEE. In 2011-2012, K.V. Illienko was elected the chairman of the Eastern Ukrainian Chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). K.V. Illienko attended the meetings of the Administrative committee of the Electron Devices Society of IEEE in Athens, Greece (30.05–05.06.2008), in Stuttgart, Germany (04.06–07.06.2010) and in Leuven, Belgium (01.06–06.06.2012). For many years V.D. Yeryomka has been a member of the program committee of the International Crimean Microwave conference (CriMiCo).

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