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  3. Sirenko Y.K., Strom S., Yashina N.P. Modeling and Analysis of Transient Processes in Open Resonant Structures. New Methods and Techniques. – New York: Springer, 2007.
  4. Velychko L.G., Sirenko Y.K. Controlled changes in spectra of open quasi-optical resonators // Progress In Electromagnetics Research – 2009. – Vol.16. – P.85–105.
  5. Sirenko Y.K., Strom S. (eds). Modern Theory of Gratings. Resonant Scattering: Analysis Techniques and Phenomena. – New York: Springer, 2010.
  6. КравченкоВ.Ф., Сиренко К.Ю., Сиренко Ю.К. Преобразование и излучение электромагнитных волн открытыми резонансными структурами. Моделирование и анализ переходных и установившихся процессов. – Москва: Наука, 2011.
  7. Shafalyuk O., Sirenko Y. Smith P. Simulation and analysis of transient processes in open axially-symmetrical structures: Method of exact absorbing boundary conditions. Book chapter in Zhurbenko V. (ed). // Electromagnetic Waves. – Rijeka: InTech, 2011. P.99–116.
  8. ВертийА.А., Саутбеков С.С., Сиренко Ю.К., Яшина Н.П. Эффекты дифракционного излучения в конечных плоских и аксиально-симметричных периодических структурах // Физические основы приборостроения. – 2013. – Т.2, №4. – С.36–52.
  9. Sirenko K., Pazynin V., Sirenko Y., Bagci H. An FFT-accelerated FDTD scheme with exact absorbing conditions for characterizing axially symmetric resonant structures // Progress In Electromagnetics Research. – 2011. – Vol.111. – P.331–364.
  10. Pazynin V.L. Compression of frequency-modulated electromagnetic pulses in sections of regular waveguides // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. – 2012. – Vol.71, no.20. – P.1833–1857.
  11. Shafalyuk O., Smith P., Velychko L. Rigorous substantiation of the method of exact absorbing conditions in time-domain analysis of open electrodynamic structures // Progress In Electromagnetics Research – 2012. – Vol.41. – P.231–249.
  12. Sautbekov, Sirenko Y., Velychko L., Vertiy A. The exact absorbing conditions method in the analysis of open electrodynamic structures. Circular and coaxial waveguides // International Journal of Antennas and Propagation. – 2014. – Vol.2014. – 12p.
  13. Sirenko K., Liu M., Bagci H. Incorporation of exact boundary conditions into a discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for accurately solving 2D time-dependent Maxwell equations // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. – 2013. – Vol.61, no.1. – P.472–477.
  14. Liu M, Sirenko K., Bagci H. An efficient discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for highly accurate solution of Maxwell equations // IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. – 2012. – Vol.60, no.8. – P.3992–3998.
  15. Kuzmitchev I.K., Melezhyk P.M., Pazynin V.L., Sirenko K.Y., Sirenko Y.K., Shafalyuk O.S., Velychko L.G. Model synthesis of energy compressors // Радиофизика и электроника. – 2008. – Т.13, №2. – С.166–172.
  16. Sirenko K., Pazynin V., Sirenko Y. Bagci H. Compression and radiation of high-power short radio pulses. I. Energy accumulation in direct-flow waveguide compressors // Progress In Electromagnetics Research. – 2011. – Vol.116. – P.239–270.
  17. Chernobrovkin R.E., Ivanchenko I.V., Korolev A.M., Popenko N.A., Sirenko K.Y. The novel microwave stop-band filter // Active and Passive Electronic Components. – 2008. vol.2008, 5p.
  18. Sirenko K., Pazynin V., Sirenko Y., Bagci H. Compression and radiation of high-power short radio pulses. II. A novel antenna array design with combined compressor/radiator elements // Progress In Electromagnetics Research. – 2011. – Vol.116. – P.271–296.
  19. Velychko L.G., Sirenko Y.K., Velychko O.S. Time-domain analysis of open resonators. Analytical grounds // Progress In Electromagnetics Research. – 2006. – Vol.61. – P.1–26.
  20. Velychko L.G., Sirenko Y.K., Vinogradova E.D. Analytical grounds for modern theory of two-dimensionally periodic gratings. Book chapter in Kishk A.(ed). Solutions and Applications of Scattering, Propagation, Radiation and Emission of Electromagnetic Waves. Rijeka: InTech, 2012. – P.123–158.
  21. Velychko L.G., Kryvchikova A.A., Sirenko Y.K. Two-dimensionally periodic gratings. Part 1: Initial boundary-value problems and exact absorbing conditions for the rectangular Floquet channel // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. – 2012. – Vol.71, no.19. – P.1719–1731.
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  34. Евдокимов А.П., Крыжановский В.В., Сиренко Ю.К. Планарная антенна дифракционного излучения КВЧ-диапазона // Электромагнитные волны и электронные системы. – 2011. – Т.16, №6. – С.53–61.